Microvellum Knowledge Network

Wall Length Dimension Offset

How does one change the default offset from a Wall for the Wall's length DIM? 
Wall Length Dim Offset

The Draw Token for it has a formula for the offset as: =INDIRECT("Dim_"&Overall_dim_string_position&"_String_from_Wall")

Which tracing back the variables leads to Dim_3_String_from_Wall with formula:
=IF(Units=1,26,(26*25.4))+MAX(IF(AND(Door_Qty_Wall_1>0,Door_1_Position="Swing Outside"),Door_1_Width/IF(Door_1_Swing="Double Door",2,1),0),IF(AND(Door_Qty_Wall_1>1,Door_2_Position="Swing Outside"),Door_2_Width/IF(Door_2_Swing="Double Door",2,1),0))

Changing the Dim_3_String_from_Wall formula indeed makes the change I'm looking for, but only as a one-off. It's not possible to save back to the Library such that the change sticks for all new Walls.

Any help? I'd also like to parametrically toggle the color of these dimensions -- same issue though.

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