About Sheet Sets in AutoCAD

About Sheet Sets in AutoCAD

You can manage multiple drawings as sheet sets with the Sheet Set Manager:

  1. A sheet is a selected layout from a drawing file. You can import a layout from any drawing into a sheet set as a numbered sheet.
  2. A sheet set is an organized and named collection of sheets from several drawing files. You can manage, transmit, publish, and archive sheet sets as a unit.

Organizing Large Sheet Sets

On the Sheet List tab, sheets can be arranged into collections called subsets. On the Sheet Views tab, views can be arranged into collections called categories.

  1. Sheet subsets are often associated with a discipline such as architecture or mechanical design. For example, in architecture, you might use a subset named Structural; and in mechanical design, you might use a subset called Standard Fasteners. In some cases, you might also find it useful to create subsets associated with a review or completion status. You can nest subsets into other subsets as needed. After you create or import sheets or subsets, you can reorder them by dragging them in the tree view.

  2. View categories are often associated with a function. For example, in architecture, you might use a view category called Elevations; and in mechanical design, you might use a view category called Exploded. You can display views either by category or by the sheet on which they are located. You can nest categories into other categories as needed. To move a view to a different category, drag them in the tree view or use the Set Category shortcut menu option.
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