Adding Hardware in 3D with Subassemblies

Adding Hardware in 3D with Subassemblies

The Microvellum Foundation Library has a function that allows users to add hardware using a subassembly (the Universal Hardware Insert), rather than just standard inserts and modifications to their product prompts/global variables. To add this Universal Hardware Insert into a product, first, have a product drawn in a room, then select Product Prompts and select the Product to be modified. 

Fig. 01 - Product Prompts
Fig. 01 - Product Prompts

With the Product Prompts interface opened, right-click and select "Subassemblies" from the pop-up menu. 

Fig. 02 - Select Subassemblies from the Product Prompts Context Menu
Fig. 02 - Select Subassemblies from the Product Prompts Context Menu

Within the Subassemblies interface, navigate to the Subassembly Library on the left side of the UI, scrolling to the "Universal" category, then into the "Hardware" folder. Open the "Generic" category to find the Universal Hardware Insert. (Note: if this subassembly has not been categorized in your library, it may instead appear under another folder under "Hardware".) Right-click the Universal Hardware Insert and select "Add" to add it to the product. 

Fig. 03 - Subassemblies Menu, Subassembly Library

Right-click the Universal Hardware Insert that has been added to the right-hand pane and open the Subassembly Prompts.  

Within the Universal Hardware Insert subassembly prompts page, there is a number of selectable check boxes that allow one to add multiple universal hardware inserts in specific locations within the product. Select and deselect according to where in the product you would like your hardware to be placed.

Fig. 04 - The Universal Hardware Insert Subassembly prompts page, with the options to select the location of the insert highlighted.

With each Universal Hardware Insert that is added, a new tab is opened in the subassembly menu. Open the tab of the hardware you intend to add, then select from the "Hardware Item" dropdown menu, selecting the hardware you intend to add from the list of hardware available.
Fig. 05 - The Hardware Item Menu

Once you've selected it, save the subassembly to the product/project, depending on your preference (or to the subassembly itself, though this is not necessarily recommended, as it will save it in your library as a whole), and select "OK" in the subassembly menu, then product prompts. Your hardware should be automatically placed in the location you selected. 

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