Associative Polyline from Holes Machining Token

Associative Polyline from Holes Machining Token

Create a token that will be assigned to an edge of a part, add a drill hole to that edge, and then apply a route to an associated face of another part.


Parameter 1 - Horizontal Hole Locations.

"The dimension from the edge of the panel to the hole. If you want more than one hole, enter each location separated by commas."

Users specify specification locations on the edge where the hbore holes need to be located.

Parameter 2 - Route at Hole

For each hole location, there needs to be a value to tell us if this hole is going to apply the associative route.  There are times where it could be possible for a drilling operation, but you don't want to apply the route at that location.

Parameter 3 - Edge Bore Diameter (Metric) | Edge Bore Depth | Z Value | Additional Hole Offset Value | Hole Offset Insertion Point

A value for the diameter of the edge drilling, the depth of the edge drilling, and an optional value to offset the drilling from the center of the edge. The fourth value will allow you to add in a distance value that will add a hole for each original hole location in parameter 1.  The route will not be applied to the associated part for this extra hole. The fifth value is to represent the desired hole offset insertion point for certain Invisible Fastener machine connections. 

Parameter 4 - Pline Vector Locations

"Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates of each vector of the routing sequence. Each point should be separated by a semi-colon. Each group of points should be separated by a pipe.  If multiple pline routes are needed each set of pline coordinates should be enclosed in the bracket symbols {}"

Users define the vector locations for the associated polyline route.  Allows multiple routes by enclosing each set of route vectors in brackets {}.  The 0,0,0 location to start the pline coordinates will be from the center of the associated bore.

Parameter 5 - Pline Bulge List

This will function the same as it does for the PLINE token.  With the expectation that multiple values will be allowed if there are multiple routes.

Parameter 6 - Vector Feed Speeds

This will function the same as it does for the PLINE token.  With the expectation that multiple values will be allowed if there are multiple routes.

Parameter 7 - Pline Options

This will function the same as it does for the PLINE token.  With the expectation that multiple values will be allowed if there are multiple routes.

Parameter 8 - Tool Number | Rotation Value | Profile Name

This will function the same as it does for the PLINE token.  With the expectation that multiple values will be allowed if there are multiple routes.

Parameter 9 - Tool Compensation

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