Basic 3D Commands

Basic 3D Commands

Basic 3D Commands

  1. EXTRUDE – The EXTRUDE (EXT) command will allow you to create a 3D solid object from a 2D object.
  2. PRESSPULL – The PRESSPULL (PRESS) command will allow you to create a 3D solid object from a 2D object or an island (area enclosed by other objects). Although similar to EXTRUDE, PRESSPULL will keep the original 2D objects instead of deleting them as EXTRUDE will.
  3. UNION – The UNION (UNI) command will allow you to “weld” two or more 3D solid objects into one.
  4. SUBTRACT – The SUBTRACT (SU) command will allow you to remove a 3D solid object from another solid object.
  5. 3DMOVE – The 3DMOVE (3M) command will let you move parts along a selected axis.
  6. 3DROTATE – The 3DROTATE (3R) command will allow you to rotate parts around a select axis.
  7. CHAMFER – The CHAMFER (CHA) command, when working with 3D objects, will allow you to create a diagonal cut along the edge of an object.
  8. FILLET – The FILLET (F) command, when working with 3D objects, will allow you to create a radius cut along the edge of an object.
  9. FLATSHOT – The FLATSHOT (FL) command will create a 2D representation of 3D objects based on the current view. For example, using a front view, FLATSHOT will create an elevation view. Using an isometric view will create a “3-dimensional” representation in 2D.

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