Common Floating License Connectivity Issues

Common Floating License Connectivity Issues

This document lists common issues reported by users regarding the topic of Microvellum’s Floating License Activation (FLA) and the connectivity required for FLA to function. 

Firewall Blocking Activation of Floating License

Some users have had an issue with the security system of their desktop or network outright blocking the FLA process during activation, resulting in Firewall blocking connection to Microvellum Activation. In situations like this, the way to resolve the issue would be whitelisting  and

How to whitelist a website on Chrome?

Figure 1: The uBlock plugin power button in Chrome (top right).
  1. Open the Chrome browser and look for the uBlock icon, which is usually located in the top-right corner, but sometimes hidden beside your Chrome profile image. 
  2. To whitelist a given website, click on the power button icon of the uBlock popup, which will disable uBlock on the site you’re currently visiting.
  3. You can also whitelist just a certain webpage without whitelisting the whole website by pressing Ctrl and then clicking on the uBlock power button.

How to whitelist a website on Firefox?

Figure 2: The Firefox security tab, with "Manage Exceptions" in the top right corner.
Follow these steps if you want to whitelist a website on Firefox:
  1. Open the menu bar and click on Security.
  2. Then, open “Exceptions” and type in the website URL you want to whitelist.
  3. Click “Close” and “Okay” to confirm the action.

How to whitelist a website on Edge?

Figure 3: The Control panel, with the "Allow Website" option displayed.
To learn how to whitelist a website using Microsoft Edge, follow these instructions:
  1. Open the Control Panel and choose Internet Options.
  2. Click on the Security tab in Internet Properties.
  3. Navigate to the Trusted Sites icon and click on Sites.
  4. Enter the website URLs and click on the Add button.
  5. Click OK.

Floating License Connectivity Issues Due to Network Power Management Settings

If you periodically experience an error like the one below that indicates it cannot contact the licensing server due to internet connectivity issues when starting the program, it may be due to the network adapter being powered off by your operating system to conserve energy. 

Figure 4: The disconnection warning dialog box.
To disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option for a network card in, you can follow these steps: 

1. Open Device Manager:
a) Right-click on the Start button and select "Device Manager" from the menu. 

Figure 5: Device Manager in the pop-up menu.
2. Locate the Network Adapter: 
a) In the Device Manager window, expand the "Network adapters" category to see the list of installed network adapters. 

Figure 6: Network adapters under the device manager.

3. Find Your Network Adapter: 
a) Look for the network adapter you want to configure. It might be named something like "Wireless Network Adapter" or "Ethernet Controller."
4. Access Properties: 
a) Right-click on the network adapter and select "Properties" from the context menu. 
5. Navigate to Power Management Tab: 
a) In the Properties window, go to the "Power Management" tab.  If this tab does not exist, then your Network Card does not have this feature. 

Figure 7: The 'Power Management' tab.

6. Disable Power Management Feature: 
a) Uncheck the option that says, "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power." 
b) You might also see an option labeled "Allow this device to wake the computer." You can choose to disable this as well if you don't want the network adapter to wake the computer from sleep. 

Figure 8: The allow power saving option.

7. Apply Changes: 
Click "OK" or "Apply" to save the changes. 
8. Restart Your Computer: 
It's a good idea to restart your computer to ensure the changes take effect. 
After following these steps, Windows should no longer be able to turn off the selected network adapter to save power. 

Floating License Cannot Access Program Data

Some users may experience an error stating that the software cannot activate, with the reason being due to an error noting, "Cannot access C:\ProgramData\Microvellum\*******" 
In this situation, the users need Full Control permissions added to the C:\ProgramData\Microvellum folder before they are able to activate the software.
Figure 9: The 'Properties' option in the pop-up menu.
1. To have full control granted, the admin of your network will need to browse to your Microvellum Data folder in the file explorer, right click, and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. 
Figure 10: The Security tab, edit permissions button.
2. From the Properties menu, navigate to the “Security” tab, and click the “Edit” button.
Figure 11: Allow full control option under permissions.
3. Finally, select the user profile that needs the permissions added under “Group or User Names”, and click the “Allow” checkbox under “Full Control”
After gaining full control access to the Microvellum Data folder, restart your software, and attempt to start a session again. 

Date/Time Sync Issue

Figure 12: Date & Time Settings in Windows.
Floating license connectivity problems are sometimes caused not by issues with the software itself, but with the sessions being inaccurately dated due to the date/time settings of the device not being synchronized to reflect the time zone of either the region selected or of the server that one is working in. In order to resolve these issues, navigate to your device's settings, and find the specific settings dedicated to changing the time and date the device operates under. Check the current date/time settings, ensuring that the listed time zone is reflective of the time zone on your server or in your software. If you have Toolbox open, it is suggested you close it, set the date/time to the correct time zone, then restart the program.  

Build Changes

The Floating License poll, which verifies sessions periodically, was given an overhaul in Toolbox build 24.1.0328.641 in order to better help resolving any issues of connectivity with the Floating License. If your Toolbox system is not currently updated to version 24.1.0328.641 and you are experiencing FLA issues, it is suggested that one update to that version or later. 

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