Configuration Editor: AutoCAD Options

Configuration Editor: AutoCAD Options

This article provides an overview of the options and settings available on the AutoCAD tab of the Configuration Editor (Options) Interface.   For a complete list of available tabs and options visit Overview: Configuration Editor (Options) Interface.


Dimension settings will display product dimensions with the value or will include the text "Verify" to the dimension.

Place Dimension on Current Layer – Places the Dimensions on the current AutoCAD layer.

Dimension Layer – Selects the default layer for Dimensions. 

Drawing Preference

Controls how the program draws the products when adding from the product library to the AutoCAD drawing file. You can use the Redraw Product command to change how the product is drawn once added to the drawing.

Add 2D Plan Tokens to 3D – Draws a 2D plan view representation of the products alongside the 3D representation.

3D Visual Style

Sets how the drawing environment will be set after a product is drawn. 2D Wire Frame setting provides the best drawing performance. Visual Styles can also be set within the AutoCAD drawing file.

Autodesk Product Association

Click Configure to associate Toolbox Standard Edition to a different AutoCAD version.

Toolbox Section Settings

Manages how product section update when modifying the 3D representation of the product.

Use Annotative Scaling

Enables Annotative scaling for each drawing created. Use setup text to manage the annotative scaling settings.

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