Converts the current drawing to either named or color-dependent plot styles.
A drawing can use either named or color-dependent plot styles, but not both.
CONVERTPSTYLES converts a currently open drawing from color-dependent plot styles to named plot styles, or from named plot styles to color-dependent plot styles, depending on which plot style method the drawing is currently using.
When you convert a drawing, CONVERTPSTYLES sets the PSTYLEMODE system variable to the appropriate setting (0 = named, 1 = color-dependent).
For example, a drawing using color-dependent plot styles assigns plot properties to objects and layers by color. In other words, all objects with the same color have the same plot properties. CONVERTPSTYLES converts the drawing to use named plot styles that can be applied to objects or layers independent of color assignment. In other words, all objects with the same color can have different plot properties.
Converting Drawings from Color-Dependent to Named Plot Styles
A dialog box advises you to convert the drawing's plot style tables before converting the drawing. You can convert the color-dependent plot style tables assigned to the drawing to named plot style tables using CONVERTCTB.
The Select File dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box) is displayed, where you select the named plot style table file to attach to the converted drawing.
CONVERTPSTYLES requires you to select a named plot style table to model space and to all layouts. Drawing layers are each assigned a named plot style (from the converted plot style table) that has the same plot properties that their color-dependent plot style had.
Drawing objects that had the same color-dependent plot style as their layer are assigned the named plot style BYLAYER.
Drawing objects that had a color-dependent plot style that was different from their layer are assigned a named plot style that has the same properties that their color-dependent plot style had.
After a drawing is converted to named plot styles, you can change the named plot style table assignment or assign other named plot styles tables to model space or layouts. You can also assign individual plot styles to drawing objects.
Converting Drawings from Named to Color-Dependent Plot Styles
A dialog box advises you that the named plot styles attached to objects and named plot style tables attached to model space and layouts will be detached.
After a drawing is converted to color-dependent plot styles, you can assign a color-dependent plot style table. Plot styles will be applied by color.
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