Defining Names and Ranges

Defining Names and Ranges

Names and Ranges

Defining names and ranges is different in Workbook Designer than it is in Edit Design Data. In Edit Design Data, you are only allowed to define names or prompts. With Workbook Designer, you can define a name or range anywhere in a worksheet.

There are different methods in which defined names can be added.

Selecting a cell, or range, and then right-clicking will open the quick menu. From the quick menu, select “Define a Range” and provide a name (no spaces are allowed in the name, use an underscore instead of a space).

You can define multiple names (like defined names for prompts). By selecting both the cell with the name of the prompt and the cell which will become the defined name and then clicking on the Insert menu, expanding the Defined Name options, choosing “From Selection,” and then selecting the option for how to create the names, the names will be automatically generated.

Another method to add defined names is to use the Name Manager. From there, you can select the New button and then fill out the required information.

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