EXTEND Command

EXTEND Command

Extend objects to meet the edges of other objects. 

To extend objects, click EXTEND  or type EXTEND in the command line and press Enter. 


There are two modes that you can use to extend objects, Quick mode and Standard mode. 

Quick Mode: To extend objects, select the objects to be extended individually, press and drag to start a freehand selection path, or pick two empty locations to specify a crossing Fence. All objects automatically act as boundary edges. 

The Quick mode options are as follows: 
  1. Cutting edges
  2. Fence (not listed as an option)
  3. Crossing
  4. Mode
  5. Project

Standard Mode: To extend objects, first select the boundaries and press Enter. Then select the objects to be extended. To use all objects as boundaries, press Enter at the first Select Objects prompt. 

The Standard mode options are as follows: 
  1. Select boundary edges...
  2. Cutting edges
  3. Fence
  4. Crossing
  5. Mode
  6. Project
  7. Edge

Command Line Prompts

The following prompts are displayed either in Quick mode or Standard mode. 
  1. Boundary edges ... uses the selected objects to define the boundary edges to which you want to extend an object. 
  2. Select object to extend ... specifies the objects to extend. Press Enter to end the command. 
  3. Shift-select to trim trims the selected objects to define the boundary edges to which you want to extend an object. 
  4. Cutting edges uses the additional selected objects to define the boundary edges to which you want to extend an object. 
  5. Fence selects all objects that cross the selection fence. The selection fence is a series of temporary line segments that you specify with two or more fence points. The selection fence does not form a closed loop. 
  6. Crossing selects objects within and crossing a rectangular area defined by two points. 
  7. Some crossing selections of objects to be extended are ambiguous. EXTEND resolves the selection by following along the rectangular crossing window in a clockwise direction from the first point to the first object encountered. 
  8. Mode sets the default extend mode either to Quick, which uses all objects as potential boundary edges, or to Standard, which prompts you to select boundary edges. 
  9. Project specifies the projection method used when extending objects. 
  10. None specifies no projection. Only objects that intersect with the boundary edge in 3D space are extended. 
  11. UCS specifies projection onto the XY plane of the current user coordinate system (UCS). Objects that do not intersect with the boundary objects in 3D space are extended. 
  12. View specifies projection along the current view direction. 
  13. Edge extends the object to another object's implied edge, or only to an object that actually intersects it in 3D space. 

  14. Extend extends the boundary object along its natural path to intersect another object or its implied edge in 3D space. 

  15. No Extend specifies that the object is to extend only to a boundary object that actually intersects it in 3D space. 

  16. Undo reverses the most recent changes made by EXTEND. 
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