Overview & Tutorials: Face Frame Images 3 (Customizing in the Spreadsheet)

Overview & Tutorials: Face Frame Images 3 (Customizing in the Spreadsheet)

This is the third article in the series giving an overview of how to configure the custom face frame images in the default Microvellum shipping libraries of build 046.2 and higher.

The first articles in the series discussed how to use the default functionality by adjusting prompt values. The second article discussed how to modify the face frame images produced by adjusting global variables, and demonstrated the intended use of subassembly splitters and door and drawer subassemblies. This article will focus on how to use the spreadsheet to modify the tokens and their parameters inside the spreadsheet with the goal of customizations that would not be possible otherwise.

Elsewhere in the Knowledge Base you will find articles and videos containing tutorials on how to perform specific customizations to your library spreadsheet data beyond your global and product settings.

Face Frame Image Draw Tokens

The automated face frame images in AutoCAD or the reports are produced with the use of draw tokens in the library data. These draw tokens are responsible for the automated creation of dynamic product images, plan view and elevation view drawings, cross-section drawings, etc. The tokens, along with their parameters, are located either in the product level prompts tab, or the subassembly level prompts tab of the workbook, as shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

These draw tokens also produce the face frame images, but are not present either in the main L workbook (prompts page) or in the Carcass Base subassembly prompts page. They exist only inside the face frame subassembly prompts page.


Using the Parts Properties Interface to Modify Draw Tokens

You may also use the Part Properties interface to evaluate and modify the draw tokens if you prefer that interface to using the spreadsheet (Edit Design Data).

Click “Modify > Modify Products” or “Modify > Modify Parts” from the Toolbox palette. Select the product to work with. Right-click on the face frame subassembly from the list on the left, and click Show Properties. Click the tab on the Face Frame tab on the right to display the individual tokens in the box above, and the parameters for each one in the list below.


We are making constant improvements to the parameters that contain parsed values. Download the file “Prompt Drawing Token Tabs” in the Library Data Help Documents  article. Look for the changes highlighted in blue within that file.

Fig. 5

Differences in Previous and Current Face Frame Image Creation

Previous versions of the program and library required you to create individual draw tokens for each part. To show shapes for each rail and stile included in the face frame assembly (DRAWRECTANGLE, DRAWLINE, etc.).  

Versions that are more recent support the use of the FLATSHOT token that draws the complete assembly with a single token. Think of the flatshot token as being the equivalent of standing at various points around the finished cabinet with a camera and taking photographs of the cabinet. You could stand at the front and take an elevation view picture of the cabinet, or at the southwest corner and take an isometric shot of it, or on the left side and take a side view shot.

The flatshot token produces a 2D snapshot of the cabinet or subassembly similarly. It uses part filters to determine which parts not to show in the 2D image produced by the token. These would be the parts behind the parts of particular interest, and if there were included would create a confusing drawing with many extra lines.

You may also group image annotations to a specific image produced by the token. For example, in the default library data, the front face frame view displays the stile and rail dimensions and opening dimensions, while the reverse view of that same face frame does not. The reverse view of the face frame displays the index numbers of each part while the front view displays the part dimensions instead.

Fig. 6

All the draw tokens (flatshot and non-flatshot) necessary to produce a complete face frame image are grouped. The tokens that are grouped into a single face frame image by the asterisk and group number. In the token name “FLATSHOT*1,” the number after the asterisk or star is the group number. All draw tokens with a *1 will be assembled into a single image.

The draw tokens are grouped with the flatshot token first, followed by the drawtext token, followed by the drawdim token, and so on. All the tokens in this first group will have *1 appended to the name indicating that all the annotations resulting from this group will be used in a single image.

That group may then be followed by another grouping, perhaps with *10 appended to the name indicating a reverse view of the face frame. Left Side face frames are grouped with *2 (front view), and *20 (rear view). Right Side face frames are grouped with *3 (front view) and *30 (rear view). Rear face frames are grouped with *4 (front view) and *40 (rear view). For more information on the possible values for the draw token grouping ID, see Figure 7.

Fig. 7

The drawtoken grouping ID is created with a formula that evaluates the Bay_Position defined name. If the value of that defined name is “101,” then a front view of a Rear face frame will be created instead of a front view of a front face frame. An example of this type of formula is included here:   ="DRAWTEXT*"&IF(Bay_Position=101,4,1). It demonstrates what is possible to consolidate drawtokens using formulas.

Overview of Draw Tokens in Workbook Designer

See Figure 8 for an example of the Face Frame Draw Tokens in the Workbook Designer.

Fig. 8

Each row contains one drawtoken and its ten associated parameters as columns.

Column CM – contains the drawtoken name.

Columns CN through CW – contains the parameters to the corresponding drawtoken specified in column CM.

For a complete list and explanation of the parameters, download the document “Prompt Drawing Tokens Tabs” in the Library Data Help Documents  article. Pages 10 and 11 contain this parameter list.

An abbreviated description of each of those parameters is also located below. Download the full document for all the details.


Parameter 1 – sets the Flatshot view. For face frame images, this usually means either 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Parameter 2 – sets various options, including the parts explode factor, visibility for Drilling, Routing, and the Face Frame itself.

Parameter 3 – sets the offset of the images produced for clarity. Without this parameter, the front and rear views of the face frame would be superimposed over each other. This parameter supports the use of formulas referencing the width of another image to offset or draw the successive images a specified distance and direction away from all the previous images.

Parameter 4 – sets the bounding box extents (not currently used for face frame images).

Parameter 5 – sets the Draw Index options, including the size of the index number, placement of a parts list in X and Y, and the AutoCAD text style when drawing in AutoCAD.

Parameter 6 – sets the use type of the face frame data, whether reports, AutoCAD, or both.

Parameter 7 – sets the AutoCAD layer used when drawing it in AutoCAD. If “3DPartLayer” is entered, a new layer will be created using the same layer name as the 3D part, prefixed with “2D”. Thus, if the 3D part is on the layer named “3DFaceFrameRail,” the face frame created from the draw tokens will be named “2DFaceFrameRail.” Otherwise, enter the name of the layer to be used for the face frame image.

Parameter 8 – sets the parts to include in the image that is created. Create a comma-separated list of parts to include, or preface each part name with a minus sign to create an exclusion list. The side face frame subassembly parts that have been modified contain the word Side to support this feature. If you add “–side” to the list, all the side face frame parts will be excluded to simplify the front view of the face frame. None of the side parts will be superimposed behind front face frame parts, which would cause confusion. It will be important to remember this if you have the impulse to change part names. If you indiscriminately change the names, the resulting face frame image might contain unexpected lines. The part name filters are necessary because the program functionality that determines whether to include parts behind or parts in front of the face frame is not yet fully developed. On rare occasions, the wrong parts are included.


Fig. 9

This discussion  does not include a full discussion  of the DRAWTEXT token. For a full description, download the document “Prompt Drawing Token Tabs” in the Library Data Help Documents  article. Page 5 contains this parameter list.

You will notice that there are many cells containing DRAWTEXT token data in the formula, but only eight cells that display the token name. That means that only those eight rows will include information in the face frame image.

Fig. 10

Parameter 1 – sets the start point of the text in the X-axis in relation to your pick point in AutoCAD.

Parameter 2 – sets the start point of the text in the Y-axis in relation to your pick point in AutoCAD.

Parameter 3 – sets the angle of the text.

Parameter 4 – sets the width of the text. If this value is populated, the text will be converted to multi-line text with word wrap enabled.

Parameter 5 – sets a variety of options. Used only for 15.5 build and greater. Previously 2 DRAWTEXT tokens were needed that used only Parameter 7. Parameter 5 was not used. With those previous versions, one token was used for drawing in AutoCAD, and one for production of the WMF image file in the Metafile Instructions area. Now, those two are unified into a single token and use this parameter. (See the document “Prompt Drawing Token Tabs” for details about how the program decides which format to use under the subheading “How it works” in the DRAWTEXT section.) The last value of the parameter sets the report text height but is not connected to a global variable. If the current text height must be modified, do a find and replace operation to replace the existing height value with a new height value.

Parameter 6 – sets the actual text to display when the image is created. Our default library data formats text used for the part sizes with the use of the function “FormatNumber().” This function returns the number, converts it a fraction if that option is selected, and adds a units suffix. You will notice that the formula for this value concatenates several values to form the final part size string.

Parameter 7 – sets text properties in pre-15.5 builds. It has been retained for backward compatibility even though Parameter 5 now contains the options necessary to draw the image in AutoCAD and populate the database for reports.

Parameter 8 – contains the comment or help text about that token is used for. This is needed because you don’t necessarily know what each token is used for just by looking at the token name and parameters. The formulas for the comments field may apply that token to multiple situations. Look at this parameter to quickly discern what the drawtoken on that row is used for.

Fig. 11


Fig. 12

This discussion  does not include a full discussion  of the DRAWDIM token. For a full description, download the document “Prompt Drawing Token Tabs” in the Library Data Help Documents  article. Page 4 contains this parameter list.

The DRAWDIM token is similar to the DRAWTEXT in that the full token name is dependent on the subassembly bay position.

Parameter 1 – sets the start point of the dimension in the X-axis in relation to your pick point in AutoCAD.

Parameter 2 – sets the start point of the dimension in the Y-axis in relation to your pick point in AutoCAD.

Parameter 3 – sets the endpoint of the dimension in the X-axis in relation to your pick point in AutoCAD.

Parameter 4 - sets the endpoint of the dimension in the Y-axis in relation to your pick point in AutoCAD.

Parameter 5 – sets the length to offset the dimension extension lines from the image.

Parameter 6 – sets the actual dimension text to display when the image is created. Our default library data formats text used for the part sizes with the use of the function “FormatNumber().”

Parameter 7 – sets the AutoCAD dimension style. This parameter uses the two dim style extensions “ALNTXT and “HRZTXT” to correctly position the splitter opening dimensions. (See the Help Center article “Overview Face Frame Images 2 - Custom Functionality” for more information.)

Parameter 8 – contains the comment or help text about that token is used for. This is similar to the DRAWTEXT token described above.

Parameter 9 – contains data that unifies the previous parameters from multiple draw tokens into a single DRAWDIM token. That means that there is now additional placeholder data included in this parameter. This includes Rotation Override, and TextHeight (see document references above). No longer a need for DRAWHDIM or DRAWVDIM, although included for backward compatibility.

Overview of Subassembly Insert Draw Tokens

The draw tokens for the opening dimensions resulting from the use of horizontal or vertical splitters are included within the subassembly inserts containing those splitters. You may view the locations of these by viewing the subassembly files for one of the face frame subassemblies, as shown in Figures 13 & 14.

Fig. 13

Fig. 14

You will find the part dimension text for the mid-rails of subassembly inserts containing splitters in the nested mid-rail subassembly prompts.

Fig. 15

Fig. 16

You will find these mid stiles and mid-rails only in a component, that splits the opening. It is also possible to add mid stiles and rails by picking points on the adjacent face frame manually. You will rarely find this necessary, as the splitter components are much more powerful. Still, in case you do use them individually, there are additional DRAWTEXT tokens for those times you find it necessary to use a single mid stile or rail. The token name displays a zero unless they are used.

Parameter 7 contains data to change the AutoCAD dimension style to compensate for the size of the opening – either aligned or horizontal (ALNTXT or HRZTXT). This keeps the dimension universally legible regardless of the opening size and was discussed in the first video of this series. There are local prompts that calculate the dimension text length, and the formula in this parameter uses that to use one dim style or the other – to keep the dimension as close to the adjacent part as possible to maximize clarity.

Fig. 17

Parameter 9 contains data to format the dimension in the report. The formula will be similar, but not identical, to Parameter 7 containing the AutoCAD dimension properties. This is because the report image creation does not support the use of dimension styles, so the height and rotation of the dimension text must be set to generate the same results as contained in the AutoCAD drawing. There are local prompts that calculate the dimension text length, and the formula in this parameter uses that to use one text height and rotation or the other – to keep the dimension as close to the adjacent part as possible to maximize clarity.

Fig. 18

What is Different About Side Face Frames

This section discusses the differences in the tokens with side face frames.

Side face frames do not contain nested subassemblies with mid stiles and rails, but only the applied finished ends that may be used inside the face frame opening. The difference is that there are no nested subassembly inserts containing draw tokens in the mid stiles and rails. All the drawtokens are located in the first level of subassembly prompts and not nested as separate subassemblies. There are two reasons for this. One is that the program does not currently support manual insertion of mid rail subassembly inserts in any plane except the front. Second, the data has not yet been set up to support this in products, except the island starter product that contains opening options for the front, side, and back of the island.

Fig. 19

For more information about breaking-up side face frames into multiple panels, refer to the following video:

The DRAWDIM tokens for the opening dimensions are also located in the first level of subassemblies for these side face frames.

The parameters for the tokens in the side face frames are the same as those found in the stile and rail subassembly inserts previously examined in this article.

Haunched Face Frame Images

Using the Flatshot draw tokens, we get an accurate face frame image when setting the “Face Frame Options > Face Frame Bead Option” to Haunched.

Fig. 20

Fig. 21

Flatshot Tokens and Diagonal Corner Cabinets

Because of how the flatshot image is generated for diagonal corner cabinets, there are additional nested subassemblies in these products. Look at the subassembly “Base FF Diagonal” and nested subassembly “Base FF Diagonal Drawing” which is used only to draw the face frame image. It uses negative materials, so nothing is added to the parts list.

There are differences with the parameter values when compared to a normal front face frame. You can discover these differences by this comparison.

It is normal if the layer named “3D_OBLIQUE FF DRAWING 3D LAYER OFF 2D ON” is turned on to see an extra face frame in the 3D image as shown in Figure 22. This is for drawing purposes only and does not create extra parts. Simply turn the layer off if you don’t want to see that 3D image. The layer named “2D_OBLIQUE FF DRAWING 3D LAYER OFF 2D ON” should be turned on to see the 2D image of the face frame.

Fig. 22

Flatshot Tokens and Pie Cut Corner Cabinets

The flatshot drawing token does not display the right-angled face frame of pie cut corner cabinets opened up as a flat drawing. Instead, it displays it as two separate drawings with text located on the adjacent parts, indicating a return on the appropriate side.

Fig. 23

No reverse view images are set up in the default library data.

Differences and Similarities Between Face Frame Drawing Tokens

The face frame images produced for base cabinets, tall cabinets, and upper cabinets are generally the same. A few of the notable differences are noted below.

  1. Base and Tall cabinets include the option to extend the face frame to the floor, whereas the Uppers do not.
  2. The tokens and parameters for the side face frames are interchangeable between the base cabinets, tall, and uppers except for the extend to floor option.

Tutorial:  How to Automate a Page Border for the AutoCAD Face Frame Images

We have developed a method of automating the addition of page border and title block when the AutoCAD face frame images are generated. We use the token DRAWBLOCK in the same Face Frame Drawing Instructions are of the subassembly prompts to achieve this.

  1. Make sure you have created a title block, or verify that the file named “Dynamic Product Image Tblock.dwg” exists at: <path to Microvellum Data>\Graphics\Drawing Blocks\
  2. Open the subassembly prompts in the workbook designer and find the Face Frame Drawing Instructions area.
  3. Carefully insert a partial row of cells in the columns that affect only the Face Frame Drawing Instructions and its ten parameters. Do not enter a row across the entire subassembly workbook as that would create blank rows in other token sections, causing errors and unexpected results.

  4. Fig. 24

  5. Select the option button for Shift Down from the Insert Cells box.

  6. Fig. 25

  7. Enter values as follows to start. You may also replace the formulas with hard locked values.
    1. Token name: DRAWBLOCK*1
    2. Parameter 1: =IF(Units=1,-20, -508)
    3. Parameter 2: = IF(Units=1,-10, -254)
    4. Parameter 3: <enter the full path of the preferred title block AutoCAD drawing on disc>

    5. Fig. 26

      Modify these values to match your requirements.

  8. Verify that the values for Offset X Dimension and Offset Y Dimension in the Face Frame Image Settings of Product Drawing Setup is set as preferred.

  9. Fig. 27

    Fig. 28

Tutorial:  How to Automate a Parts List for the AutoCAD Face Frame Images

We have also developed a procedure for automating the addition of a parts list to the AutoCAD face frame image.

  1. Open the subassembly prompts in the workbook designer and find the Face Frame Drawing Instructions area.
  2. In Parameter 5 of FLATSHOT*10, enter the locations in X and Y of the parts list. This is shown in Figure 29.

  3. Fig. 29

    Fig. 30

Adjust the parameters as needed to generate the parts list as desired.


In this section, you have learned how to customize the face frame images to display the images in AutoCAD drawings, or in the reports as needed by your company.

Here is the list of subjects we have covered in this section:

  • Face Frame Image Draw Tokens
  • Using the Parts Properties Interface to Modify Draw Tokens
  • Differences in Previous and Current Face Frame Image Creation
  • Overview of Draw Tokens in Workbook Designer
  • Overview of Subassembly Insert Draw Tokens
  • What is Different About Side Face Frames
  • Haunched Face Frame Images
  • Flatshot Tokens and Diagonal Corner Cabinets
  • Flatshot Tokens and Pie Cut Corner Cabinets
  • Differences and Similarities Between Face Frame Drawing Tokens
  • Tutorial: How to Automate a Page Border for the AutoCAD Face Frame Images
  • Tutorial: How to Automate a Parts List for the AutoCAD Face Frame Images

The next article in the series will describe a few recent changes to the face frame images.


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