This is the fourth article in the series, giving an overview of how to configure the custom face frame images in the default Microvellum shipping libraries of build 046.2 and higher.
The first articles in the series discussed how to use the default functionality by adjusting prompt values. The second article discussed how to modify the face frame images produced by adjusting global variables, and demonstrated the intended use of subassembly splitters and door and drawer subassemblies. The third article discussed how to use the spreadsheet to modify the tokens and their parameters inside the spreadsheet with the goal of customizations that would not be possible otherwise
This article will focus on how to display opening dimensions on the reverse view of the face frame drawings. These improvements encompass changes to the program and changes to the data. Since the program improvements do not include user interface modifications, this article will focus on the changes in the face frame drawing produced, and the data.
Beginning with library data build 047.0, the opening dimensions were displayed only on the front view of each face frame drawing. An early attempt to display the opening dimensions in the rearview of the product was limited by the extent of the data required.
It was determined that a new draw token was needed to simplify the data complexity. As of program build 15.5.1409, and library data build 048, that is no longer the case.
There is now a new draw token that mirrors the DRAWDIM tokens on the X-axis. The new token is named DRAWMIRRORXDIM and is contained in the Face Frame Drawing Instructions column of the subassembly prompts tab of the spreadsheet.
The parameters of the new token are identical to the DRAWDIM token, with only the instruction name being different. The program mirrors the Start X and End X values based on the centerline of the image. For more information, examine the Microvellum Help Center document named " Prompt Drawing Token Tabs " in the Knowledge Base article " Library Data Help Documents ."
You may also notice that there are a greater number of dimension drawing tokens for the reverse view as compared to the front view of the face frame.
Several global variables make it possible to set the right combination of opening dimensions for each User. You can display the dimensions on the front, or the reverse view, or both. Likewise, the front or reverse view for the haunched face frame, or both. By default, the globals are set up to display opening dimensions on the reverse view of regular face frames, and the front view of haunched face frames.
The subassembly prompts also make it possible to change the way you display the dimensions on a local level, for individual products without affecting all other products. Display the subassembly prompts for the face frame subassembly to access these prompts.
This is the fourth article in the series, giving an overview of how to configure the custom face frame images in the default Microvellum shipping libraries of build 046.2 and higher.
The first articles in the series discussed how to use the default functionality by adjusting prompt values. The second article discussed how to modify the face frame images produced by adjusting global variables, and demonstrated the intended use of subassembly splitters and door and drawer subassemblies. The third article discussed how to use the spreadsheet to modify the tokens and their parameters inside the spreadsheet with the goal of customizations that would not be possible otherwise
This article will focus on how to display opening dimensions on the reverse view of the face frame drawings. These improvements encompass changes to the program and changes to the data. Since the program improvements do not include user interface modifications, this article will focus on the changes in the face frame drawing produced, and the data.
Beginning with library data build 047.0, the opening dimensions were displayed only on the front view of each face frame drawing. An early attempt to display the opening dimensions in the rearview of the product was limited by the extent of the data required.
It was determined that a new draw token was needed to simplify the data complexity. As of program build 15.5.1409, and library data build 048, that is no longer the case.
There is now a new draw token that mirrors the DRAWDIM tokens on the X-axis. The new token is named DRAWMIRRORXDIM and is contained in the Face Frame Drawing Instructions column of the subassembly prompts tab of the spreadsheet.
The parameters of the new token are identical to the DRAWDIM token, with only the instruction name being different. The program mirrors the Start X and End X values based on the centerline of the image. For more information, examine the Microvellum Help Center document named " Prompt Drawing Token Tabs " in the Knowledge Base article " Library Data Help Documents ."
You may also notice that there are a greater number of dimension drawing tokens for the reverse view as compared to the front view of the face frame.
Several global variables make it possible to set the right combination of opening dimensions for each User. You can display the dimensions on the front, or the reverse view, or both. Likewise, the front or reverse view for the haunched face frame, or both. By default, the globals are set up to display opening dimensions on the reverse view of regular face frames, and the front view of haunched face frames.
The subassembly prompts also make it possible to change the way you display the dimensions on a local level, for individual products without affecting all other products. Display the subassembly prompts for the face frame subassembly to access these prompts.
Before program build 15.5.1113, the Start X value for the side face frames caused them to be drawn incorrectly. The data in the library was adjusted to compensate for that program limitation. The formula offset the origin by the part thickness under certain circumstances. The program has been corrected as of 15.5.1113. After that program build, if you're using the 047 library, you may notice your views of your side face frames are inaccurate in the X-axis.
The 048 library is correct, but to correct it in the 047, search and find each formula below. Replace the first string with 0 (zero), and replace the second string with nothing (blank).
Perform this Find and Replace Recipe within Base, Tall and Upper, Left, and Right Side Face Frames. When using 46.3 to 47.1 Library on 15.5.1113 or newer build.
Prior library versions containing face frame data use a single text and dimension style for base and tall cabinets. An issue occurs because the tall cabinets must be scaled differently in the AutoCAD drawing and the reports than a smaller cabinet, such as a base cabinet. This can result in illegible text or dimensions in the drawings for the tall cabinets.
A new dimension style has been added to adjust for the size of the cabinet. There is a new 1" style, in addition to the 1-1/2" style. They are named "FF 1NORMAL ALNTXT" and "FF 1NORMAL HTRZTXT" and are accessible using the AutoCAD DIMSTYLE command.
Three new global variables work in conjunction with these new dim styles. They are named "FF Dim Text Width Large," "FF Dim Text Height Large," and "FF Dim Text Large Threshold."
The formulas controlling which style is used are hidden prompts and are named "FF Dim Text Height," and "FF Dim Text Large" in the Tall Face Frame subassembly prompts.
For a complete explanation of the use of these styles and how they work with other library components, see the following article and video " Overview Tutorials Face Frame Images 2 Globals & Subassemblies ."
Before program build 15.5.1113, the Start X value for the side face frames caused them to be drawn incorrectly. The data in the library was adjusted to compensate for that program limitation. The formula offset the origin by the part thickness under certain circumstances. The program has been corrected as of 15.5.1113. After that program build, if you're using the 047 library, you may notice your views of your side face frames are inaccurate in the X-axis.
The 048 library is correct, but to correct it in the 047, search and find each formula below. Replace the first string with 0 (zero), and replace the second string with nothing (blank).
Perform this Find and Replace Recipe within Base, Tall and Upper, Left, and Right Side Face Frames. When using 46.3 to 47.1 Library on 15.5.1113 or newer build.
Prior library versions containing face frame data use a single text and dimension style for base and tall cabinets. An issue occurs because the tall cabinets must be scaled differently in the AutoCAD drawing and the reports than a smaller cabinet, such as a base cabinet. This can result in illegible text or dimensions in the drawings for the tall cabinets.
A new dimension style has been added to adjust for the size of the cabinet. There is a new 1" style, in addition to the 1-1/2" style. They are named "FF 1NORMAL ALNTXT" and "FF 1NORMAL HTRZTXT" and are accessible using the AutoCAD DIMSTYLE command.
Three new global variables work in conjunction with these new dim styles. They are named "FF Dim Text Width Large," "FF Dim Text Height Large," and "FF Dim Text Large Threshold."
The formulas controlling which style is used are hidden prompts and are named "FF Dim Text Height," and "FF Dim Text Large" in the Tall Face Frame subassembly prompts.
For a complete explanation of the use of these styles and how they work with other library components, see the following article and video " Overview Tutorials Face Frame Images 2 Globals & Subassemblies ."