Formatting Multi-Pass Tools

Formatting Multi-Pass Tools

Some users need to perform certain machine operations in multiple steps. Microvellum supports this need through the use of Multi-Pass Tools. 

Using Multi-Pass Tools, you configure specific routing operations to be cut in more than one pass. You do this by assigning a special tool to that routing operation. 
  1. With Toolbox open, navigate to Toolbox Setup > Options > Tool Files and open the toolfile you wish to edit. 
  2. Under the "Tools" tab, select the option for the type of tool you are adding - in this case, "Routers."
  3. Click the button "Add New Multi-Pass Tool."

  4. Fig. 01 - Add New Multi-Pass Tool

  5. When you click the button "Add New Multi-Pass Tool," the options appear in the area underneath the button. 
  6. Select the type of tool (Multiple Tools, Step, or Incremental Step) using the option buttons. 

    Fig. 02 - Type of Tool (Multiple Tools, Step, or Incremental Step)

    1. Multiple Tools Specify a different tool for each pass of the multi-pass operation. 

    2. Fig. 03 - Multiple Tools

      1. The "Tool Name or Profile Drawing Name" may be whatever you wish. 
      2. The Common Tool Number should already be populated by the program as 900 or greater. Leave this setting as is. 
      3. Actual tool number can be left blank because the program will get this information elsewhere. 
      4. Diameter, Feed, Entry, and Rotation speed should be copied from the tool that will perform the operations. 
      5. Add at least one Default Depth. This is necessary for the tool to show up in the Single Parts Editor. 
      6. The Face option should remain as the "Top Face."
      7. If your interface shows "Height Offset" or "Diameter Offset," it is not necessary to populate these fields. 
      8. Select the Tool Default options if they apply. 
      9. "Multi-Pass Tool Info" area:
        1. In the "Tool List," click on "Tool Number 0."
        2. In the "Tool Number" box, add the Common Tool Name of the tool you would like to perform the first pass. 
        3. In the "Depth" box, specify the depth you would like this tool to cut to on the first pass. 
        4. In the "Rough Cut Offset" box, you may specify a distance that this tool will space itself from the true border of the part on the first pass. 
        5. "Reverse Offset" is used in conjunction with pocket operations using a Rough Cut Offset. 
        6. Click the "Apply" button that is inside of the "Multi-Pass Tool Info" area. 
        7. Click the "Add Tool" Button. 
        8. Repeat steps 1-6 for the "Multi-Pass Tool Info" area to add a tool for the second, third, or fourth passes. 
        9. The "Rough Cut Offset" will only be in effect for the first tool/pass. 
      10. Click "Apply" at the lower right corner of your current view. 
    3. Step Specify the number of passes with a single tool. 

    4. Fig. 04 - Step

      1. The "Tool Name or Profile Drawing Name" may be whatever you wish. 
      2. The Common Tool Number should already be populated by the program as 900 or greater. Leave this setting as is. 
      3. Actual tool number can be left blank because the program will get this information elsewhere. 
      4. Diameter, Feed, Entry, and Rotation speed should be copied from the tool that will actually perform the operations. 
      5. Add at least one Default Depth. This is necessary for the tool to show up in the Single Parts Editor. 
      6. The Face option should remain as the "Top Face."
      7. If your interface shows "Height Offset" or "Diameter Offset," it is not necessary to populate these fields. 
      8. Select the Tool Default options if they apply. 
      9. "Multi-Pass Tool Info" area:
        1. In the "Tool List," click on "Tool Number 0."
        2. In the "Tool Number" box, add the Common Tool Name of the tool you would like to perform operations. 
        3. In the "Number of Passes" box, specify the number of passes you would like this tool to make before it cuts to the desired depth. 
        4. In the "Rough Cut Offset" box, specify the distance that this tool will space itself from the true border of the part on the first pass. 
        5. Click the "Apply" button that is inside of the "Multi-Pass Tool Info" area. 
      10. Click "Apply" at the lower right corner of your current view. 
    5. Incremental Step Specify the number of passes with a single tool and the depth of each pass. 

    6. Fig. 05 - Incremental Step

      1. The "Tool Name or Profile Drawing Name" may be whatever you wish. 
      2. The Common Tool Number should already be populated by the program as 900 or greater. Leave this setting as is. 
      3. Actual tool number can be left blank because the program will get this information elsewhere.  
      4. Diameter, Feed, Entry, and Rotation speed should be copied from the tool that will actually perform the operations. 
      5. Add at least one Default Depth. This is necessary for the tool to show up in the Single Parts Editor. 
      6. The Face option should remain as the "Top Face."
      7. If your interface shows "Height Offset" or "Diameter Offset," it is not necessary to populate these fields. 
      8. Select the Tool Default options if they apply. 
      9. "Multi-Pass Tool Info" area:
        1. In the "Tool List," click on "Tool Number 0."
        2. In the "Tool Number" box, add the Common Tool Name of the tool you would like to perform operations. 
        3. In the "Max Depth Per Pass" box, specify the depth you would like the tool to route per pass before it cuts to the desired depth. 
        4. In the "Rough Cut Offset" box, specify the distance that this tool will space itself from the true border of the part on the first pass.  
        5. Click the "Apply" button that is inside of the "Multi-Pass Tool Info" area. 
      10. Click "Apply" at the lower right corner of your current view. 
  7. Prioritization:

  8. Fig. 06 - Prioritization

    1. Reduce Tool Changes: Prioritizes all tooling operations by Actual Tool Number. Allows tools within a Multi-Pass Tool to be prioritized with other routing operations. 
    2. Group Tool Operations: Groups Multi-Pass Tool operations by Common Tool Number. Will NOT allow tools within a Multi-Pass Tool to be prioritized with other routing operations.          
    3. Segregate Tool Operations: Segregates each Multi-Pass Tool grouping. Tools will be forced to complete a single routing operation, including all necessary tool changes within it before continuing to the next operation. 
    4. Click "Apply" at the lower right corner of your current view. 
  9. Click "Apply" and "OK" to exit the interface. 

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