


Formulas are used extensively throughout Microvellum. Formulas drive the library products and are used to help automate procedures. Formula reading and writing can be a challenge. Luckily, reading and writing formulas doesn’t require a degree in computer science. This section will cover the basics of reading and writing formulas and will show how to use the Formula Editor to make this process easier. 

The formulas used throughout the workbooks follow the standard Excel syntax. 

Excel Basic Syntax 
An equal sign always begins a formula. Equal signs are also used frequently within logical tests. 
( )
Parenthesis are used to bookend formula components
Commas are used to denote breaks within arguments. 
Ampersand symbols are used to append values. 
" "
Quotation marks are used to surround text strings within a formula. 
Greater than a value. 
Less than a value. 
Greater than or equal to a value. 
Less than or equal to a value. 
Not equal to a value. 
Exponential operator. 
Dollar signs are used as a cell reference lock ($A1 locks column A; A$1 locks row 1; $A$1 locks column A and row 1). 
Exclamation points are used to follow the name of an external workbook. 
Underscores are used in place of a space in a defined name (prompt). 

Many formulas within Microvellum use functions. Functions are a type of formula that allow the user to perform mathematical, statistical, and logical operations. The table below contains standard functions found within Microvellum.  

Common Excel Functions
Specifies a logical test to perform. IF(Logical_Test,Value_if_True,Value_if_False)
Determines if any of the conditions in an argument are TRUE. OR(Logical_Test_1,Logical_Test_2,...)
Determines if all of the conditions in an argument are TRUE. AND(Logical_Test_1,Logical_Test_2,...)
Returns a FALSE value if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, the formula is returned. IFERROR(Formula,Value_if_False)
Looks to the first column of an array and returns the value in a specified column. VLOOKUP(Value_to_Look_Up,Range,Column_#,FALSE = Exact Match/TRUE = Approximate Match)
Rounds a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. CEILING(Value,Significance)
Rounds a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. FLOOR(Value,Significance)
Rounds a number to a specified number of digits. ROUND(Value,Number_of_Digits)

There are many other Excel-compatible functions and many custom functions that exist only within Microvellum. 

IF statements often contain other logical functions. For example, an IF statement may use an OR function, an AND function, or both.
IF statements can also contain other IF statements, creating a nested IF statement.
When writing a formula that contains a text sting, the text string has to be encapsulated in quotation marks.
=IF(Product_Description=“2 Door Base”,Value_if_True,Value_if_False)
When writing a formula that will become converted to a string text, the ampersand symbol must be used.
If text characters are to be added to the string value, it must be encapsulated in quotation marks.
Formulas can reference cells, ranges, or defined names from an external workbook. When writing formulas that reference an external workbook, the workbook name, followed by an exclamation point, must precede the referenced item.
Best practice: Whenever possible,  reference Defined Names  when writing formulas,  instead of Cells or Ranges.

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