Introduction to the Global Workbook

Introduction to the Global Workbook

The Global Workbook can be accessed through the Workbook Designer interface and is labeled as the “G” workbook. All Global Variable information in the correct workbook location is visible and available to edit in the Global Variable user interface seen within the specification groups UI. An explanation of each workbook column is detailed below. 

Column A: 
Cell A1 is typically reserved for the library name and version number.

Cell A2 and below are used for the Global Variable Tab Names. The 1st Tab Name in column A (cell A2) has an Index of 0, and the 2nd tab name down has an Index of 1 and so on. The Index Numbers in Column G and are linked to the Tab Names in column A. The Category Names in Column D are linked to the Index Numbers in Column G, which controls what Global Tab the Category Name Appears.

Columns B thru G are the Global Categories. 

Column B: The Unique Link I.D. that is assigned to All Global Category Names in Column D. 

Column C: The Unique Link I.D. Category that the Global Sub-Category Names in Column D belong to.

Column D: Where the Global Main & Sub-Category Names are stored. Cell D1 indicates the Library Reference Name & Version from A1.

Column E: The Category Level. 1 = Mail or Parent, and 2 = Sub-Category or child.

Column F: Controls whether the Global Category Names are visible in the User Interface. 1 = Visible, a 0 = Invisible.

Column G: The Tab Index that the Global Category Names reside.

Columns H & I: Not currently used.

Columns J thru V are the Global Variables.

Column J: The unique Link I.D. that is assigned to the Global Variable Names (Prompts) in Column L. 

Column K: The Link I.D. Category that the variable names in Column L belong to.

Column L: Where the Global Variable Names are stored.

Column M: The Global Variable Value. (Can be hard #, word, text string or formula, lists, etc.) These MUST be defined within the workbook and should match the name in column L.

Column N: The Control Type. (See Reference: Control Types and Other Prompt Properties).

Column O: The Help String (comments) that can appear in the User Interface.

Column P: The ValidationCode.

Column Q: The Combo Box Text (Choices). Items are separated by a pipe | symbol.

Column R: The QtyValue.

Column S: Controls the Prompt Value Color. Colors are 1 thru 9 (See Colors in Help Guide).

Column T: Not currently used.

Column U: Is the Help Picture File Name. Program will search in the Common Microvellum Data\Imperial Master\Graphics\Global Images\.

Column V: Controls if the Variable Name (Prompt) is visible in the User Interface. 1 = Visible, an 0 = Invisible.

Columns W thru AB: Not currently used.

Columns AD and all columns to the right are the legacy Lookup Tables. Modern libraries now locate their tables inside a second worksheet called “LookUpTables”.

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