Issue: Error message: The column name is not valid...

Issue: Error message: The column name is not valid...

If you run Toolbox in Visual Studio debug or release mode, and thereafter update to a new compiled version of Toolbox, you may see an error when trying to open the report designer, open a work order, or various other functions that access the database in the compiled version.

The error is: "The column name is not valid. [ Node name (if any) = .Column name = IsExpanded].

The cause of this error is an entry in the MicrovellumSystem.ApplicationVersion field of the MicrovellumFactory database. The program looks at this data to determine how to update the database. If you look at the data in that field, it will probably be a number higher than the actual software build you're running. For example, you may be running build 15.5.1308.640, while the data in the field ApplicationVersion is 15.5.1412.640.

To eliminate the error, simply modify the "1412" in this example to be a number less than "1308" - which will cause the database to be correctly updated the next time the program is run.

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