Issue: Errors & Slow Performance of Microvellum OEM or AutoCAD

Issue: Errors & Slow Performance of Microvellum OEM or AutoCAD

When using AutoCAD, you may notice errors, slow performance, or sometimes, the application may crash. The Windows "Page File" size may cause this. This article presents the optimal setting for this file when using Microvellum OEM, or Microvellum with an AutoCAD Standard version. Before we do that, here is a short bit of information about the reason for the existence of the file.

What is a page file?

As many computer users know, Windows has an internal memory that holds and manipulates data. This memory is commonly called RAM, and the amount of it varies significantly between computers. The memory amount of RAM has a finite limit, and as the computer is doing its work, that limit may be approached. As that happens and a low memory condition is imminent, Windows will move some data out of RAM and into a hidden file on the computer hard drive known as the "Page File."

Without a page file, if the available RAM is exhausted, Windows can no longer allocate memory for data processing, and all work stops. The application crashes, and sometimes even Windows can be affected by becoming unstable. Bottom line: It is important to have a page file that is appropriately sized!


Windows usually manages the page file size, but when using Microvellum and AutoCAD, that may not be the best option. AutoCAD, in particular, uses the page file extensively for memory and processing. If Windows is allowed to manage the page file size, it may be in the process of adjusting the page file size when AutoCAD needs to access it to store information. Guess what? AutoCAD is forced to wait until Windows if finished – and thus the slow performance, unhandled exceptions, and fatal errors.

What to Do

Size your page file. Some forums or blogs with a focus on tweaking Windows suggest that you disable the page file for security reasons. We don't recommend that for the reasons discussed above. Instead, set its size as described below.

  1. Press the Windows key and enter "advanced system settings" in the search bar.

  2. Alternatively, open the Control Panel app and click the "System" icon. In the System screen that is displayed, click the link for "Advanced system settings."

  3. In the System Properties screen, click the Advanced tab and then the Settings button.

  4. In the Performance Options screen, click the Advanced tab, and then the Change button in the Virtual Memory section.

  5. In the Virtual Memory screen, uncheck the checkbox "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives."
  6. Select the C: drive and click the option button for "Custom size:"

    Enter the value Windows displays for the Recommended file size in the two boxes, "Initial size," and "Maximum size."

    If the "Currently allocated" value is greater than the "Minimum allowed" value and your remaining hard drive space (Space available) allows it, it is recommended practice that you enter the value for "Currently allocated" in the two boxes, "Initial size," and "Maximum size."

  7. Click Set, and OK.
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