Microvellum Foundation Library Release Notes | Build 21.0222

Microvellum Foundation Library Release Notes | Build 21.0222

The following release notes apply to Microvellum Foundation Library, Build 21.0222
Please make sure you are selecting the correct specification group when drawing products. There are specification groups for both metric and imperial.

  1. Added global prompts to control the finished bottoms and finished tops in all product groups (Base, Tall, Upper).
  2. Added ElvNoOutline prompt to suppress the 2D Outline of products, this was causing the elevation drawings to look incorrect.
  3. Added countertop options to the Dishwasher Appliance product.
  4. Added Missing graphics "Grass Nova Pro Scala H90 Inner Front.dwg" and "Grass Nova Pro Scala H186 Inner Front.dwg."
  5. Added drawer type prompt for each drawer box in all cabinets.
  6. Added Finished End condition to 2d drawings in all cabinets.
  7. Added 2D text conditions to adj and fixed shelves.
  8. Added edge profile detail to countertops.
  9. Added the ability to turn off the side notches on the shadow rails when using finished ends.
  10. Added minimum widths to all fillers, this will draw the fillers at the desired with but cut them to the minimum with specified.
  11. Added Master Wall Oven Cabinet.
  12. Added graphics for missing sides in the Blum Metabox drawer system.
  13. Added front edge options to standard fixed and adjustable shelves.
  1. Moved the "Appliances" & "Corbels" folders into the "Drawing Blocks" folder (inside Graphics).
  2. Moved "ProductDescription" to the 2d Drawing Options Tab.
  3. Removed "G!Lock Hole Bore Depth" prompt as it was a duplicate prompt.
  4. Removed duplicate of the global prompt "Cams Do Not Exceed Target Spacing.”
  5. Changed the way inset doors work. The cabinet now stays at depth, before the cabinet was increasing by the door thickness.
  6. Changed all references of "Mortice" to "Dado".
  7. Changed bay openings to start from the top down in vertical Designer cabinets.
  8. Changed the Left and right End Dimension prompts to turn on by default when selecting left or right finished ends.
  1. Resolved Scaling issue with Blum Metabox gallery rails.
  2. Resolved an issue with the gallery rails not drawing in the Blum Metabox drawer.
  3. Resolved issue with a mismatch name between some hinge plate drawing names and material names.
  4. Resolved an issue with the 2d handle drawings not showing in the 2D elevation drawings.
  5. Resolved an issue with Drawer Stretchers displaying as "Fixed Shelf" in 2d elevation drawings.
  6. Resolved an issue when Selecting "Add Fillers" made the Scribe Filler subassembly Qty to be the Filler width.
  7. Resolved an issue with all fillers not showing in 2D elevation drawings with dimensions.
  8. Resolved an issue with G!Wall_Height hard-locked to 2400.
  9. Resolved an issue with 2D Cross Sections Drawing Tokens (DRAWDIM) references from 0. This was causing the cross sections for Upper Cabinets to dimension from the floor.
  10. Resolved an issue with Tab Pull Handles machining into adjacent drawer fronts.
  11. Resolved an issue with pigeonholes Subassembly when using cabinet mods.
  12. Resolved a misspelled category "Construction Hardware" In the Hardware Materials.
  13. Resolved an issue with the Dishwasher appliance being called a microwave in the 2d drawers.
  14. Resolved a scaling issue with Hafele press fitting Door buffer Dia 6mm hardware.
  15. Resolved an issue with the drawer calculator for bay 2 in the Master 2 bay Horizontal Cabinet. The Drawer qty was looking at bay 1 drawer qty.
  16. Resolved an issue with incorrect door heights when selecting Full Inset doors with overlay tops or bottoms selected.
  17. Resolved an issue with the shaped shelf cut-outs not machining.
  18. Resolved an issue where the "Top Drawer Type" Prompt was getting hidden when selecting "Top Drawer" Prompt.
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