Microvellum Service Engagements: Progress Point Sheets

Microvellum Service Engagements: Progress Point Sheets

This article will describe how Progress Point Sheets are utilized during service engagements provided by Microvellum’s certified service providers.


What is a Progress Point Sheet?

Progress Point Sheets allow Microvellum clients to acknowledge the services provided during a specific period. They also provide an opportunity to communicate your feedback regarding your services and rate the performance of your service provider.

How Microvellum Uses Progress Point Sheets

Throughout any service engagement, your service provider will request your approval of the time spent performing specific services using our Point Sheets. When the time comes for you to acknowledge your service provider’s work, you will be emailed a link to the interactive Point Sheet or provided a PDF that will need to be completed and sent back to the service provider.

In total, three areas of the Point Sheet require your input – your signature acknowledging the total service hours reported, the date, and your rating of the services provided (1-5 stars). You may also choose to use the comments section of the Point Sheet to give context to your service rating, ask questions or simply let us know how you feel about the overall service engagement.

Our service team uses the Point Sheets to capture feedback that may not have been provided during the service engagement and for their personal growth. Microvellum’s management team uses the Point Sheets to get an overall sense of our service engagement satisfaction, to confirm project accounting details, and as a quality assurance outlet for services provided.

When you receive an invitation to approve a Point Sheet for your active service engagement, we ask that you treat your response with priority to avoid any delays in processing.

Here is an example of a Point Sheet:

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