Optimized Sheet Yield Overview

Optimized Sheet Yield Overview

As of version 15.6, the program displays an optimized sheet yield value in the nest drawing, the nested pattern layout screen, and the sawing pattern layout screen. It is also possible to add that value to any report consuming data from the PlacedSheets table. The following information applies to Toolbox version 15.6.0830 and greater.

Knowing the nested sheet yield is useful when calculating material cost actuals for project cost tracking. This accumulated knowledge can also be helpful when calculating profitability in future projects.

Nested Sheet Yield

Microvellum calculates the nested sheet yield based on the formula: Yield = Part Area Sum / Sheet Useable Area (not including any trim cuts).

The program calculates the Part Area Sum in one of the following ways depending on the type of nesting and settings you select.

1.) If you are processing using simple Block Nesting (or block nesting – “include routes in borders”) and the part is rectangular, the program calculates the yield based on the actual part sizes.

If the part is not rectangular (e.g. circular, pizza slice shaped, irregular polygon), the program calculates the yield based on the dimensions of a virtual bounding box enclosing the shape. The bounding box is the smallest rectangular box with edges parallel to the sheet perimeters that surrounds all points of the actual part. See figure one below for a few examples.

Fig. 1

Microvellum Block Nesting optimizes the parts based on the bounding box dimensions instead of the actual irregular part sizes, and for this reason, it also calculates the yield based on the bounding box dimensions.

2.) If you are processing using True Shaped nesting, the program calculates the yield based on the actual part shapes and sizes.

Sawing Sheet Yield

Microvellum calculates the sawing sheet yield based on the formula: Yield = Part Area Sum / Sheet Usable Area.

The program calculates the Part Area Sum based on the shape of the part. If the part is rectangular, the program calculates the yield based on the actual part sizes.

If the part is not rectangular, the program calculates the yield based on the dimensions of a virtual bounding box enclosing the shape as described above.

Utilizing the Sheet Yield

You are now able to view the sheet yield when viewing or printing the composite nest drawing, when viewing the sawing pattern layout and nested pattern layout, or you can add it to any reports utilizing PlacedSheets table data.

Nest Composite Drawing Yield.

Fig. 2

Nest Composite Drawing Yield after moving part and updating G-Code.

Fig. 3

Nested Pattern Layout screen.

Fig. 4

Sawing Pattern Layout screen.

Fig. 5

You may also modify the Nesting Optimization or Sawing Optimization reports to display the sheet yield. Use the work order database field PlacedSheets.Yield.

  • Open the report in the Report Designer.
  • Insert a text component within the databand defined as PlacedSheets
  • Add the expression to the text component: {Math.Round(PlacedSheets.Yield * 100, 2)}%
  • Preview and verify there are no errors. Save the report.

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

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