Overview: Page Setup Manager

Overview: Page Setup Manager

The page setup manager will allow you to set up the page size you would like to print out on for each layout, as well as the printer you would like to use along with other print settings. After selecting this menu item from the drawing tabs context menu, the Page Setup Manager window will be displayed.

Page Setup Manager

The main window displays all the layout tabs that are available in the current drawing. When you highlight a layout, the details of the layout will be displayed below the selection window. This will show you the printer name, paper size, along with a few other details about the layout. Select the Modify button to make changes to the selected layout settings.

Page Setup Window

Selecting the Modify button with a layout selected will display the Page Setup Window.

Page Setup Window

Page Setup Options

The following sections will explain the different options within the Page Setup Window.

Page Setup

Page Setup

Name - Displays the name of the current page setup.


Specifies a configured plotting device to use when plotting or publishing layouts or sheets.

Name - Lists the available PC3 files or system printers from which you can select to plot or publish the current layout or sheet. An icon in front of the device name identifies it as a PC3 file or a system printer.

Properties - Displays the Plotter Configuration Editor (PC3 editor), in which you can view or modify the current plotter configuration, ports, device, and media settings. If you make changes to the PC3 file using the Plotter Configuration Editor, the Changes to a Printer Configuration File dialog box is displayed.

Plotter - Displays the plot device specified in the currently selected page setup.

Where - Displays the physical location of the output device specified in the currently selected page setup.

Description - Displays descriptive text about the output device specified in the currently selected page setup.

Partial Preview - Shows an accurate representation of the effective plot area relative to the paper size and printable area. The tooltip displays the paper size and printable area.

Paper Size

Paper Size

Displays standard paper sizes that are available for the selected plotting device. If the selected plotter doesn't support the layout's selected paper size, a warning is displayed, and you select the plotter's default paper size or a custom paper size. The actual printable area of the page, which is determined by the selected plotting device and paper size, is indicated in the layout by a dashed line. If you are plotting an image, such as a BMP or TIFF file, the size of the plot is specified in pixels, not in inches or millimeters.

Plot Area

Plot Area

Specifies the area of the drawing to be plotted. Under the What to plot option, you can select an area of the drawing to be plotted.

Layout/Limits - When plotting a layout, plots everything within the printable area of the specified paper size, with the origin calculated from 0,0 in the layout.

When plotting from the Model tab, plots the entire drawing area that is defined by the grid limits. If the current viewport does not display a plan view, this option has the same effect as the Extents option.

Extents - Plots the portion of the current space of the drawing that contains objects. All geometry in the current space is plotted. The drawing may be regenerated to recalculate the extents before plotting.

Displays - Plots the view in the current viewport in the Model tab or the current paper space view in a layout tab.

View - Plots a view that was previously saved with the view command.

Window - Plots any portion of the drawing that you specify. When you specify the two corners of the area to plot, the Window button becomes available. Click the Window button to use the pointing device to specify the two corners of the area to be plotted, or enter coordinate values.

Plot Offset

Plot Offset

Specifies an offset of the plot area relative to the lower-left corner of the printable area or the edge of the paper, depending on the setting made in the Specify Plot Offset Relative To option. The Plot Offset area of the Page Setup dialog box displays the specified plot offset option in parentheses.

The printable area of a drawing sheet is defined by the selected output device and is represented by a dashed line in a layout. When you change to another output device, the printable area may change.

You can offset the geometry on the paper by entering a positive or negative value in the X and Y offset boxes. The plotter unit values are in inches or millimeters on the paper.

Center the Plot - Automatically calculates the X and Y offset values to center the plot on the paper.

X - Specifies the plot origin in the X-direction relative to the setting of the Plot Offset Definition option.

Y - Specifies the plot origin in the Y-direction relative to the setting of the Plot Offset Definition option.

Plot Scale

Plot Scale

Controls the relative size of the drawing units to plotted units.

Fit to Paper - Scales the plot to fit within the selected paper size and displays the custom scale factor in the Scale, Inch =, and Units boxes.

Scale - Defines the exact scale for the plot. Custom defines a user-defined scale. You can create a custom scale by entering the number of inches (or millimeters) equal to the number of drawing units.

Inch(es) =/mm =/Pixel(s) = - Specifies the number of inches, millimeters, or pixels equal to the specified number of units.

Inch/mm/pixel - Specifies inches or mm for the display of units in the Plot dialog box. The default is based on the paper size and changes each time a new paper size is selected. Pixel is available only when a raster output is selected.

Units - Specifies the number of units equal to the specified number of inches, millimeters, or pixels.

Scale lineweights - Scales lineweights in proportion to the plot scale. Lineweights typically specify the linewidth of plotted objects and are plotted with the linewidth size regardless of the plot scale.

Plot Style Table

Plot Style Table

Sets the plot style table, edits the plot style table, or creates a new plot style table.

Name (unlabeled) - Displays the plot style table that is assigned to the current Model tab or layout tab and provides a list of the currently available plot style tables. If you select New, the Add Plot Style Table wizard is displayed, which you can use to create a new plot style table. The wizard that is displayed is determined by whether the current drawing is in color-dependent or named mode.

Edit - Displays the Plot Style Table Editor, in which you can view or modify pot styles for the currently assigned plot style table.

Display Plot Styles - Controls whether the properties of plot styles assigned to objects are displayed on the screen.

Shaded Viewport Options

Shaded Viewport Options

Specifies how shaded and rendered viewport are plotted and determines their resolution levels and dots per inch (dpi).

Shade Plot - Specifies how views are plotted. To specify this setting or a viewport on a layout tab, select the viewport and then, on the right-click context menu, click Properties. From the Model tab, you can select from the following options:

  1. As Displayed: Plots objects the way they are displayed on the screen.
  2. Wireframe: Plots objects in wireframe regardless of the way they are displayed on the screen.
  3. Hidden: Plots objects with hidden lines removed regardless of the way they are displayed on the screen.
  4. 3D Hidden: Plots objects with the 3D Hidden visual style applied regardless of the way the objects are displayed on the screen.
  5. 3D Wireframe: Plots objects with the 3D Wireframe visual style applied regardless of the way the objects are displayed on the screen.
  6. Conceptual: Plots objects with the Conceptual visual style applied regardless of the way the objects are displayed on the screen.
  7. Realistic: Plots objects with the Realistic visual style applied regardless of the way the objects are displayed on the screen.
  8. Rendered: Plots objects as rendered regardless of the way they are displayed on the screen.

Quality - Specifies the resolution at which shaded and rendered viewports are plotted. You can select from the following options:

  1. Draft: Sets rendered and shaded model space views to be plotted as a wireframe.
  2. Preview: Sets rendered and shaded model space views to be plotted at one-quarter of the current device resolution, to a maximum of 150 dpi.
  3. Normal: Sets rendered and shaded model space views to be plotted at one half of the current device resolution, to a maximum of 300 dpi.
  4. Presentation: Sets rendered and shaded model space views to be plotted at the current device resolution, to a maximum of 600 dpi.
  5. Maximum: Sets rendered and shaded model space views to be plotted at the current device resolution with no maximum.
  6. Custom: Sets rendered and shaded model space views to be plotted at the resolution setting that you specify in the DPI box, up to the current device resolution.

DPI - Specifies the dots per inch for shaded and rendered views, up to the maximum resolution of the current plotting device.

Plot Options

Plot Options

Specifies options for lineweights, transparency, plot styles, shaded plots, and the order in which objects are plotted.

Plot Object Lineweights - Specifies whether lineweights assigned to objects and layers are plotted.

Plot Transparency - Specifies whether object transparency is plotted. This option should only be used when plotting drawings with transparent objects.

Plot with Plot Styles - Specifies whether plot styles applied to objects and layers are plotted.

Plot Paper Space Last - Plots model space geometry first. Paper space geometry is usually plotted before model space geometry.

Hide Paper Space Objects - Specifies whether the hide operation applies to objects in the paper space viewport. This option is available only from a layout tab. The effect of this setting is reflected in the plot preview, but not in the layout.

Drawing Orientation

Drawing Orientation

Specifies the orientation of the drawing on paper for plotters that support landscape or portrait orientation.

Portrait - Orients and plots the drawing so that the short edge of the paper represents the top of the page.

Landscape - Orients and plots the drawing so that the long edge of the paper represents the top of the page.

Plot Upside-Down - Orients and plots the drawing upside-down.

Icon - The icon gives you an image preview of the orientation.

Preview - Displays the drawing as it will appear when plotted on paper.

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