Overview: Sheet Set Manager - AutoCAD
The Sheet List tab displays an ordered list of sheets. You can organize these sheets under headings, called subsets, that you create.
List of Options
This tab has the following buttons:
Publish to DWF
Publishes selected sheets or a sheet set to a specified DWF file.
Publish to DWFx
Publishes selected sheets or a sheet set to a specified DWFx file.
Publish to PDF
Publishes selected sheets or a sheet set to a specified PDF file.
Publish to Plotter
Automatically publishes the selected sheets to the default plotter or printer.
Publish Using Page Setup Override
Automatically publishes the selected sheets using the selected page setup override rather than the page setup specified in each drawing. The page setup overrides are stored in a drawing template (DWT) file designated to be the source of the page setup override information.
Displays a list of Publish options. The description for each option is listed in alphabetical order under Shortcut Menu Options below.
Sheet Selections
Displays a menu where you can save, manage, and restore sheet selections by name. This makes it easy to specify a group of sheets for a publish, transmit, or archive operation. The description for each option is listed in alphabetical order under Shortcut Menu Options below.
Details (at the bottom of the window)
Displays basic information about the currently selected sheet or subset.
Preview (at the bottom of the window)
Displays a thumbnail preview of the currently selected sheet.
The following options are displayed on shortcut menus for the Sheet List tab. For easier access, they are listed in alphabetical order. The options displayed in each shortcut menu depend on context: in the tree view, if you right-click the name of the sheet set, a different shortcut menu displays than if you right-click the name of a subset or the name of a sheet.
Displays the Archive a Sheet Set dialog box.
Close Sheet Set
Closes the current sheet set, removing the sheet set information displayed in the Sheet Set Manager window.
Displays the Create Transmittal dialog box.
Edit Subset and Sheet Publish Settings
Displays the Publish Sheets dialog box.
Import Layout as Sheet
Displays the Import Layouts as Sheets dialog box.
Include Plot Stamp
Turns the plot stamp on or off for the selected sheet set, subset, or sheet.
Include for Publish
Includes the sheet for publishing.
Insert Sheet List Table
Displays the Insert Sheet List Table dialog box.
Manage Page Setups
Displays the Page Setup Manager dialog box.
New Sheet
Displays the New Sheet dialog box.
New Subset
Displays the Subset Properties dialog box, where you can create a new sheet subset for organizing the sheets in a sheet set.
Opens the drawing file of the selected sheet and displays the layout.
Open Read-Only
Opens the drawing file of the selected sheet in read-only mode and displays the layout. You cannot save changes to the file using the original file name.
Plot Stamp Settings
Displays the Plot Stamp dialog box, in which you can specify the information, such as drawing name and plot scale, that you want to be applied to the plot stamp.
Properties (Sheet Set)
When the sheet set node is selected, it displays the Sheet Set Properties dialog box.
Properties (Subset)
When a subset node is selected, it displays the Subset Properties dialog box. See New Subset.
Properties (Sheet)
When a sheet node is selected, it displays the Sheet Properties dialog box.
Displays the Publish dialog box.
Publish in Reverse Order
When checked, sends sheets to the plotter in reverse of the default order.
Publish Sheets in Subset
Publishes the sheets in the subset.
When Do Not Publish Sheets is checked, all sheets in the subset are not published.
Suspends all sheets in the subset from being published.
Publish Using Page Setup Override
Automatically publishes the selected sheets using the selected page setup override rather than the page setup specified in each drawing. The page setup overrides are stored in a drawing template (DWT) file designated to be the source of the page setup override information.
Plot Stamp Settings
Displays the Plot Stamp dialog box.
Publish to DWF
Publishes the selected sheets or the sheet set to a specified DWF file.
Publish to Plotter
Automatically publishes the selected sheets to the default plotter or printer.
Remove Subset
Removes the currently selected subset from the organization of the sheet set.
Rename & Renumber
Displays the Rename & Renumber Sheet dialog box.
Resave All Sheets
Updates the sheet set information saved with each drawing in the current sheet set. Each drawing file in the current sheet set is opened and resaved. Any changes that were made are updated in the sheet set data (DST) file.
Drawing files saved in a previous DWG file format are resaved without changing the format.
In a network environment, make sure that all drawing files in the current sheet set that are opened by other users are closed before performing this operation.
Remove Sheet
Removes the currently selected sheet from the sheet set.
Save Sheet Selection
Displays the New Sheet Selection dialog box.
Sheet Set Publish Options
Displays the Sheet Set Publish Options dialog box. This is the same as the Publish Options dialog but is specific to the current sheet set.
Transmittal Setups
Displays the Transmittal Setups dialog box.
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