It is possible to configure your Microvellum library data to produce an automated face frame image, either in an AutoCAD drawing or in a report.
Woodworking companies that work with face frames typically need assembly drawings for those face frames. They usually wish to display the face frames as individual units, along with the annotations necessary to assemble them correctly. Microvellum uses the typical drawing tokens to produce the images of these face frame assemblies. The images of these face frame assemblies are produced in two formats. An AutoCAD drawing may be produced containing the assemblies, or an image populated to the work order database for use in reports. The images produced may be customized to your company's needs.
This article is the first in a series. It will present an overview of the default functionality of the Microvellum library data to produce these face frame images. The second article in the series will present an overview of using global variables to customize these face frame images. Elsewhere in the Help Center, you will find articles and videos containing tutorials on how to perform specific customization to your library spreadsheet data beyond your global and product settings.
First, let's uncover the similarities and differences between the AutoCAD face frame drawings, and those in the reports.
Make sure you are using a minimum library data build of 046.2 or higher.
Make sure you are using a minimum library data build of 046.2 or higher.
Compare the two types of drawings. You may notice that there are minor differences that result from rendering one in AutoCAD and the other in a separate image generator. However, mostly the two are very similar.
You may set up and plot the AutoCAD sheet containing the face frame image, or use the report methods. Or, you may decide to use a combination of the two, AutoCAD to check the accuracy of the image, and then the report to view, print, or save to PDF.
Build 046.2 and higher contain the drawing instructions (tokens) necessary to automate the drawing of these face frame images. Each successive version of the library contains improvements to these tokens in the default libraries available from Microvellum. They also include the ability to customize these tokens.
Please note the components of the face frame images below.
The conditions specified as part of the stile dimension text reflects the conditions shown in the 3D drawing of the product. You may cross-check the two to verify one or the other and help in diagnosis.
The two different dimensions are produced with the use of two separate dimension styles in the draw token parameters controlled by formulas. You may check the dimension styles in the AutoCAD drawing by entering DIMSTYLE at the AutoCAD command prompt. The styles will be named: "FF 1-1-2NORMAL ALNTXT" and "FF 1-1-2NORMAL HRZTXT." These styles must be present in the drawing for the face frame images to work with the default Microvellum library data. You can compare these styles with the other 1-1-2 styles to discover the differences. These differences include Text Alignment and Fit Options.
The part index number corresponds to the numbers of the part generated in the work order database and can be used to cross-reference those parts using that number. The numbers represent the index of each face frame part, which is a subset of the complete set of parts that make up that cabinet.
The report image also contains the same index numbers as the AutoCAD image. The index numbers on the image also match those found in the index column of the report.
You have seen the basic functionality of automating the creation of face frame images from the product library. You have also seen some of the similarities and differences between the AutoCAD face frame drawings and the report face frame image. Lastly, you have seen how to customize the face frame images produced by adjusting the values of the library prompts.
Continue to the second article in the series to learn how to customize the face frame images produced by the default library using global variables and subassemblies.