Setting Up and Using Smart Layers
Setting Up and Using Smart Layers
The Smart Layer Manager interface is separated into two sections.
- Vertical Entities – Vertical entities are parts that will be arrayed along a path. Die wall studs, divisions, or countertop support panels are examples of vertical entities.
- Extruded Entities – Extruded entities are parts that will be extruded along a path. Die wall faces, plates, or countertop decks are examples of extruded entities.
To add a vertical entity layer, right-click in the Vertical Entities section, and select “Add.” A window will appear that will display the parameters for setting up the layer.
- Part Name – Allows you to enter the name of the part the layer will represent.
- Vertical Color – Allows you to select a color for the layer.
- Vertical Material – Allows you to select the material to be used.
- Vertical Spacing – Allows you to enter the amount used for spacing (arraying) the vertical parts – can be set to Fixed or Equal. Fixed will put a vertical part every 16 inches regardless of the construction path length. Equal will space the vertical parts equally based on the spacing.
- Vertical Use Dowels – Allows you to use dowels to locate and attach the vertical parts. A drawing representing the dowel will be required in order to have machining applied.
- Vertical Use Dados – Allows you to use dados to locate and attach the vertical parts. Vertical parts must be drawn to penetrate mated parts.
- Vertical Associative Joint Type – Allows you to select the joint type when breaks occur. Options are: None, Single Stud, Double Stud, or Quadruple Stud. Once a product has been drawn, an extruded part will need to be selected for the reference on when to place a joint.
- Vertical Start Scribe Dimension – Allows you to add a positive value that will move the vertical part in from the start of the construction path.
- Vertical End Scribe Dimension – Allows you to add a positive value that will move the vertical part in from the end of the construction path.
- Dowel Fixed Boring Height – Allows you to enter a value that will be used as an offset from the center of the material for dowel placement.
- Dado Stop Gap – This amount adds a gap to the front or back of the dado.
- Dado Width Gap – This amount adds to the width of the dado. The amount will be divided equally on both sides of the vertical part (0.1 = 0.05 on the left and 0.05 on the right).
To add an extruded entity layer, right-click in the Extruded Entities section, and select “Add.” The following window will appear with parameters for setting up the layer.
- Part Name – Allows you to enter the name of the part the layer will represent.
- Extrusion Color – Allows you to select a color for the layer.
- Extrusion Material – Allows you to select the material to be used.
- Extrusion Max Linear Length – Allows you to select the maximum length for parts. This value should not exceed the length of material minus the trim lengths.
- Extrusion Spacing – Allows you to enter a value that will create a space between extruded parts (often used to create a reveal in panels).
- Extrusion Start Offset – Allows you to enter a value that will move the part from the start of the construction path.
- Extrusion End Offset – Allows you to enter a value that will move the part from the end of the construction path.
- Extrusion Apply Machining – Allows you to specify if the part will receive dowels or dados that were set up in the vertical part(s).
- Extrusion Corner Negotiation Type – Allows you to select how extruded parts will be handled at corners. Options are: None, Butt Before Corner, Butt After Corner, Miter, or Distance from Corner. None should only be used if the construction path does not contain corners. Distance from Corner will require a leading and trailing distance.
Once all the smart layers have been set up, they will need to be assigned to a 2D polyline in the drawing. To assign a layer to a polyline, select the layer and then click on the “Select Entities” button located at the bottom of the Smart Layer interface (or you can simply double-click on the layer).
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