Solid Modeling Tools - Add Joints to Multiple Extruded Entities (Tutorial 3: Part 5)

Solid Modeling Tools - Add Joints to Multiple Extruded Entities (Tutorial 3: Part 5)

This article continues from Solid Modeling Tools - Vertical Associative Joint Type  and provides information for adding joints to multiple extruded entities. 

  1. You may want to add a joint to multiple extruded entities at the same point. You could apply a joint to each entity in a separate operation, or you could apply the same joint to multiple entities. 
  2. In the example below, I’ve added 50 inches (1270 mm) to the second leg of the product. 

    1. Hide all the entities except the construction path. 
    2. Stretch the vertex of the second leg to 100 inches total (2540 mm). 
    3. Unhide all the parts, so the product redraws. 
    4. Your product may look similar to figure 26 below.  I don’t like where the joint circled in red was automatically inserted due to material length, so I will delete that one and add another to all extruded entities simultaneously. 

      Fig. 01 

    5. Click: Extruded Tools > Extruded Entities > Remove Extruded Entity Joint. 
    6. Select the extruded parts from which to remove the joints. This selection may be either by selecting them individually or by using a crossing window across multiple entities to select them all as shown below. 
      Fig. 02 
      When you select multiple entities in this way, only the first joint in each extrusion is modified. 
    8. Click: Extruded Tools > Extruded Entities > Insert Extruded Entity Joint.  
      Fig. 03 

    10. You may select individual extruded entities, or use to crossing window to select multiple entities as shown below. In this example, window both top plates, and both bottom plates.  
    11. Select an insertion point at the left lower corner of the stud at the intersection of the stud and the plate, as shown below. 
    12. Note that the joint is added to both the top plates, and both the bottom plates. 
    13. Note also that an extra stud was automatically added to conform to the vertical entity “Vertical Associative Joint Type” property that was set to “Double_Stud_At_Joint.” 
      Fig. 04 

  3. Delete the joint that was added automatically when the construction path was stretched. 
    1. Click: Extruded Tools > Extruded Entities > Remove Extruded Entity Joint. 
      Fig. 05 

    3. You may select individual extruded entities, or use to crossing window to select multiple entities as shown below. In this example, window both top plates. 
      Fig. 06 

  4. Save the drawing. 

The next subject in this tutorial series will show you how to add an arc to your custom product, and then how to add dado joints and dowel joints. 

Click here  to view “Tutorial 4: Solid Modeling Tools (Arcs & Joint Types).” 

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