Special Microvellum System Prompts

Special Microvellum System Prompts

This article highlights special prompts that Microvellum’s software specifically looks for to trigger certain events and features.


It is critical the three product/subassembly prompts below remain intact and unaltered in their location. At certain times Microvellum software will look in cells B1, B2, and B3 within the Prompts worksheet to collect the Width, Height, and Depth values. These values are populated into the product/subassembly record inside the Factory database. Therefore, moving or inserting other rows above these three will cause harm to the product or subassembly and prohibit Microvellum’s ability to use them.






Setting a value to “1” will suppress the dimension of the product in 2D elevation view. Setting to zero or missing from the workbook, Toolbox will add a dimension annotation in the 2D elevation view. 


Setting a value to “1” will suppress the outline of the project in 2D elevation view. Setting to zero or missing from the workbook, Toolbox will add an outline of the product in 2D elevation view. 


Used to display the product description, catalog number, or other product identifier. The value should contain desired text to show in the product 2D elevation view. Most MV libraries allow this to be turned on/off in the Global Variables or through the product prompts.


Used to display the Width, Height, and Depth of a product in elevation view. Most MV libraries allow this to be turned on/off in the Global Variables or through the product prompts.

FloorPlanCoordinates: Used to display the 2D floor plan of the product. Most modern MV libraries now use 2D Plan View Instruction tokens instead for greater control.


If a subassembly contains any of the following defined names, Microvellum will populate the data from the parent product down to the Subassembly similar to how the Width, Height, Depth, & Bay Position are behaving. The same behavior works from a subassembly to any included nested subassemblies.






Subassembly_Comment (only one that can contain a String value).




Enter formula or value to position the product's 2D elevation item number in X.


Enter formula or value to position the product's 2D elevation item number in Z.


Enter formula or value to position the product's 3D item number in X.


 Enter formula or value to position the product's 3D item number in Y.


Enter formula or value to position the product's 3D item number in Z.



Enter formula or value to position the product a set distance from the floor to the top of the product. 


Setting a value to “1” will cause all parts, edgebanding, and hardware to be considered “buyout”, meaning the parts will draw, but be omitted from the work order and not manufactured. If set to "1” on a subassembly prompt, then only those subassemblies, like a drawer, will be considered a buyout. 


Setting a value of “0” will cause Microvellum to NOT include the Subassembly when making the subassembly report.


See Library Data Codes document for more information.

 Prompts to change the properties of a product


The prompt that gives users an opportunity to change the name of the product at the project level. This will update the product list.


Same as ProductName (above) however Microvellum will not overwrite any formulas should they be found.


Microvellum will populate the Specification Group Name.





If any of these prompts are present in a product, their values will update the corresponding properties of the product. Since formulas can be used for the values of these prompts, logic can be built into your products to modify these properties using the Wizard, global variables, or other criteria.

These Prompts can both modify a property or return it.  It will populate the prompt if it was changed from the property or in the Product List interface.  Otherwise, it will update the property from the prompt value if it wasn’t changed from the property.


Microvellum will populate the name of the Specification Group’s CutParts component.


Microvellum will populate the name of the Specification Group’s Edgebanding component


Only used when the command "Rebuild Products from Library" is used.  This prompt should be populated with a hard-locked value that matches a library products name.  If this prompt is found in a product that value will be used to find a matching library product instead of the current product name.  This prompt is best used when using formula driven names for the "ProductName" system prompt.


This feature allows the user to specify a distance to offset the product from the wall. This is useful when needing to allow for scribe or other wall furring that might be applied to the wall prior to cabinet installation. The feature is controlled on an individual product basis by adding a prompt to the product named WallOffset. You can use Library designer to add the prompt to an entire category of products or the entire library. You can also add any number of global variables to provide different offset values to different categories of cabinets.


 The presence of certain defined prompts triggers the Opening Calculator:

Left_Stile_Width or Left_Side_Thickness
Right_Stile_Width or Right_Side_Thickness
Mid_Stile_Width or Partition_Thickness
And in the Subassemblies:
*Removed from MV frameless library data 2014 (System Calculator no longer used. Custom calculator feature used now instead.)


Product Price Total
Product Price
Product Price Adjustment
Product Price Markup
Product Price Overhead
Product Price Overhead Markup
Product Price Engineering
Product Price Engineering Markup
Product Price Manufacturing Tax
Product Price Shipping
Product Price Shipping Markup
Product Price Shipping Tax
Product Price Install
Product Price Install Markup
Product Price Install Tax

 *Not used in the Foundation Library


Product Cost Total
Product Cost Adjustment
Product Cost Material
Product Cost Material Markup
Product Cost Material Tax
Product Cost Material Total
Product Cost Labor
Product Cost Labor Markup
Product Cost Labor Tax
Product Cost Labor Total
Product Cost Profit
Product Cost Profit Markup
Product Cost Overhead
Product Cost Overhead Markup
Product Cost Engineering
Product Cost Engineering Markup
Product Cost Shipping
Product Cost Shipping Markup
Product Cost Shipping Tax
Product Cost Install
Product Cost Install Markup
Product Cost Install Tax

 *Not used in the Foundation Library. Functionality moved to a Costing Report


 There are two special hidden prompt structures used for products that are extruded along a polyline path. They create a two-way means of communication between the spreadsheet and AutoCAD. Since a polyline can consist of multiple segments of straight and curved lines, it is often necessary to find the point where two segments intersect when the polyline is offset by a certain amount. Since calculating these points is complex, Microvellum has devised a mechanism to provide the information to the spreadsheet. The user can then use the values passed to the spreadsheet to create formulas for plate parts and machining required to build the product.


x being an incremental number that allows you to use more than one Offset prompt. The value of Offset_x is the offset distance from the polyline path that you are looking for. Use a positive number for a left offset and a negative number for a right offset.

 There are four more Prompts required to complete the offset structure:





It is important to understand that “x” is an incremental number that allows you to use more than one Offset prompt.

 On the next page is a diagram that should help explain how the program is going to populate the Offset structure with helpful information. Let’s say that you wanted the first offset structure to calculate the countertop depth. In the prompt “Offset_1” you would type a formula similar to this:


  In this example the variable “Depth” is equal to 24. If you were to extrude the product along the polyline below, here is how the offset structure would be populated by the program.


“x” being an incremental number that allows you to use more than one CurvedPart prompt structure. As the name implies, this prompt facilitates the task of drawing a part containing a routing path to make it a curved part. Die wall plates and countertop decks are two examples of where you might use this prompt structure. The value of CurvedPart_x consists of two numbers separated by either a pipe or a comma. The two numbers represent two offset points from the polyline part. Use a positive number for a left offset and a negative number for a right offset.


























This prompt structure works very similar to the offset structure that was previously described. In fact, the first eight prompts provide the same coordinate information described in the offset structure.


The two special prompt structures make creating these extruded products much easier.


The best way to learn how to build your own extruded product, is to study some of the extruded products already built by Microvellum.

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