Toolbox Commands List

Toolbox Commands List

The Toolbox commands provide a quick way to access Microvellum specific functionality. Each of these commands may be entered on the Toolbox Command Prompt.

The Command list includes an autocomplete feature, as shown below.

Below is a list of the available commands. A download of this list is available at the bottom of this article.

This article lists all of Microvellum's custom Toolbox commands. To learn how to map Toolbox/AutoCAD functions to keyboard shortcuts, or learn the difference between Microvellum's custom Toolbox commands and basic AutoCAD commands, consult the following articles:
Microvellum Commands vs AutoCAD Commands
Toolbox Keyboard Shortcuts

Microvellum Commands List

MVABOUT – Displays the About Microvellum screen.

MVADDNEWEMPTYPRODUCT – Adds a new empty product to the product list.

MVADDPARTLABELS – Creates labels for all parts of a product.

MVADDPRODUCTLABEL – Creates a label for a product.

MVADJUSTWALLLENGTH – Changes the length of walls and products.

MVADVANCEDLIBRARYSETUP – Manages specification groups at the library level.

MVADVANCEDPROJECTSETUP – Manages specification groups at the project level.

MVALIGNPRODUCT – Aligns products in model space.

MVASSOCIATEPRODUCTSTOWALL – Links a product to a wall.

MVBROWSETODATA – Opens windows explorer to the data folder.

MVBUMPPRODUCT – Moves a product next to another product.

MVCHANGEDOORSTYLE – Changes the door style of a cabinet.

MVCONTACTS – Manages Contacts.

MVCOPY – Copies Products.

MVCREATENEWWORKORDER – Opens the work order creation interface.

MVCREATENEWWORKORDERFROMDRAWING – Select products in the drawing to include in a new work order.

MVDATABASEEXPLORER – Launches Database Explorer dialog.

MVDATABASEUTILITIES – Launches Database Utilities dialog.

MVDRAW2DPRODUCTS – Creates a 2D drawing of a complete product, placed at a selected point. 

MVDRAW2DWALLS – Creates a 2D elevation wall.

MVDRAWCENTERLINEPATH – Draws centerline path of a route.

MVDRAWCROSSSECTION – Draws a cross-section of a product.

MVDRAWDYNAMICPRODUCTIMAGES – Draws a dynamic image of a product at a selected point.
MVDRAWFACEFRAMETOKENS – Draws 2D Face Frame Tokens at a selected point.

MVDRAWHATCHEDRETURN – Draws a side profile of a product.

MVDRAWPARTIN2D – Draws a part in 2D and launches Single Part Editor.

MVEDITDESIGNDATA – Opens spreadsheet to edit product data.

MVEDITEXISTINGWORKORDER – Opens a work order in the processing center.

MVERASE – Erase products.

MVEXPLODEPRODUCTS – Moves parts of a product away from each other by a specified factor.

MVGROUPPRODUCTS – Creates a product group and adds it to the database.

MVJOINPRODUCTELEMENTS – Joins specified product elements together.

MVJOINPRODUCTS – Joins two or more products into one.

MVMAKENEWGCODEFROMDRAWING – Makes new G-Code from drawing.

MVMAKEWINDOWSMETAFILE – Creates Windows Metafile for a product.

MVMIRROR – Creates a mirrored copy of a product.

MVMOVE – Moves Products.

MVOPTIONS  Opens the Options menu within Toolbox Setup.

MVOVERDRIVEPRO – Opens the Product List.

MVPARTPROPERTIES – Edit properties of parts.

MVPARTSLIST – Creates a label with the list of parts in a product.

MVPEDIT – Edit a Polyline. (This command is currently known to cause errors in the software, and as such, is not recommended for use). 

MVPROCESSINGCENTERS – Edit processing stations.

MVPRODUCTDRAWINGSETUP – Edit product dimension settings.

MVPRODUCTPROMPTS – Edit the prompts of a product.

MVPROJECTPROPERTIES – Opens the project properties interface.

MVREDRAW2DWALLS – Redraws selected 2D walls.

MVREDRAWSELECTEDPRODUCTS – Redraws selected products.

MVRENUMBERPRODUCTS – Changes the number of a product. When prompted, enter the new number in the command line, then click on the product. The product's number will be increased by .1 with every subsequent click, allowing for multiple products to be renumbered chronologically.

MVREFRESHITEMNUMBERS – Syncs product item numbers of Products.

MVREPLACE – Replaces a product with a different type of product from the library.

MVROTATE – Rotates a product by a specified angle.

MVSAVEPRODUCTTOLIBRARY – Select a product and save it to the currently active library in a category of your choice. 

MVSHOWTOOLFILE – Edit settings of primary toolfile.

MVSINGLEPARTEDITOR – Launches the Single Part Editor palette.

MVSMARTLAYERMANAGER – Manages MV smart layers.

MVSOLIDMODELANALYZER – Converts CAD objects into MV products.

MVSOLIDMODELINGTOOLS – Launches the Solid Modeling palette.

MVSOLIDPROPERTIES – Edit the properties of solid models.

MVSUPPORTPORTAL – Opens the Microvellum Support website in an internet browser.

MVSUBASSEMBLYPROMPTS – Opens the prompts of a selected subassembly.

MVUPDATEGCODEFROMDRAWING – Updates Existing G-Code from drawing.

MVWALLSSETUP – Edit wall settings.

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