Toolbox Keyboard Shortcuts

Toolbox Keyboard Shortcuts

This article is a tutorial for setting up your system with your favorite keyboard shortcuts using Microvellum commands. For the Microvellum Command catalog, see the Knowledge Base article below.

Toolbox Commands List

Here are the steps to create or modify a shortcut keystroke combination in Toolbox. Since access to the command to check the prompts involves several clicks, in this tutorial, we’re adding the command MVPRODUCTPROMPTS and creating a shortcut to the product prompts that will save time.

  1. Enter CUI at the Toolbox command prompt to display the Customize User Interface Editor .

  2. Click the Customize tab.
  3.   To create a new Toolbox keyboard shortcut, you will first need to add the equivalent Microvellum command to the existing list of AutoCAD commands. Click the button “Create a New Command” in the Command List section of the CUI.

  4. A new command named Command1 will be added to the list and will be highlighted by default. If it’s not highlighted, click on it. Give it a name in the Properties section of the CUI. The name you give it for the Name  property can be the same as the Microvellum command name, or it can be something else.
  5. Optional: Give it a description in the Description  property. Fill out the properties Extended Help File, Command Display Name, and Tags property if desired. Some Users add the description from the Microvellum Commands document located at the link above to the Description property value. 
  6. Click in the cell to the right of the Macro . It should contain the text string ^C^C by default. Leave that string and add the name of the Microvellum Command you are in the process of adding to the end of the existing string. In this example, since we’re adding the command MVPRODUCTPROMPTS, copy/paste the name, or carefully type that name in the Macro value cell. Double-check the name and click the Apply button. 
  7. ^C^C is a special control character sequence that is similar to hitting the ESC key twice. It cancels any active command when the shortcut key combination is used.

  8. Add an image if desired. 
  9. Click Customizations in All Files to expand that section of the interface. 
  10. Expand Keyboard Shortcuts by clicking the plus sign next to that node. 
  11. Expand Shortcut Keys by clicking the plus sign next to that node. 

  12. Drag the new Microvellum command you just added to the Command List from that list to the Shortcut Keys node in the section Customizations in All Files. 

  13. Click in the Keys property value cell, and then click the small ellipsis button to display the Shortcut Keys assignment dialog box. 

  14. Press & hold down the modifier key Ctrl with a combination of Shift, Alt, or Shift and Alt, along with the desired letter, number, function, or virtual key such as F1 or Insert. In this tutorial, we are using Ctrl + Shift + Alt + P. 
  15. Valid modifier and key combinations include:

    1. Function (Fn) keys containing no modifiers. 
    2. Number Pad (NUMPAD) keys containing no modifiers.
    3. Ctrl + letter, Ctrl + number, Ctrl + function, Ctrl + virtual key. 
    4. Ctrl + Shift + letter, Ctrl + Shift + number, Ctrl + Shift + function, Ctrl + Shift + virtual key. 
    5. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + letter, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + number, Ctrl + Shift + virtual key. 
    6. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + letter, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + number, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + function, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + virtual key. 
    7. The support virtual keys are Escape, Insert, Delete, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, and Down Arrow. The virtual key Escape can only be used by itself or with the modifier combination Ctrl + Shift + Alt.

  16. The “Currently Assigned to” label displays any current assignment for the key combination entered. If you don’t want to replace that assignment, enter a different key combination. 
  17. Click OK to assign that keystroke combination and close the dialog box.
  18.  Click Apply and OK to get back to the Toolbox drawing screen. 

You are now ready to use your new keyboard shortcut as you configured it.

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