Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.0203.641
The following release notes apply to Toolbox, Build 20.1.0203.641
Solid Modeling
- Improved Solid Model Analyzer to have more accurate part sizes.
- Improved Solid Model Analyzer product quality.
- Resolved Solid Model Analyzer part rotation issue (caused unnecessary machining).
- Resolved Solid Model Analyzer multiple route deviations.
- Resolved Solid Model Analyzer defect for parts that needed a miter cut.
- Resolved Solid Model Analyzer issue when attempting to drill with a tool that did not have the available diameter for the given size. Improved warning messages to indicate possible part failure.
- Added processing station associates for reports.
- Improved Solid Model Analyzer product quality.
- Resolved broken Production interface report button and added the Report Groups button in the production tab.
- Resolved broken reports due to flatshot type defects.
- Resolved report preview load times when a station has associates.
- Resolved incorrect cursor in the report setup dialog.
Product Libraries
- Resolved issue saving component back to the library. This occurred when there are two libraries in the same database and the component name is identical in both libraries. The result was the component would save back to the incorrect library.
- Added a new warning message during work order creation if Perfect Graining is applied to any unsupported machine points.
- Added ability to “select all materials” in the processing center Select Materials interface.
- Resolved issue saving component back to the library. This occurred when there are two libraries in the same database and the component name is identical in both libraries. The result was the component would save back to the incorrect library.
- Resolved product cost recalculation error in Production.
- Resolved single part machining not adjusting part sizes for edge banding.
- Resolved an issue where the offal destruction path was leaving narrow strips still attached.
- Resolved the processing stations list not refreshing after selecting cancel in the edit screen.
- Resolved an issue where the router profile in the tool file was not being used.
- Resolved “Include Routes in Border” dysfunction.
- Added ability for Optimization Results in the work order database to include parts from third party processing stations.
Speed Increases
- Speed increase while using the specification group initializing function.
- Speed increase with the Work Order creation interface.
- Improved the performance of the True Shape nesting algorithm.
- Resolved True Shape sluggishness with metric units.
- Resolved labels not changing color after printing (label-printing interface).
- Resolved Auto-label issue not producing horizontal boring barcodes. This occurred after creating new G-Code from a drawing.
- Resolved scrap row ID label inaccuracies.
- Resolved sheet-naming issue. The preview of the labels did not match the sheet names on the Auto Label files.
- Resolved label orientation defect after label rotation.
- Resolved Integrated Post Processor (IPP) tool file issue. Border route Z values on some single parts were not being adjusted correctly.
- Resolved G-Code error when auto labeling was enabled.
- Resolved G-Code update error after changing the set mill of a border.
- Added ability to select the dynamic image of a product to access prompts, edit design data, etc.
- Added Microvellum commands - MVAssociateProductsToWall, MVMakeNewGcodeFromDrawing, MVUpdateGcodeFromDrawing, MVCreateNewWorkOrder, MVCreateNewWorkOrderFromDrawing, MVEditExistingWorkOrder, MVProjectPropertiesMVEditExistingWorkOrder, MVProjectProperties’
Speed Increases
- Speed increase with drawing/redrawing products (especially in large drawings).
- Resolved hardware PLINE token issue. If the options parameter contained 5 or more options, the lead-in/outs would be inaccurate.
- Resolved issue while drawing products along a polyline with 2D plan tokens.
- Resolved item numbers not incrementing if placed on an arced polyline.
- Resolved 2D and 3D products not updating properly.
- Resolved inoperative cut button in Edit Design Data.
- Resolved the dado flip option not operating. This occurred if parameter 6 in the dado token was blank.
- Resolved inaccurate calculations in the prompt interface, generated by placing products from separate libraries next to each other.
- Resolved an issue where having a wall elevated in 2D and then using the fill products on the wall would not place the 2D products correctly.
- Resolved an issue when copying or mirroring a product and wall. The new product would become detached from the newly created wall.
- Resolved an issue where after mirroring a product, the product would not be drawn in the correct position. Note - You can use the copy and mirror command on a wall and product at the same time. You cannot use the window selection method and must pick the products and the wall.
- Resolved visual trimming of Face 6 machining in the drawing (not in G-Code).
- Resolved Anderson machine base issue. For large arcs, the radius call outs would produce random inaccuracies.
- Resolved incorrect horizontal boring formats and route tool numbers (hex decimal rounding error).
- Resolved incorrect face 6 program offsets.
- Resolved incorrect DRAWPOLYLINE drawing token bulge display.
- Resolved tab cut off (causing part movement).
- Resolved part properties exception error in ERP.
- Resolved inability to delete prompt tokens in part properties.
- Resolved edgebanding deductions and indicators inaccuracies.
- Modified the behavior of the “Fill Product on Wall Placement” option. The default values first populated in the interface now reference the product’s default value.
- Modified the 2D Rotate Part Nest Tool button to be clearer as to what it will do.
Design and Drafting
Speed Increases
- Speed increase while drawing products to existing 2D elevation wall.
- Speed increase while drawing with the 2D plan view.
- Resolved formulated sheet size issue that caused the incorrect population of work order databases.
- Resolved AutoCAD conceptual settings not holding values.
- Resolved item number dysfunction with the first product drawn copying a product.
- Resolved part properties closing when using “save and redraw”. This occurred when a dynamic image of the product was drawn.
- Resolved issue when adding a new room and drawing a product. The first product drawn would not abide by the highest number in the project.
- Resolved partially hidden “Use Annotative Scaling” checkbox in the AutoCAD tab.
- Resolved flatshot image creation issue. This occurred while using DRAWMIRRORXDIM token.
- Resolved Solid Modeling tool palettes vanishing. This occurred if the user moved the pallets to an additional monitor and disconnected their computer from that monitor.
- Resolved 3D objects being hidden after changing view.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the product renumber command from detecting the item numbers.
- Resolved item number increment defect, while adding a product group to a project.
- Resolved 2D Plan and Elevation drawing options. These tokens will now draw correctly.
- Modified formula-driven materials to ensure all values are displayed in all the interfaces correctly. This includes the material tree, edit material dialog, and sheet stock list interfaces.
- Modified the “Height Above Floor” prompt to be dynamic like other prompts and the text will appear red if it is formula-driven.
- Modified the grain option to be hidden for edge band and hardware materials.
Data Management
- Added Copy/Paste functionality in the library and subassembly categories in Database Explorer.
- Added the Unified work order database tool. Import-export utilities.
- Added a subassembly prompt conflict resolution interface.
- Added release notes on the new Database Management tool
- Added ability for Edit Design Data cell editor to save its configured size upon closing.
- Added drag-and-drop functionality of the main library node in tree view (Database Explorer).
Speed increases
- Speed increase while transferring data from the user database to hard drive.
- Resolved an issue where edgeband labor value would not be populated in the work order database. The user's serial number must have the appropriate module for this to be populated correctly. To enable this feature please contact your Microvellum account manager. (See Help/About UI for contact details)
- Resolved Database Explorer error when opening a room component’s specification group file or product.
- Resolved subassemblies saving incorrectly.
- Resolved Advanced Library setup command speed issue. This resulted in the querying of all the Project Wizard files in the database before populating the interface.
- Resolved issue with new processing stations Link ID's not being in the correct format.
- Resolved error when modifying passwords on a secure database, and then switching configurations.
- Resolved formula-driven Edge banding database population inaccuracies.
- Resolved material files not updating in the System Defined Names (found in material workbooks).
- Resolved inconsistent record issue. This occurred while processing Face Frame images, with duplicate products.
- Resolved external partID field not populating BlueCell XML file.
- Resolved edgebanding fields incorrectly populating Shelling STK output
- Resolved Optiplanning XML Parts issue, that caused the parts to be configured to improperly rotate.
- Resolved Face 6 file names changing after updating G-Code.
- Resolved workbook database storage issue.
- Resolved rotated EMF file formatting issue.
- Blocked the ability to add the same graphic file to the selected tree (with the arrow button).
2D machining
- Added help text to the tool number parameter for the MITER token to clarify when a machining operation will be created.
- Resolved issue while updating the 2D part to 3D. This caused a loss in formula-driven polyline token vectors if the route was not modified in 2D.
- Resolved hardware machining token issue. The interface would not populate correct default token values for the various parameters.
- Resolved issue while copying a machine token in a hardware product. This caused visual defects in the tree view.
- Resolved vertical drill optimizer skipping hole groupings.
- Resolved the 2D Machining Tools behavior that defaulted it to select a saw station. The 2D Machining Tools will now select the first available nesting or a single part station in the list if no default station is assigned.
- Resolved an issue caused by using a straight-line route machine token and drawing a part in 2D. This resulted in the machining to be offset after it was updated and redrawn.
- Modified the help text for the Z values in the HOLES and CAMLOCK machine tokens.
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