Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.1012.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.1012.641

We received some reports of intermittent installation issues related to the previous 20.1.1006.641 Toolbox update. The issue has been resolved and the new 20.1.1012.641 build should be considered as a replacement build. The update was rebuilt without any modifications made to Toolbox. If you experienced issues installing the 20.1.1006.641 update, we suggest you request the update again.

The following release notes apply to Toolbox Build 20.1.1012.641     

Edit Design Data


  1. Added a “*” to the workbook column when a workbook is modified, to help see which workbooks have changes in them.  

  2. Added Find and Replace and Name Managers to Edit Design Data.

  3. Added Toggle Hidden Columns A through P.

  4. Added thick borders to mark where a machine token starts for a part.
  5. Added Revert Subassembly context menu item in Edit Design Data. The menu item is only displayed if the selected subassembly in the spreadsheet can be reverted.

  6. Added feature to remove hardware items in the spreadsheet that are set to Skip Spreadsheet Sync to the new sync database command. 
  7. Added "Ctrl + O" hotkey for Open Subassembly in the Edit Design Data Context Menu.
  8. Added Maximize and Minimize buttons to the Edit Design Data UI. 


  1. Resolved an issue that prevented the Save and Redraw command in Edit Design Data to work while a subassembly was open.
  2. Resolved an issue where showing hidden columns in a subassembly view would not line the columns up correctly.
  3. Resolved an issue where Panel_Length and Panel_Width names could show up multiple times in the paste name dialog.
  4. Resolved an issue where import/export would not change LinkIDSpecificationGroup in the products table.


  1. Modified part filter to now be applied when opening a subassembly in Edit Design Data.
  2. Modified Edit Design Data UI buttons and look.

  3. Modified the Paste Name dialog. You can now select between Global Variables, Material Pointers, Pointer Thickness, Local Variables, Subassembly Variables, Nested Subassembly Variables, AutoCAD Blocks, and be able to select a DWG on disk.

  4. Modified Paste GUID to use mvnewLinkID instead of a GUID.
  5. Modified GroupFlexGrid and Product List to re-sort by default sort column and then clear sorts. 
  6. Modified Name Manager icon to match the icon used in the Workbook Designer.
  7. Modified Context Menu by rearranging the menu items into a more conducive order. 


  1. Removed need to get all subassemblies while in Edit Design Data. Now only the needed subassemblies are collected. 



  1. Added “Sync Materials from Database” button to specification group interface.

  2. Added Waste Factor and Markup Value to the Edit Multiple Materials interface.


  1. Resolved an issue where creating a template level material appended a “(1)” to the name if it existed as a project level material.  
  2. Resolved an issue where Skip Spreadsheet Sync checkbox would not display in Edit Material UI when the material was imported and never added to a spreadsheet.


  1. Modified the “Import Materials from Spreadsheet” command to ignore materials that are project-specific when looking for matching materials in the database. The LinkID in the spreadsheet must still be unique for it to be considered a valid material to import.
  2. Modified the process of deleting a material from the material file, it removes the material from all spreadsheets as well.

Product List


  1. Added new features to improve user experience within the Product List UI. Learn More
  2. Added multiple new optional columns that can be added to the Product List through Grid Settings. 


  1. Resolved an issue where closing and reopening the Product List would cause an error when processing Work Orders.
  2. Resolved an issue where the column width was not holding in the Product List Setup.
  3. Resolved an issue where columns in the Product List and Grid Settings were falling out of sync.
  4. Resolved an issue where renaming a sub-category in the Product List would cause an error.
  5. Resolved an issue where importing/exporting a project would cause the Product List to break.
  6. Resolved an issue where the icons in the new Product List UI did not match the existing icons elsewhere in Toolbox.  
  7. Resolved an issue where Item Numbers were not sorting correctly in the Product List.
  8. Resolved an issue where Item Numbers with leading zeros were having additional zeros appended to them in Product List.
  9. Resolved an issue where Parts List Review in the Product List was not showing how many parts you selected.
  10. Resolved an issue where comments that were added by double-clicking in the cell were not holding.
  11. Resolved an issue where the max number of sort columns was stuck at three.
  12. Resolved an issue where Saved Views were not showing as modified after adding a column group.
  13. Resolved an issue where renaming a room in the Product List would result in an error.
  14. Resolved an issue where the Product List could be opened multiple times without the various windows closing.
  15. Resolved an issue where Item Numbers were being duplicated across rooms through the Product List. 
  16. Resolved an issue where multiple Product List windows could be opened by going into another room in Toolbox.
  17. Resolved an issue where copying products from one room to another changed the item numbers.
  18. Resolved an issue where changing the font size in the Product List using the “+” and “-“ icons was not saving after closing.
  19. Resolved an issue where items in a grouped column were not displaying any decimals. All grouped columns now display full decimals. When columns are ungrouped, their decimals are restored to match the settings established in Grid Settings. 
  20. Resolved an issue with font sizes in Product List. 
  21. Resolved an issue where double-clicking a column or row threw an unhandled exception. 
  22. Resolved an issue where the Product List wouldn’t open after the “Command Line is Still Active” error. 


  1. Modified the method of loading products and eliminated multiple hits to the database in a recursive method. This leads to faster load time in the Product List UI.  
  2. Modified the process of sorting columns in the Product List. Selecting an unsorted column sorts it in ascending order and it becomes the primary sort. When a sorted column that is not the primary sort is selected, that column becomes the primary sort. When the sorted primary sort column is selected, it resorts in the opposite direction. 


  1. Removed “Item Number is Numeric” setting from the Options > General tab.     

Grid View Settings

  1. Added the ability to define custom views as well as assign or change the default view to any one of the saved views. 
  2. Added “Disable Prompt to Save when Sorting Column Data” checkbox to the Grid View Settings UI. This setting prevents the tracking and prompting to save changes while sorting column data.  
  4. Added “Disable Prompt to Save when Changing Column Widths” checkbox to the Grid View Settings UI. This setting prevents the tracking and prompting to save changes while changing the column widths. 
  6. Added “Disable Prompt to Save when Changing Font Size” checkbox to the Grid View Settings UI. This setting prevents the tracking and prompting to save changes while changing the grid font size. 
  8. Added “Reset View” button, to restore the view to system defaults. 
  10. Added “Rename” button, allowing for a saved view to be renamed.  
  1. Resolved an issue where selecting the Show Number Column setting in the Grid View Settings UI would prevent the Product List from opening. 
  2. Resolved an issue where selecting “Disable Prompts to Save when Changing Column Widths” and “Disable Prompts to Save when Changing Font Size” by themselves caused the setting to not stick after closing. 
  3. Resolved an issue where a view could be saved with only a space entered as the name. 
  4. Resolved an issue that created duplicate saved views when a specific work flow was used.
  5. Resolved an issue where having old saved views caused a conflict with the new Grid Settings, resulting in the Product List being unable to start. 
  6. Resolved an issue where renaming a saved view while there were unsaved changes reverted those changes.
  1. Modified the combo box in Grid View Settings to remove the ability to type in the selection. 
  2. Modified Preferences group in Grid Settings to be hidden for all uses of the grid except Product List. 
  3. Modified Grid Settings UI. 

2D Nesting Tools


  1. Resolved an issue where adding a part through Part Tools would not hold the Part Name.  
  2. Resolved an issue where adding a part was not holding Part Name.
  3. Resolved an issue where updating G-Code in the nest was duplicating parts in the Nesting Optimization Report. 

Database Explorer 


  1. Resolved an issue where the “Clean Up Orphan Records” tool was removing all of the Room Components from the data.
  2. Resolved an issue where Database Explorer would not allow you to export Room Component products.

Unified Work Order Database


  1. Resolved an issue where renaming a Work Order while using a Unified Work Order Database would cause ALL of the Work Orders to be renamed.

XML Import


  1. Resolved an issue with XML not associating products to walls.
  2. Resolved an issue where XML import would fail if Item Number was not assigned in XML.

Login Screen


  1. Resolved an issue where the Login Screen was displaying an incorrect Software Maintenance Expiration. 

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