Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.0405.641
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0405.641
Machining & G-Code
- Added the Router Lead-in Adjustment Percentage variable to the Machining tab of the Configuration Editor. The variable adds or subtracts a percentage of the tool diameter to the lead-in size.
- Learn more about this change.
- Modified help text for parameter 3 of PLINEFROMHOLES machine token.
- Modified help text for parameter 8 of Associative Const. Holes machine token.
- Modified help text for parameter 7 of Associative Adj Shelf Holes machine token.
- Modified help text for parameter 5 of Associative Dado machine token.
- Modified Parameter 5 of the Shelf Standard Tokens. The parameter now has an optional value that will override the shelf row spacing global for this token. The user must enter in a pipe symbol followed by the new value. If no value is found it will revert back to the global.
- Resolved issue where ramp on dado was not on the correct layer, causing the ramp length to be too long.
- Adjusted tolerance amount of pocketing dado ramps to resolve an issue with specific material thicknesses.
- Resolved an issue where Convert to Metric was not being applied to the Edgebanding Token.
2D Drawing
- Added create material button in prompts selection UI for edgeband and hardware materials.
- Added the ability to filter categories for Material Prompts control types 7, 8, 9.
- Resolved an issue with Product Sections losing machining after Redraw in 2D.
- Resolved an issue where 2D plan view wall would redraw at 0,0 in the drawing after a redraw.
- Resolved an issue where 2D entities could not be prompted using MVPRODUCTPROMPTS or MVEDITDESIGNDATA.
- Resolved an issue where windowing 2D plan, elevation, and 3D item numbers of the same product would cause redraw issues.
User Interface
- Added ability to resize material select dialog and the new position and size will be saved.
- Modified the "Convert to Metric" option in the Configuration Editor so that it is no longer visible when using a metric configuration.
- Modified the minimum window size for the Project Wizard dialog.
- Modified help text for Part Size Adjustment in the Edit Material dialog.
- Resolved an issue where using the "Refresh Materials" button in the material select UI would override the toggle materials button.
- Resolved an issue where the filter material button in the material select UI would disappear after selecting the pointer radio button.
Design & Drafting
- Resolved an issue where drawing a product that did not have an image caused an error.
- PDF’s generated by report groups are now editable by default.
- Modified processing method to only load products and parts that are selected from the current work order, resulting in increased efficiency, especially on Unified Work Orders.
- Resolved an issue where the Length and Width columns of the Optimization Results table were not being converted to metric when Convert to Metric was selected.
Nested Subassemblies
- Resolved an issue where moving a nested Subassembly caused incorrect placement of hardware on the Subassembly.
- Resolved an issue where the Erase Parts, Move Parts, and Copy Parts commands were not handling nested subassemblies correctly and acted on the wrong subassembly.
- Resolved an issue where changes were not saved when editing a nested subassembly if a parent subassembly shared the same name.
- Resolved an issue where saving a nested subassembly to project as a new subassembly caused the first row in the product to be renamed to the name of the new subassembly.
- Resolved an issue where the Modify Subassembly commands were saved to the project level when used on a nested subassembly.
- Resolved an issue when using the "Move Parts" command, the parts moved, but returned to the initial locations after the product updated.
- Resolved an issue where Save to Project as New Subassembly followed by Save to Project Overwrite Existing caused a Workbook Set View error.
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