Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.0405.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.0405.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0405.641

Machining & G-Code

  1. Added the Router Lead-in Adjustment Percentage variable to the Machining tab of the Configuration Editor. The variable adds or subtracts a percentage of the tool diameter to the lead-in size.
    1. Learn more about this change.            

  1. Modified help text for parameter 3 of PLINEFROMHOLES machine token.
  2. Modified help text for parameter 8 of Associative Const. Holes machine token.
  3. Modified help text for parameter 7 of Associative Adj Shelf Holes machine token.
  4. Modified help text for parameter 5 of Associative Dado machine token.
  5. Modified Parameter 5 of the Shelf Standard Tokens.  The parameter now has an optional value that will override the shelf row spacing global for this token.  The user must enter in a pipe symbol followed by the new value.  If no value is found it will revert back to the global.

  1. Resolved issue where ramp on dado was not on the correct layer, causing the ramp length to be too long.
  2. Adjusted tolerance amount of pocketing dado ramps to resolve an issue with specific material thicknesses.
  3. Resolved an issue where Convert to Metric was not being applied to the Edgebanding Token.

2D Drawing

  1. Added create material button in prompts selection UI for edgeband and hardware materials.
  2. Added the ability to filter categories for Material Prompts control types 7, 8, 9.

  1. Resolved an issue with Product Sections losing machining after Redraw in 2D.
  2. Resolved an issue where 2D plan view wall would redraw at 0,0 in the drawing after a redraw.
  3. Resolved an issue where 2D entities could not be prompted using MVPRODUCTPROMPTS or MVEDITDESIGNDATA.
  4. Resolved an issue where windowing 2D plan, elevation, and 3D item numbers of the same product would cause redraw issues.

User Interface

  1. Added ability to resize material select dialog and the new position and size will be saved.
  1. Modified the "Convert to Metric" option in the Configuration Editor so that it is no longer visible when using a metric configuration.
  2. Modified the minimum window size for the Project Wizard dialog.
  3. Modified help text for Part Size Adjustment in the Edit Material dialog.
  1. Resolved an issue where using the "Refresh Materials" button in the material select UI would override the toggle materials button.
  2. Resolved an issue where the filter material button in the material select UI would disappear after selecting the pointer radio button.

Design & Drafting

  1. Resolved an issue where drawing a product that did not have an image caused an error.


  1. PDF’s generated by report groups are now editable by default.


  1. Modified processing method to only load products and parts that are selected from the current work order, resulting in increased efficiency, especially on Unified Work Orders.
  1. Resolved an issue where the Length and Width columns of the Optimization Results table were not being converted to metric when Convert to Metric was selected.

Nested Subassemblies

  1. Resolved an issue where moving a nested Subassembly caused incorrect placement of hardware on the Subassembly.
  2. Resolved an issue where the Erase Parts, Move Parts, and Copy Parts commands were not handling nested subassemblies correctly and acted on the wrong subassembly.
  3. Resolved an issue where changes were not saved when editing a nested subassembly if a parent subassembly shared the same name.
  4. Resolved an issue where saving a nested subassembly to project as a new subassembly caused the first row in the product to be renamed to the name of the new subassembly.
  5. Resolved an issue where the Modify Subassembly commands were saved to the project level when used on a nested subassembly.
  6. Resolved an issue when using the "Move Parts" command, the parts moved, but returned to the initial locations after the product updated.
  7. Resolved an issue where Save to Project as New Subassembly followed by Save to Project Overwrite Existing caused a Workbook Set View error.

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