Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.0916.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.0916.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0916.641

User Interface

  1. Added a minimum window size and a maximize window control to many user interface windows including Part Properties, Product Prompts, Edit Design Data, and Create & Edit Work Order.
  1. Changed "Help Center" to "Microvellum Knowledge Network" on the Login Screen and About Microvellum Toolbox user interface.

  2. Modified the layout and added the ability to resize the Support Portal UI interface.
  1. Resolved an issue where Save and Redraw was closing the Part Properties menu when a 2D Product was present.
  2. Resolved an issue that was resulting in empty categories being deleted from Project Tree View even after "No" or "X" was selected from the confirm deletion dialog. 
  3. Resolved an issue where the EU selection was not holding its value in the Library Region Selection Interface.

Tool File

  1. Added “Allow Face 6 Border Routes” checkbox to the Integrated Post Processor (IPP) Tool File settings. When checked the machining instructions for border routes will be moved into the face 6 g-code file when there is no face 5 machining on the part. This feature is only applicable for IPP point-to-point machine code generation.

  1. Resolved an issue where Face 6 Routes built into borders still appeared on Face 6 causing the part border to be cut out on face 5 and then again on Face 6.

2D Drawings

  1. Resolved an issue with wall offset of products doubling when creating a cross-section of a wall with multiple products.
  2. Resolved an issue where creating a cross-section of a wall and products without using drawing tokens would not take into account the wall offset prompt of the product.
  3. Resolved an issue where editing a draw token when there was a 2D drawing present would produce an error.
  4. Resolved an issue where some text items would not apply the scale list for the annotative text of 2D Drawings.

Drawing & Machine Tokens

  1. Resolved an issue where parts that had neither a drawing token nor machine point assigned to them would still be processed for machining, causing an error.
  2. Resolved an issue where Camlock tokens were associating to part edges that were on the same plane but a different Z origin.
  3. Resolved an issue where Camlock offset hole would not offset in the correct direction.
  4. Resolved an issue where Edgeband tokens would not include the part quantity or product quantity in totals.
  5. Resolved an issue where the CUTOUT hardware machine token would not properly assign to the face of a part based on parameter 3 of the token.
  6. Resolved an issue where PLINEFROMHOLES options parameter was not being transferred to the route token that would be applied.
  7. Resolved an issue where using a region in a PLINE token would incorrectly assign the pocket route a sequence number of 0.
  8. Resolved an issue where Hardware Array machine tokens would not assigning the correct LinkIDProduct to the hardware item in the WO database.
  9. Resolved an issue where selecting New/Update GCode from Nesting Tools was causing the lead-in for a stay down nest to redraw incorrectly.

Part Properties & Prompts

  1. Resolved an issue with part properties overwriting data in the spreadsheet when the Prompts tab was selected.
  2. Resolved an issue where height above floor value was not updating correctly if it was formula-driven and the prompts UI was not refreshed.
  3. Resolved an issue where FLATSHOT token would not appear in part properties prompts tab.
  4. Resolved an issue where the SHELFSTD machine token would error out in the part properties UI.
  5. Resolved an issue when drawing a subassembly part in 2D where the product contained two identical subassemblies but different parts based on Bay Position would sometimes cause the 2D part list to display the incorrect part names.

File Import

  1. Resolved an issue where importing XML files would not apply the specification group combo box selection for products without a specification group listed.

Item Numbers

  1. Modified the CreateProductCopy() function so that it now accounts for the item number of the copied product.

Solid Analyzation

  1. Modified the default values for Nonplanar Parts Oversize Dimension and Minimum Part Size to 0.25.  
  2. Values will not be updated for existing configurations. However, they can be modified in  the Solid Analyzation tab of the Configuration Editor (Toolbox Setup > Options > Solid Analyzation).

Processing Center

  1. Added a variable to the CutRiteV7.xlsx file ("ReplaceMatCodewithHandlingCode") to allow end-users to replace the Material Code in the PTX file with the Sheet Handling Code.  See  Cut Rite PTX Parts File Import from Microvellum  for more information.

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