Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.1227.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.1227.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.1227.641

Edit Design Data

  1. Resolved an issue where the workbook prefix (e.g. "L!") would not be added when applying a local variable to a formula.
  2. Resolved an issue where the "Revert Project Level Subassembly" function was not working properly in Edit Design Data.
  3. Resolved issue where a new subassembly saved to the project would be assigned to the row even when the "Assign to Current Row" checkbox was unchecked.

Single Part Editor

  1. Resolved an issue that produced an error when an associative entity was selected.  A new dialog box explaining why you can't select certain entities will now be displayed for all commands under Additional Routing Tools.
  2. Resolved an issue where rectangles were not selectable for HBORE when using the "Select Existing" command.
  3. Resolved an issue where the tool value would not be updated when changing the tool on an existing face 6 polyline route.
  4. Resolved an issue where parts would not update correctly in the Single Parts Editor if the project name started with "Row".
  5. Resolved an issue where hardware and drawing only tokens would become lost when updating from Single Part Editor in AU library.
  6. Resolved an issue where PLINE tokens would be removed when updating subassembly parts from a Single Part Editor drawing multiple times.


  1. Resolved an issue where the Paste Name UI in Edit Materials would not display all defined names from the material workbooks.
  2. Resolved an issue where category filters for material prompt controls were not working correctly.

Modify Parts

  1. Resolved issue where moving a part within a subassembly using the "Move Parts" command produced an error.

Project Rooms

  1. Resolved issue where using the "New Room" button, but then creating a copy of a room, would cause unexpected results.

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