Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.0830.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.0830.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox build 23.1.0830.641

Server Log Fix

Figure 1: MV Server Log issue.

Figure 2: MV Server Log fixed.

  1. It was noted that when processing a work order using the Microvellum server, there was an issue with the server log, wherein it would not display date/time, only time. This could lead to accuracy problems when tracking actions undertaken during processing, as well as catching errors. This issue has been resolved; the server log should now display properly with the date/time generating correctly. 

Routing Fix

Figure 3: Legrabox routing issue.
Figure 4: Legrabox routing fixed.
  1. There was a reported issue wherein users attempting to cut a dado route for the Blum Legrabox bottom were unable to get the set single pass route to cut completely on the machine. The issue has been resolved- the single pass dado route for cutting out this part is now fully functional.

Design Data Fixes

A handful of issues within the Edit Design Data interface were reported and have been resolved, all centered around the “Find and Replace” feature within the sheet:
Figure 5: Find and Replace missing UI features.
  1. The Find and Replace feature in the interface had two options failing to display when using the assigned keyboard shortcut of CTRL+F: the Match Whole Word option and Matches Found count would seemingly fail to appear.
Figure 6: Lookin/Look In graphical error.
  1. A minor grammatical error was found in the UI of the “Find and Replace” feature, which led to the combination of two words, Look In, the option which would allow users to specifically search for terms in a specific section of the data. This issue would only occur when using the “Find and Replace” button in the Edit Design Data ribbon.
Figure 7: Matches Found count issue.
  1. There was an issue wherein the Matches Found count would fail to update the count after users typed in a new query into the “Find” field. This led to some confusion, specifically when no matches for the entered term were found, but the count erroneously displayed the same number of matches. 

Processing Fix

  1. An issue was reported wherein the Ardis STK file, when creating barcode information for batches being processed, would only create barcodes for the first associated station in the list, not producing any for the second. The issue has been resolved- the Ardis STK file should now create barcodes for all associated processing stations. 

UI Scrolling Fix

  1. There was an occasional problem within the program when manually changing options: when hovering over certain options with their cursor, some users experienced a change in settings brought on by an accidental scroll of their mouse wheel. This led to minor confusion and some slight problems in workflows. To resolve this, the program has had sections of the UI's dropdown menus, unable to be affected by the scrolling of the mouse wheel. 

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