Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.0913.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.0913.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 23.1.0913.641

Part Properties UI Fixes

The Microvellum Development team noted some errors in the UI of the Part Properties console. 
Figure 1: Token copy/pasting issue after [END].
Figure 2: Token copy/pasting fixed.
  1. When copying and pasting a token within the Part Properties, tokens are meant to be placed before the [END] value, as well as retain the values of the token that was copied and pasted. This was notably not the case, with tokens coming in after the [END] and being left blank, only showing up in the correct position if one closed and reopened Part Properties, though still blank. 
Figure 3: Bulge List formatting error.
  1. Within the DRAWPOLYLINE token, the Bulge List value is listed with an incorrect formatting display for the values, displaying 0|0 instead of 0;0:, potentially leading to an issue wherein values are not read in the token due to being formatted incorrectly. 
  1. Both issues have been resolved- the UI displaying the proper formatting for Bulge List has been revised and fixed and copying/pasting a token will no longer place it after the [END] value.  

Micromanager Fix

  1. There was a problem within the Component Cabinet Library wherein the Micromanager feature would display incorrect materials in work orders after manual editing on the part of users. If users changed the materials of a product or project manually via the workbook, the change would not be reflected in the “Work Order Materials” interface, instead displaying the default template material, despite the work order correctly processing the new material. This issue has been resolved- the display of the interface should now show the manually entered material, rather than the template one. 

Die Walls Fix

Figure 4: L-shaped die walls shrinkage.
  1. An issue was reported with the function of drawing Die Walls in an L-shape. Users who drew L-shaped die walls and placed products on them experienced a problem wherein the walls were resized to a smaller size after changing to adjust to the new product dimensions, potentially disconnecting from other walls in the 3D drawing. This issue has been resolved- users should now no longer experience any issues with resizing upon a redraw. 

SMA Modeling Fixes

The Solid Model Analyzer had some reported issues with 3D representation and values.

Figure 5: Solid Model Analyzer border routing issue.
Figure 6: Solid Model Analyzer border routing fix.

  1. When utilizing solid modeling on certain projects or products that included border routing, users reported a problem of parts with routing separating from the rest of the product. 

Figure 7: Extruded panel in incorrect location.
Figure 8: Extruded panel in SMA corrected.

  1. When creating extruded panels on 3D products using the Solid Model Analyzer, there was a problem wherein the extruded panels were not analyzed correctly and drawn into the product in an incorrect position. 
Figure 9: Studs entering the skin in Solid Modeling.
  1. When drawing in polylines and assigning them as attached hardware (such as studs), there was an issue when extruding said hardware into 3D models: the attached hardware would reposition upon being drawn in 3D, sometimes even being placed inside of the product itself. 
  2. All of these issues have been resolved; all were based in the same root problem and the Solid Model Analyzer based projects should no longer have them occur. 

Edgebanding Fix

Figure 10: Edgebanding error using Biesse PTP.
  1. An issue occurred when processing certain work orders using the Biesse point-to-point Toolfile. When setting manual values on the machine origin of parts with custom edgebanding applied, the X value would calculate incorrectly on the machine token. This issue has been resolved- the value of the X axis will now remain consistent with user entered values.

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