Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.1016.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.1016.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 23.1.1016.641

Perfect Graining Fixes

Several fixes have been applied to resolve issues that were found occurring when using the “Perfect Graining” setting while drawing products:
Figure 1: Graining across multiple products issue.
  1. There was an issue with the grain of products mismatching across multiple products created near one another, leading to misaligned graining during nesting or product creation.
  1. With perfect graining applied, there was sometimes an issue of the graining of parts flipping around to the wrong side of the product or being placed in the wrong direction. 
Figure 2: Parts with perfect graining overlapping.
  1. When nesting products or parts that had perfect graining applied, there was a noted problem of parts nesting on top of one another or parts overlapping. 
Figure 3: Horizontal parts with grain containers labeled "too large".
  1. An issue was reported wherein parts laying horizontally with grain containers would result in an error upon attempting to nest, with the grain container being declared as "too large" for the sheet. 
Figure 4: Perfect Grain Index issue.
  1. There was a noted issue within the workbooks of some nested subassemblies, wherein the “Perfect Grain Index” formula, applied to the subassembly, would sometimes display incorrect values, sometimes displaying as a 0.
Figure 5: Perfect graining upper doors mismatched in nest.
  1. There was a problem with Upper Cabinets with doors of different lengths and perfect graining applied would result in issues with nesting, as the doors would mismatch when processing. 
Figure 6: Perfect graining applied to vertically stacked cabinets.
  1. There was an issue with grained doors and drawer fronts when perfect graining was applied with vertical grain on all products, wherein the cabinets that were stacked atop one another would process incorrectly in the nest, with the products being misplaced and misaligned. 
  1. All of these issues have been resolved, perfect grain being enabled while running any of the operations above will no longer produce any of the errors listed.

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