Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.1107.644

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.1107.644

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 23.1.1107.644

Event Log Error Fix

  1. There was a recurring error in the Event Log that occurred when users used a ROUTEDHOLE token for hardware machining. Tools of a certain size, when selected, would have a “Sequence Contains No Elements” error repeatedly appearing in the event log, yet have no error dialogue box popping up in the software.  This issue has been resolved: redrawing products using the ROUTEDHOLE token will no longer create the errors in the event log.

Registry Fix

Figure 1: The "Data Source" key in the Microsoft Registry.
  1. There was a reported issue within the registry data of the software: there were instances wherein the Data Source registry key would sometimes be deleted, causing the program to freeze or stall until ended via a task manager. This issue has been resolved- the source of the error that caused the deletion has been found and the registry setting should no longer be deleted.

Formula Materials Sheet Size Fix

Figure 2: Sheet generation issue, one with the library sheet size, the other the project sheet size.
  1. There was a noted issue that occurred when users created work orders utilizing a formula material that generated sheet size. When the sheet size was generated, the work order would display both the library sheet size and the project sheet size. This issue has been resolved: only a single sheet size should now be registering and appearing within work orders.

MCOR Graphical Fix

Figure 3: MCOR broken routing issue.
  1. An issue was noted within the 3D representation of part borders and tool paths, wherein the vectors of these elements would not be offset with the tool radius on small irregular pocket routes, resulting in vectors for the routes being broken and incomplete, and producing incorrect G-code in the aftermath. This issue has been resolved- the graphical vectors should now accurately represent the offset values with tool radius. 


Figure 4: OFFSETPOLYLINE issue.
  1. There was an issue with 3D representation concerning the OFFSETPOLYLINE formula and polyline tokens, namely, the formula for the OFFSETPOLYLINE function would sometimes evaluate polylines incorrectly, leading to incorrectly drawn products and token paths. This issue has been resolved- 3D representations using the OFFSETPOLYLINE formula should now result in correctly evaluated polylines, with no more issues of incorrect paths stemming from it. 

XML Import Fix

  1. Project subassemblies imported through XML files had an issue with the adjustment of the subassembly’s prompt values- they were incompatible with the Foundation Library, and thus, unable to be adjusted manually, unless revisited and changed within the XML and imported in. This issue has been resolved; using amended coding, it is now possible update subassemblies from imported XML files. 

Option Pop-Ups

  1. Within the Toolbox UI, the “Options” section of the software has had pop-ups added to better explain the function and purpose of each option within the software. 

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