Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0625.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0625.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0625.641

Ramping Fix

  1. There was reportedly an issue occurring with ramping wherein ramping would not function properly when utilized on a 4-sided cutout machine token. When attempting to ramp using a 4-sided cutout machine token, the ramping process would instead be skipped as the machine simply plunged to its set depth without pausing at the top of the material. Moreover, in testing, it was found that when adding a work order with ramping information to the Work Order database, it was sometimes the case that the information would come in incorrect. This issue has been resolved- ramping should function as normal as part of the machining process. 

Processing Station Rules Fix

  1. An issue was reported wherein barcode information would not be reflected on label information. When processing a part using the “Assign Processing Station Rules” option, there was sometimes code generated wherein the part would not have machine codes present (such as horizontal boring). This issue noticeably only occurred when users selected the “Assign Processing Station Rules” option just before processing their order, and only in Ardis processing stations. If any other option in the processing station was selected after “Assign Processing Station Rules”, the order would process and generate code normally. This issue has been resolved- using "Assign Processing Station Rules" last should no longer result in missing machine code.     

Router Drill Fix

  1. There was an issue with router drills wherein router drills would sometimes have issues of size inconsistency. When using a router drill, it was sometimes the case that holes on a part would be processed as significantly larger than they were designed to be (in an example test, a hole came out 7mm larger than it was set to be). This issue has been resolved- drilling holes should now be reflective of their set size.

Toolfile Custom Settings Fix

  1. An issue was discovered with custom settings in Toolfiles, wherein constants added into a Toolfile would not register, with any changes to existing tools or any newly added tool constants disappearing or reverting upon closing the Toolfile UI. This issue has been resolved- constants will now be able to be modified and retain their newly modified value. New constants will appear when reloaded.

Stay Down Nesting Route Fix

  1. Users reported an issue with border routing during stay-down nesting, wherein material specific tools assigned to border routing would not appear in the composite drawing or be generated into the G-code. Rather, only the default cutting tool would be used or assigned in the composite drawing and G-code. This would occur even when the default cutting tool was changed to another tool, with the selection sometimes reverting, leading to incomplete cuts at the ends of parts. This issue has been resolved- the assigned cutting tool for the material will consistently be the one used in processing without issue. 

Pocketing Fixes

  1. There was a reported issue was occurring during pocketing, wherein routes drawn would be processed and come out incomplete or missing lines, leading to incorrectly shaped parts. This has been resolved- routing lines should no longer be lost in composites or coding after a part has been processed, and cuts should come out correctly. 

Processing Station Addition

  1. Processing stations have had a new option added to allow for composite images to be generated as JPG files rather than WMF files once a work order has been processed. 

Server Fixes

  1. There was an issue in Microvellum Server, wherein messages in the event log would sometimes repeat during processing, even after significant periods of time had passed since the initial event was logged. 
  1. MVServer has had an expansion made to one of its functions. Previously, it was only possible for one instance of the server to add XML files from the configuration queue to be processed. It is now possible for multiple concurrent instances to add XML files from the same queue (provided the configuration is on both servers and the servers are linked). 

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