Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0719.642
The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0719.642
- A recurring issue with 900 tools being used in an incorrect order during certain operations was reported. The issue would manifest as tools switching back and forth during routing operations, rather than each tool completing the full sequence it was automatically assigned to. This meant that unless one manually assigned route priority, tools would be used erroneously and generate incorrect coding. This issue has been resolved; 900 tools should now complete the full sequence they are automatically assigned to before switching to the next tool.
Report JPEG Location Fix
- When creating new report groups, an issue was found with certain image types not generating in secondary output locations. After creating a new report group, assigning work order reports to generate in a secondary location, then processing a work order with that report group active, it was found that JPEGs would only generate in the standard Microvellum output location, not the secondary one. This issue has been resolved, and JPEGs in reports should generate in the expected secondary file output locations without issue.
Setmill G-Code Fix
Fig. 1: The G-code of a part with a misshapen border (left), and the same G-code after being fixed (right). - There was an issue reportedly occurring with certain parts when the location of part borders is altered. When using setmill to change the location of a part’s border in 2D, the resultant G-code would be missing a large amount of data, leading to the part border being drawn erroneously or with an incorrect shape, oftentimes shaving the part’s border in half. This issue would only occur when the border setmill was altered from its initial location. This issue has been resolved, using setmill to change border location should no longer result in missing part data.
Hardware Dynamic Drawing Fix
- An issue was reportedly happening to some users when they attempted to draw dynamic product images of cabinets that contained hardware in work reports. This notedly only occurred in newer builds. When attempting to draw a cabinet that contained hardware, the software would sometimes produce an error message and not draw the dynamic image in a report. This issue has been resolved, and this error should not be appearing when attempting to draw a dynamic product image any longer.
Project Material Fixes
A pair of issues related to project-level materials were reported:
- An issue with project-level buyout material cost not saving was discovered. When one used the Edit Design Data interface to add a buyout material to the buyout material table, added it to a part, then added a specific price to it and exited the interface, it was found that the price would not be saved upon reloading.
Fig. 2: The MFSH table of the M workbook, not extending to include the new project-level material.- There was an issue with newly created project level materials being assigned to pointers. When assigning a newly created project level material to a pointer and drawing a product that uses the material as part of its construction, the product would be missing the parts with that material assigned to them. The material’s thickness would not register, and when inspecting the M workbook, it was found that the table was not extending far enough to include the new material in the project, and as such, it did not register in the project.
- Both issues have been resolved- newly added buyout materials should now save their respective price, and material tables should automatically include newly added materials that have been given properties without issue.
Hinge Position Fix
Fig. 3: A pair of hinges with incorrect origin points. - There was an issue with hinge positions in products that were redrawn after using the 2D part editor. When one edited a part attached to a hinge in the 2D part editor, then redrew the product, it was sometimes the case that the hinge would be placed incorrectly in the product. Upon inspection, one would find that, in the design data, the hinge’s assigned origin in the product was being overwritten with a hard value, causing the hinge to be positioned incorrectly. This issue has been resolved; hinges should no longer have their origin overwritten by hard values and should thus no longer have issues of improper placement in a product.
Library Designer Fixes
Two issues with the Library Designer were reported:
Fig. 4: A copied "DRAWTEXT1" token disappearing in the Metafile Instructions. - When modifying the Metafile Instructions on a product in the Library Designer, copying and pasting in tokens, then redrawing the product, it was found that in some cases, the final token added to a product would not draw or retain its formula or name. This would lead to the token simply failing to appear in the product or coding.
Fig. 5: The blank console (left) and empty folders (right) after attempting to only add room components in Library Designer.- An issue would occur when first attempting to utilize the Library Designer. When creating a new Library Designer file and selecting only the Room Components to add to the library, an error would occur. Upon restarting Toolbox and opening Library Designer once again, one would find that the Room Components entry would be added to the panel, but none of the actual room components would be present, with all the subsequent folders being empty.
- Both issues have been resolved- all copied or newly created tokens in the Metafile Instructions should be retained by the Library Designer, and this error that would result in a blank console and empty Room Component folders should no longer occur in the initial Library Designer startup.
Data Catalog Registry Fix
- There was a known issue that would occur at random, and without clear cause, wherein the Data Source or Data Catalog entry within the registry would be deleted or randomly set to 0, causing crashes or freezes in the middle of software use. It would occur most reliably when interacting with one’s project specification groups, such as when copying and pasting a spec group to a new one. This issue is still considered under investigation at the time of writing but has been partially addressed- it is believed that the root of the issue has been discovered and resolved, but due to its rare occurrence, it is not currently known whether the issue has been completely removed.
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