Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1030.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1030.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1030.641

Routing and Profile Fixes

Several issues were found with routing and polyline paths:
Fig. 1: Horizontal routes off of a part disappearing (left) and appearing correctly (right).
  1. When creating paths for horizontal routing, routes that came off the part but were intended to be routed into the side of a material would instead simply disappear from the part completely.
  1. When creating external profiles for profile doors, it was sometimes the case that the external profiles would not route correctly, with external routes being dropped.
  1. When routing a part, there was sometimes an issue occurring wherein an offset route would disappear in 2D and fail to machine (it would remain visible in Part Properties, however.)
Fig. 2: The "Remove Routes Outside Border" setting in Part Properties.
  1. All these issues have been resolved- a new setting has been added to allow users to select whether or not routes off of a part's border will be dropped. With this setting enabled, routes that move 100% off the part are dropped. When it is not enabled (the default), routes will behave as they normally would. 

Offset Paths Adding Radiuses Fix

  1. When creating products and paths with straight corners, then enabling the Refine Offset Paths with Arcs setting, it was reported there was an issue wherein the setting would continue to function, automatically adding arcs and radiuses to paths even after Refine Offset Paths with Arcs was disabled. 
  1. This issue has been resolved- radiuses should no longer generate when the Refine Offset Paths with Arcs setting is not enabled. 

SQL Relay Fix

Fig 3: SQL Relay option pop-up.
  1. An issue was reportedly occurring when users attempted to change their data access. When selecting the option “SQL Relay” in the data access control panel, then closing without entering any credentials, a pop-up alerting users that their SQL Relay URL was invalid would pop up repeatedly, preventing them from fixing the problem or continuing to use the software without closing it. 
  1. This issue has been resolved- the “SQL Relay” option has been removed from data access entirely, as the option wasn’t usable with the software.

Extruded Product Setmill Fix

Fig. 4: Extruded arc countertop with internal machining disappearing (left) and appearing (right).
  1. An issue was reportedly occurring when users attempted to extrude a countertop over an arc polyline. When extruding an extruded countertop product on an arc polyline, the product would have an altered setmill value, with internal machine tokens and machining failing to display on the countertop. 
  1. This issue has been resolved- logic has been added to the software to enable setmill to be more stable, allowing for extruded products to be extruded without the loss of internal machining. 

Library Update Utility Fix

  1. An issue occurred when users attempted to install one of the cumulative updates from the Microvellum Foundation Library, wherein the software would freeze, and the update would not apply. 
  1. This issue has been resolved, and library updates should apply successfully without any issues from cumulative updates. 

UI Fixes

Multiple UI issues have been resolved: 
Fig. 5: Drawer calculators appearing on the Misc Panel product.
  1. There was sometimes an issue wherein the drawer front and drawer opening calculators would appear on products that had no drawers.
  1. Changing the saw output type within one’s saw processing station would sometimes result in sections of the settings being dislocated or else disappearing from the UI. 
  1. It was reported that there were sometimes issues with project naming, wherein the default name of project locations would not update when changed, unless the software was closed and opened once again. 
  1. There was sometimes an issue with specific types of tokens not generating correctly due to unnecessary parameters being left empty, such as turning tokens on the Misc Panel product.
Fig. 6: A broken link from MVProduction.
  1. An issue sometimes occurred in Microvellum Production, wherein certain features would open incorrect links, opening removed or outdated pages on Microvellum’s website. 
  1. Sometimes, when illegal characters were added to project or file names, the names would still be saved, leading to issues when opening them. 

Processing Station UI Changes

Fig. 7: The expanded Saw Processing Station UI.
Fig. 8: The expanded Nest Processing Station UI.
  1. The UI for Nesting, Point to Point, and Sawing processing stations have received an update to improve their usability and ease of navigation. 

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