Toolbox Release Notes | Build 25.1.0129.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 25.1.0129.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 25.1.0129.641.

SMA Fixes

A wide variety of issues with the Solid Model Analyzer have been resolved. Multiple modifications to existing interfaces or settings have been made to improve precision and responsiveness.

Part Size Warning

  1. It was found that when analyzing solid objects, there was a distinct lack of warning when the object exceeded the maximum part size set in the Solid Analyzation options. Parts that exceed the maximum part size set will not have material applied to them, and as such, there was confusion regarding why parts analyzed were missing their materials during the creation process.

  1. This has been resolved through the creation of a pop-up warning notifying users when the 3D solid they are analyzing exceeds the maximum part size. 

Protected Drawings Fix

  1. Attempting to use the Solid Model Analyzer on drawing files that were marked as protected would sometimes cause an error. This is due to the SMA saving drawing files prior to analyzation, with files marked as protected being unable to be saved. As such, the software would error out. 

  1. This issue has been resolved through the creation of a pop-up warning. When users attempt to analyze or save a file marked as protected, users will now receive an alert that the file is unable to be saved. 

Curved Parts IRIB Fix

  1. Curved parts that have been analyzed by the SMA will sometimes not include a route in its borders when nesting, even when they should. The parts would still retain the bounding box, however. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- bounding boxes being recalculated should result in routes appearing in their proper locations in borders. 

AutoCAD Cutout Fix

  1. It was reported that parts with a certain shape pattern would come out of analyzation incorrectly when using Toolbox AC. The same parts would be analyzed correctly in the OEM version of Toolbox. 
  2. This issue was resolved. Parts of certain shapes (such as arcs) should no longer be analyzed incorrect on Toolbox AC. 

Decimal Precision Addition

  1. The creation of 3D solids using SMA has had a new setting added to enable more precise estimation of product dimensions. It was previously the case that values of 3D solids such as offset, rotation, part size, route length, etc. would be rounded to inconsistent decimal places. To remedy this, a new setting has been added to the Solid Analyzation settings in Options, allowing users to specify the number of decimal places to round within the analyzed product's workbook, from 4-14 places. 4 is the default and recommended value for this new setting.
  2. In addition to this new option, an additional option has been added to disable rounding of the product dimensions in the workbook of a product run through the SMA. 

Extra Cutouts Glitch Fix

  1. After analyzing a part using the SMA, then drawing the part in 2D, there was sometimes a glitch occurring wherein cutouts that were not assigned or needed would be added to the part, specifically when the part had associative hardware, such as Face 5 and Face 6 miters. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- extra routes/cutouts should no longer be appearing on parts without being assigned. 

Routing Tool Fixes

  1. When users created an operation wherein the Default Border Router or any other assigned tool did not fit the operation, machining would be dropped by the operation, but users would receive no alert of this. 

  1. This issue has been resolved by adding a pop-up message, which will alert users when they have created an operation which calls for tools that none of the assigned tools match in size.
  2. Another issue was reported regarding routing tools. When changing the Default Routing Tool to one that matches the diameter of a 3D solid intended to be pocketed, then analyzing the 3D solid, users receive an error stating that there are no tools correctly sized for the part, even if the appropriately sized tool is assigned. 
  3. This issue has been resolved, the appropriately sized tool, when assigned, should no prompt no error. 

Lead-In Location Fix

  1. There was a reported issue with the SMA assigning pocketing lead-ins at non-standard locations. When creating a part with pocketing assigned to it, it is expected that the lead-in be placed at the ideal spot according to the part’s shape, such as the longest edge or midpoint of the pocket. Instead, the SMA was sometimes assigning the lead-in exclusively to corners. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- the SMA should now assign lead-ins at more optimal locations on a part, in accordance with its coding. 

Save Fix

  1. There was a consistent issue of non-functioning with the SMA’s save feature. The Analyzer’s feature, which is meant to enable users to save prior to analyzation, rarely successfully saved the open room or project. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- when electing to save prior to analyzation, the currently opened room should successfully be saved. 

Border Pass Fix

  1. An issue was reported with certain parts that were analyzed with the SMA, wherein parts would have incorrectly assigned routing. Even when the analyzed parts were assigned to use a specific tool during operation and have their borders routed via a single pass route, they would instead have a double pass route conducted, and use the default border tool, regardless of whether it was the correct diameter for the operation. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- routing operations should now use the correctly assigned tool and run the appropriate number of passes based on the part. 

SMA Bounding Box Improvement

  1. Functionality for computing the bounding box has been improved. This functionality will allow the SMA to more accurately gauge and fit parts more accurately and optimally on a sheet, reducing the probability of the SMA orienting or rotating a part incorrectly. Issues that were reported regarding optimizers not functioning with parts analyzed using the SMA should no longer occur.  

SMA Dado Analyzation Fix

  1. On parts run through the SMA, it was sometimes the case that some machining, such as studs or routes created using dadoes, would be dropped during analyzation, failing to appear on the resultant 3D product. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- machining for parts should no longer be dropped erroneously during analyzation. 

SMA Accuracy Fix

  1. There was an issue with specific shapes in 3D solids not being accurately translated to products when run through the SMA. Specific solids would sometimes be analyzed with incorrectly applied shaping, routing, patterns, etc. 
  2. Other parts with slightly more complex shapes would have a different issue, wherein their placement after analyzation would instead result in specific angles on the part being cut off or inverted, with incorrectly placed lines, routes, etc. 
  3. Some users have found, when analyzing the 2D shapes of specific drawings, such as octagons, the shape would be analyzed incorrectly, resulting in errors with the corners, lines, and general appearance of the drawing.
  4. All these issues have been resolved- the SMA should now be analyzing and translating shapes into products/parts with greater accuracy and less error on shape integrity. 

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