Toolbox Release Notes | Build 25.1.0221.641
The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 25.1.0221.641
UI Fixes
- An issue was reportedly occurring when users utilized pop-out menus near the edge of a screen on a multi-monitor workspace. When popping out a sub-menu, it is expected for the menu to be opened on the same screen as the general options being opened. This was found to not be the case, however, as sub-menus sometimes would pop out on different monitors. This issue has been resolved, sub-menus should now correctly detect and pop-out on the same screen as the menu they derive from.
- The prompt image for component inserts was found to sometimes not appear when scrolling through options in the dropdown menu of more recent Toolbox builds. This issue has been resolved, and the image should now appear when scrolling through options in the prompts.
- In recent builds, the “OK” and “Cancel” buttons were not present next to editable text boxes within the UI. These buttons have been re-added to this location next to editable text boxes.
- Users utilizing Overdrive Pro reportedly experienced an issue that caused an error when attempting to sort their product lists. This issue has been resolved- a coding change has been made to ensure that sorting no longer results in an error occurring.
- A UI issue was discovered with the scaling of the interface, which would sometimes cause users with their screen set to a certain display scale to have parts of their UI cut off. This issue has been resolved, and the UI should now display correctly on different visual scales.
Export to Grid Fix
- When using the Export to Grid option, there was an issue noted by some users with the encoding of the resultant CSV file. While CSV files exported using this option were intended to be exported in a UTF-8 format, some files were exported to a UTF-8 with BOM format instead. This issue has been resolved, and CSV files should now only export in regular UTF-8 format.
Processing Station Fixes
Multiple issues were reported and resolved regarding material management and processing in processing stations.
- There was reportedly an issue occurring when creating work orders with multiple materials. When filtering through materials and attempting to assign them to specific processing stations, materials that are not selected will sometimes be assigned to specific processing stations as though they were selected. This issue should no longer occur, and only materials specifically selected should assign to the processing station when assigning.
- Another issue surrounding sorting in work orders was reported. Some users found that when attempting to sort through specific parts in their work orders that were assigned to specific tools, they would sometimes experience an error. This issue has been resolved, sorting should no longer result in any errors.
- An issue was reported with specific materials in the processing station, in which very specific materials being included in the work order would cause an error. Specifically, this would only occur with materials that had a space in their name, which would prevent the work order from fully being processed or the work order file from correctly being generated. This issue has been resolved- a change has been applied to remove empty spaces from material names when processing, which should prevent this error from re-occurring.
- The Solid Model Analyzer sometimes experienced an issue when users assigned a tool the SMA could not utilize for an operation, such as one with an incorrect diameter, which would cause an error. This issue has been resolved- a pop-up message will now notify users when they are using a tool that does not match the parameters of the operation, rather than receiving an error.
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