Toolbox Release Notes: Year of 2021
This document will catalog all releases for Microvellum Toolbox software builds that were released in the year 2021. This encompasses builds 21.1.0202.641 to 21.2.0209.641.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.2.0209.641
Activity Tokens
- Modified Activity Tokens so they can now be deactivated by entering a 0 in the name column.
Flatshot Tokens
- Resolved an issue causing very slow work order creation when processing FLATSHOT Tokens where the 3rd (Hidden View) option of parameter 2 was enabled.
Scrap Management
- Resolved an issue where scrap dimensions were changing to zero when processing G-code from a nest.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.1227.641
Edit Design Data
- Resolved an issue where the workbook prefix (e.g. "L!") would not be added when applying a local variable to a formula.
- Resolved an issue where the "Revert Project Level Subassembly" function was not working properly in Edit Design Data.
- Resolved issue where a new subassembly saved to the project would be assigned to the row even when the "Assign to Current Row" checkbox was unchecked.
Single Part Editor
- Resolved an issue that produced an error when an associative entity was selected. A new dialog box explaining why you can't select certain entities will now be displayed for all commands under Additional Routing Tools.
- Resolved an issue where rectangles were not selectable for HBORE when using the "Select Existing" command.
- Resolved an issue where the tool value would not be updated when changing the tool on an existing face 6 polyline route.
- Resolved an issue where parts would not update correctly in the Single Parts Editor if the project name started with "Row".
- Resolved an issue where hardware and drawing only tokens would become lost when updating from Single Part Editor in AU library.
- Resolved an issue where PLINE tokens would be removed when updating subassembly parts from a Single Part Editor drawing multiple times.
- Resolved an issue where the Paste Name UI in Edit Materials would not display all defined names from the material workbooks.
- Resolved an issue where category filters for material prompt controls were not working correctly.
Modify Parts
- Resolved issue where moving a part within a subassembly using the "Move Parts" command produced an error.
Project Rooms
- Resolved issue where using the "New Room" button, but then creating a copy of a room, would cause unexpected results.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.1210.641
3D Drawings
- Resolved an issue with the 3D representation of parts containing a Polyline machine token with a Z-value offset greater than 0.
Integrated Post Processing
- Resolved an issue where some posts were causing an integrated post processor error.
Reports & Labels
- Resolved an issue where values on label images were rounding to the nearest whole number in MV Server.
- Resolved an issue where Edgename information fields were not being populated on some reports.
- Resolved an issue where a Cutrite ASCII saw would only print .wmf or .bmp file types despite all image types being available for selection. All types will now print.
NOTE: When using Cadmatic version 3 in conjunction with a Cutrite saw, you must set the Part Picture Type to "BMP" in order for the part image to display correctly on your labels.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.1119.641
Database Management
This build features significant development focused on improving the user experience with Toolbox's Database Management utility. The following updates and defect resolutions are included in this release:
- Added the ability to select and check multiple items at once in the Database Management tree-view (Shift-click to select multiple items at once, then click one of the checkboxes to check/uncheck them all).
- Added the ability to change the name of the exported database.
Because previous versions of Toolbox used the MicrovellumFactory file name exclusively, database files exported with custom names will not be available for import into older builds without first renaming them to "MicrovellumFactory.sdf".
- Added the ability to import databases that are not named MicrovellumFactory.
- Added a checkbox option that allows the overwriting of hardware machining tokens when importing hardware materials.
- Modified the default materials selection. Previously, all the materials in the database were selected anytime a project was exported or imported. Now if you are exporting a project, all the materials will automatically be selected (the user still has the option to remove the materials before export). If you are importing a project, no materials will be selected by default (the user still has the option to add materials for import).
- Modified the default Specification Group selection. Previously, Specification Groups were being imported/exported along with all products. Now, they will only be transferred if a project or library is transferred.
- Resolved an issue where it was possible to import duplicate records if the name of a record had been modified in the Resolve Names UI.
- Resolved an issue where after importing a project as a new project in Database Management, the categories would not be renamed to the new project name.
- Resolved an issue where the Resolve Duplicate Names UI would appear behind the progress bar so it was not apparent that user interaction was required to continue processing.
- Resolved an issue causing a "Could not find directory" error when importing a material file that did not include hardware images.
- Resolved an issue where importing formula materials in Database Management would not display the formula-driven material alias.
- Resolved an issue where an empty project level category was created when exporting a library.
- Resolved an issue when an import or export process failed or was canceled but the user, the program displayed a message that the operation had been completed.
Replace Products
- We have added the ability to skip a prompt when using the Replace Product command. If you don't want to use the original product's prompt value, you can set an optional control type on that product's prompts page via the Use Last Value column. Learn more about the Replace Products Prompt Override.
DXF Files
- Added a DXF Template for DXF files created during work order processing that includes the Dim Styles established in Options as well as a new viewport. Learn more about DXF Template Configuration.
- Resolved an issue when processing a nest with a tool file set to output to .dxf, parts in the produced files had extremely thick borders.
- Resolved an issue that was causing a missing vector on single part CutRite MPR borders.
Edit Design Data
- Resolved an issue where the list of Subassembly Variable names accessible from the Edit Formula interface was missing values.
IRIB (Include Routes in Borders)
- Resolved an issue where parts containing a lead-in that didn't penetrate the material to full depth failed to process with IRIB.
- Resolved an issue where the DXF writer was not working with some parts processed with IRIB.
- Resolved an issue where an error occurred with an incorrect angular tolerance on a very small arc created during IRIB processing.
Machine Tokens
- Resolved an issue that was causing improper machining for Camlock hardware.
- Added a Report Group Export Settings interface to the Setup Report Groups UI that allows for the modification of printing options (e.g. image quality, resolution, compression method, etc.) for each Report Groups report type.
- Resolved an issue where some reports were not being generated when the "output after WO batch" option was selected for Report Groups.
- Resolved an issue where Excel reports were not being generated for Report Groups.
- Resolved an issue where the markup was not populating correctly for formula-driven sheet materials on MV Costing Reports.
- Resolved an issue where manually printing Report Groups always printed the last batch instead of the selected batch.
- Removed a prefilter that was referencing a column that is no longer in use in the PartProcessingStation table when the associated report was a batch report.
Specification Groups
- Resolved an issue where copying a spec group and using the find and replace feature for edgeband materials would create an extra invalid record in cutparts.
- Modified functionality so that Face 5 barcodes are always produced unless it is a Nesting Processing Station. Those Processing Stations will only get Face 5 barcodes if they have associates.
- Resolved an issue where an underscore was appended to Face 6 file names after editing the part.
- Resolved an issue where an extra record was being added to Parts saved with an incorrect ID.
- Resolved an issue where parts in the Optimization Results table were being overwritten with non-existent data.
- Resolved a connection issue when working on SQL Server that resulted in an error locating part info.
- Resolved an issue where the material folder was dropping off when g-code was created from a P2P Processing Station.
- Resolved an issue where creating g-code from a composite drawing removed Face6Barcode column information and added extraneous information to other work order columns.
- Resolved an issue where Face5Filenames were being dropped when True Shape was on.
- Resolved an issue that was causing missing z values in vectors.
Workbook Designer
- Removed the obsolete "Export as Microvellum 6" menu item from Workbook Designer.
Work Orders
- Resolved an issue where the Work Order Name was not populating correctly using the Standardized Naming Convention.
3D Drawings
- Resolved an issue where hidden AutoCAD entities would be left in the drawing after redrawing a part with machining.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0916.641
User Interface
- Added a minimum window size and a maximize window control to many user interface windows including Part Properties, Product Prompts, Edit Design Data, and Create & Edit Work Order.
- Changed "Help Center" to "Microvellum Knowledge Network" on the Login Screen and About Microvellum Toolbox user interface.
- Modified the layout and added the ability to resize the Support Portal UI interface.
- Resolved an issue where Save and Redraw was closing the Part Properties menu when a 2D Product was present.
- Resolved an issue that was resulting in empty categories being deleted from Project Tree View even after "No" or "X" was selected from the confirm deletion dialog.
- Resolved an issue where the EU selection was not holding its value in the Library Region Selection Interface.
- Added “Allow Face 6 Border Routes” checkbox to the Integrated Post Processor (IPP) Tool File settings. When checked the machining instructions for border routes will be moved into the face 6 g-code file when there is no face 5 machining on the part. This feature is only applicable for IPP point-to-point machine code generation.
- Resolved an issue where Face 6 Routes built into borders still appeared on Face 6 causing the part border to be cut out on face 5 and then again on Face 6.
2D Drawings
- Resolved an issue with wall offset of products doubling when creating a cross-section of a wall with multiple products.
- Resolved an issue where creating a cross-section of a wall and products without using drawing tokens would not take into account the wall offset prompt of the product.
- Resolved an issue where editing a draw token when there was a 2D drawing present would produce an error.
- Resolved an issue where some text items would not apply the scale list for the annotative text of 2D Drawings.
Drawing & Machine Tokens
- Resolved an issue where parts that had neither a drawing token nor machine point assigned to them would still be processed for machining, causing an error.
- Resolved an issue where Camlock tokens were associating to part edges that were on the same plane but a different Z origin.
- Resolved an issue where Camlock offset hole would not offset in the correct direction.
- Resolved an issue where Edgeband tokens would not include the part quantity or product quantity in totals.
- Resolved an issue where the CUTOUT hardware machine token would not properly assign to the face of a part based on parameter 3 of the token.
- Resolved an issue where PLINEFROMHOLES options parameter was not being transferred to the route token that would be applied.
- Resolved an issue where using a region in a PLINE token would incorrectly assign the pocket route a sequence number of 0.
- Resolved an issue where Hardware Array machine tokens would not assigning the correct LinkIDProduct to the hardware item in the WO database.
- Resolved an issue where selecting New/Update GCode from Nesting Tools was causing the lead-in for a stay down nest to redraw incorrectly.
Part Properties & Prompts
- Resolved an issue with part properties overwriting data in the spreadsheet when the Prompts tab was selected.
- Resolved an issue where height above floor value was not updating correctly if it was formula-driven and the prompts UI was not refreshed.
- Resolved an issue where FLATSHOT token would not appear in part properties prompts tab.
- Resolved an issue where the SHELFSTD machine token would error out in the part properties UI.
- Resolved an issue when drawing a subassembly part in 2D where the product contained two identical subassemblies but different parts based on Bay Position would sometimes cause the 2D part list to display the incorrect part names.
File Import
- Resolved an issue where importing XML files would not apply the specification group combo box selection for products without a specification group listed.
Item Numbers
- Modified the CreateProductCopy() function so that it now accounts for the item number of the copied product.
Solid Analyzation
- Modified the default values for Nonplanar Parts Oversize Dimension and Minimum Part Size to 0.25.
Values will not be updated for existing configurations. However, they can be modified in the Solid Analyzation tab of the Configuration Editor (Toolbox Setup > Options > Solid Analyzation).
Processing Center
- Added a variable to the CutRiteV7.xlsx file ("ReplaceMatCodewithHandlingCode") to allow end-users to replace the Material Code in the PTX file with the Sheet Handling Code. See Cut Rite PTX Parts File Import from Microvellum for more information.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0827.641
- Modified the "Product Cost Details" command. The Estimate Price will now access the database value for sheet stock, solid stock, buyout, edge band, and hardware materials instead of the spreadsheet value which is no longer updated. The Estimate Price from the sheet with the highest optimization priority is used. If there are multiple sheets with the same priority, the lowest estimate price is used.
Note: After updating, make sure to review and update your Material Estimate Pricing to ensure accurate Product Cost Details.
User Interface
- Added the "Event Log Properties" user interface for the management of event log records. See Event Log Properties for more information.
- The database is no longer queried upon launching the Event Logs dialog. To see events, filters need to be set and “Apply Filters” selected.
- Updated the module listing in the "About Microvellum" user interface to accurately reflect available Software Features.
Resolved an issue where router machining was offsetting twice for Left or Right Compensation when Force Diameter Offset was checked and there was machining on both faces of the part.
2D Drawing
- Resolved an issue where hardware with a quantity of 0 would be deleted when drawing a part in 2D.
- Resolved an issue where an incorrect workbook was set when deleting hardware after a Single Part Editor update.
Machine Tokens
- Resolved an issue with the HWR hardware token where quantities were not being applied correctly to hardware items if the quantity of the product, part, subassembly, or nested subassembly was greater than 1.
Processing Center
- Modified the Load Parts by Material functionality so the grid is no longer reloaded when "Cancel" is selected from the material selection dialog.
- Modified the work order creation name parameter so trailing spaces are omitted from the name before the work order is created.
- Resolved an issue where Product Labels were not hidden in the report list of the Processing Center when "Hide in Report List" was selected in the report options.
- Resolved an issue where changing the Qty of Adjustable Shelves using the Shelf Spacing calculator and saving to "Subassembly Only" would save changes to the Project-Level.
- Resolved an issue where prompts did not get updated correctly when using the "Equal" checkbox in the Subassembly Prompts Custom Calculator.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0714.641
Include Routes in Borders (IRIB)
Improvements have been made to the Include Routes in Borders (IRIB) functionality of Toolbox. This means increased accuracy and faster processing of some parts with IRIB, especially parts created with the Solid Model Analyzer (SMA).
- Resolved an issue where IRIB was incorrectly processing parts created with SMA.
- Resolved an issue causing long wait times or freezing when analyzing profiles in the SMA template.
- Resolved an issue where IRIB would not process correctly when the first lead-out vector of a route was less than .5mm.
- Resolved an issue where Trim External Vectors was missing changes in vectors on routes with multiple z values.
- Resolved an issue where setting a Premill would interfere with IRIB processing.
- Resolved an issue where dado machining processed with IRIB changed from a double pass to a single for some lead-in/out values.
- Resolved an issue when True Shape was set above 40%, IRIB would process even when turned OFF.
- Resolved the issues that were causing parts to have a slight rotation in both the 2D and nest patterns.
- Important Note: With these changes, some parts may appear to be machined or rotated differently when compared to previous builds. These changes are intentional and in most cases, now correct.
- Important Note: To take advantage of the improvements that fix slightly rotated parts, you will need to reanalyze the 3D model where that originated.
- Resolved issues that were degrading the accuracy of 2D part machining and nest optimization results.
- Important Note : In some cases, especially when an arc is needed on a corner, you may experience and issue where IRIB cannot properly negotiate the part border polyline correctly. This is an issue that you may not experience, but if you do, please know that we are actively working to resolve it.
Report Data Processing
- We have streamlined the way part image, filename, barcode, edge boring (Hbore), and edgebanding location information for labels and reports is processed to improve accuracy and efficiency. This means you will no longer need part transformation functions to accurately display data on Microvellum generated part labels and reports. After updating to build 21.1.0714.641, your existing labels and reports may need to be updated. Learn more
- Resolved an issue where label rotation was incorrect after updating or creating new g-code from drawing.
- Resolved an issue where label images were created with edgeband lines in the wrong position.
- Resolved an issue when a perfectly square part was rotated in the initial processing of a work order, the part would not be rotated after using the Update/Create new g-code from drawing button.
- Resolved an issue where a part with a machine point that was rotated did not orient horizontal drilling correctly.
- Moved Barbaric, Homag Woodstore, and Schelling material handling types from Auto Labeling Type to a new Material Management Type drop-down selection in the IPP settings of the Tool File user interface.
Selection of a Material Management Type will set the Auto Labeling Type to none. After setting a Material Management Type on an updated station, older versions of Toolbox reading the same tool file will not handle materials as intended. It is recommended that all stations sharing the same tool file be running the same software version.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0519.641
- Resolved issue where part border Xdata would not write the correct LinkIdOptimizationResult after creating new g-code from drawing.
- Resolved issue where first-time processing with nest "face5filename" and "barcode" was not populated into the optimization results table in the database.
- Resolved issue where updating a nested part border in the nest drawing, 2D part editor would erase the part border and add a new one, but not transfer the Xdata from the older border to the new one.
- Resolved an issue where even with Include Routes In Borders (IRIB) turned OFF, IRIB would still be applied if True Shape Nesting was set above 40%.
Specification Groups
- Modified the Delete Specification Group functionality to give the option of saving unique components within the specification group instead of deleting them automatically.
- Resolved an issue where copying a Project Specification Group without checking any components to be copied with it resulted in an error when opening one of the components.
Edit Design Data
- Resolved an issue where redrawing a product with Edit Design Data while having a plan view of the product would move the product incorrectly.
- Resolved an issue where selecting "apply formula" in the product level prompts tab, subassemblies tab, or hardware tab of Part Properties would result in an object reference error.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0420.641
- Added a Utility to the Database Management Tools that imports materials from a spreadsheet, accommodating Hardware, Solid Stock, Edge Banding, and Sheet Stock material imports.
- Click here to learn more about Create New Materials From Import File
- The Database Management Tools UI has been reorganized and tooltips added to each button.
- Modified the Delete Orphaned Records message and added a message to all the audit buttons recommending a database backup before changes take place.
- Modified the message that displays if Audit Unified Work Order Database is selected when Unified Work Orders are not configured: "This action can only be performed when the software is configured to use a Unified Work Order database."
Product List
- Added “Prompts for All Products” label above the prompts list in the Edit Additional Prompts Interface.
- Added “Check on Click” to checked list box items in the Edit Additional Prompts Interface.
- Added tooltips to all buttons in the Edit Additional Prompts Interface.
- Added an extra blank column at the right side of the grid in the Edit Additional Prompts Interface to allow the last column to be property viewed.
- Added a minimum size to the Edit Additional Prompts dialog.
- Added the ability to maximize the Edit Additional prompts dialog window.
- Updated the icon in the Edit Additional prompts dialog title bar.
- The system prompt "ProductComments" is now more dynamic. If controlled by a formula, it will not be overwritten. However, if the prompt value is changed via the product list or prompts interface, the "ProductComments" prompt will populate with the new value.
- Modified the cell properties for prompts that are not available to certain products to read "N/A" instead of being blacked out.
- Edit Additional Prompts Interface columns will now auto-size at startup and when adding or removing columns.
- Modified the Edit Additional Prompts Width, Height, and Depth prompt values to display in red if formula driven.
- Modified the "Edit Selected Products Rows Only" checkbox to be checked by default when Edit Additional Prompts is loaded.

- Resolved an issue where Parts List Review in Product List resulted in Unhandled exception error for products containing nested subassemblies.
- Resolved an issue where some products in Edit Additional Prompts did not list a Specification Group.
- Resolved an issue where changes to a prompt value would be applied not only to selected products but to all products in the list.
- Resolved an issue where item numbers were being duplicated on newly copied products in the Edit Additional Prompts interface.
- Optimized the way "Show Additional Prompt Values" loads products to increase loading speed when there are multiple Specification Groups in the list.
- Resolved an issue where the Work Order Column would revert to the previous work order name after creating a Work Order from the Product List.
- Resolved an issue where the Height, Width, and Depth values in the Product List were not updating after editing the prompts in the Parts List Tab (Edit Design Data).
- Resolved an issue where products copied from the Product List were placed into the wrong room.
- Removed the empty “Moldings” category from the Product List because moldings cannot be added from the Product List interface.
- Resolved an issue where formula driven hardware was not pulling the correct data for the associative and non-associative drawing file.
- Resolved an issue where estimate cost would not be populated in the VendorCost column of the work order database for solid stock or buyout materials.
- Resolved an issue where MaterialXData fields for edgebanding were not being populated for formula driven and regular materials.
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0405.641
Machining & G-Code
- Added the Router Lead-in Adjustment Percentage variable to the Machining tab of the Configuration Editor. The variable adds or subtracts a percentage of the tool diameter to the lead-in size.
- Learn more about this change.
- Modified help text for parameter 3 of PLINEFROMHOLES machine token.
- Modified help text for parameter 8 of Associative Const. Holes machine token.
- Modified help text for parameter 7 of Associative Adj Shelf Holes machine token.
- Modified help text for parameter 5 of Associative Dado machine token.
- Modified Parameter 5 of the Shelf Standard Tokens. The parameter now has an optional value that will override the shelf row spacing global for this token. The user must enter in a pipe symbol followed by the new value. If no value is found it will revert back to the global.
- Resolved issue where ramp on dado was not on the correct layer, causing the ramp length to be too long.
- Adjusted tolerance amount of pocketing dado ramps to resolve an issue with specific material thicknesses.
- Resolved an issue where Convert to Metric was not being applied to the Edgebanding Token.
2D Drawing
- Added create material button in prompts selection UI for edgeband and hardware materials.
- Added the ability to filter categories for Material Prompts control types 7, 8, 9.
- Resolved an issue with Product Sections losing machining after Redraw in 2D.
- Resolved an issue where 2D plan view wall would redraw at 0,0 in the drawing after a redraw.
- Resolved an issue where 2D entities could not be prompted using MVPRODUCTPROMPTS or MVEDITDESIGNDATA.
- Resolved an issue where windowing 2D plan, elevation, and 3D item numbers of the same product would cause redraw issues.
User Interface
- Added ability to resize material select dialog and the new position and size will be saved.
- Modified the "Convert to Metric" option in the Configuration Editor so that it is no longer visible when using a metric configuration.
- Modified the minimum window size for the Project Wizard dialog.
- Modified help text for Part Size Adjustment in the Edit Material dialog.
- Resolved an issue where using the "Refresh Materials" button in the material select UI would override the toggle materials button.
- Resolved an issue where the filter material button in the material select UI would disappear after selecting the pointer radio button.
Design & Drafting
- Resolved an issue where drawing a product that did not have an image caused an error.
- PDF’s generated by report groups are now editable by default.
- Modified processing method to only load products and parts that are selected from the current work order, resulting in increased efficiency, especially on Unified Work Orders.
- Resolved an issue where the Length and Width columns of the Optimization Results table were not being converted to metric when Convert to Metric was selected.
Nested Subassemblies
- Resolved an issue where moving a nested Subassembly caused incorrect placement of hardware on the Subassembly.
- Resolved an issue where the Erase Parts, Move Parts, and Copy Parts commands were not handling nested subassemblies correctly and acted on the wrong subassembly.
- Resolved an issue where changes were not saved when editing a nested subassembly if a parent subassembly shared the same name.
- Resolved an issue where saving a nested subassembly to project as a new subassembly caused the first row in the product to be renamed to the name of the new subassembly.
- Resolved an issue where the Modify Subassembly commands were saved to the project level when used on a nested subassembly.
- Resolved an issue when using the "Move Parts" command, the parts moved, but returned to the initial locations after the product updated.
- Resolved an issue where Save to Project as New Subassembly followed by Save to Project Overwrite Existing caused a Workbook Set View error.
The following release notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.0202.641
Product and Subassembly Loading Speed Improvements
In this latest release of Toolbox, we’ve engineered data processing improvements to help streamline your workflow. These upgrades have resulted in significant speed improvements when loading products or subassemblies, including:
- Opening Large Projects
- Drawing Products
- Creating Work Orders
- Opening the Product List
- Opening Part Properties
Edit Design Data
- Resolved an issue where saving a new subassembly to the project, then saving it to the library would result in an error.
- Resolved an issue when saving a new subassembly, the parent subassembly was not updated with the new nested subassembly.
Product List
- Modified the grid behavior in Product Viewer. The grid will now maintain the active row when resizing columns. Previously it would reset to Row 1 each time a column was resized.

- Resolved an issue where rebuilding new subassemblies from Library in the Product List would result in an error.
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