Virtual Routes Tab

Virtual Routes Tab

The virtual routes tab is a unique tab that allows you to add a polyline line machining token that will create a machining route for every part that it touches within the product. In addition to modifying the parts in the drawing, machine code will also be generated from these routes. 

With the virtual routing operation, you don't have to specify a face in the token name but can still use a comment and filter names for the token. The face the machining route is applied to is going to be whichever face the vector points touch. 

Virtual Route Parameters

The list below is the available parameters when adding a virtual route operation. 


Parameter 1 - Vector Locations X;Y;Z (Format: 0;0;0|10;10;10)

The vector locations parameter works differently than your standard PLINE machining token. You will be entering the X;Y;Z vectors for the route based on the products or subassemblies origin. This is the point in 3D space where the routing operation will start. The Z vector is not the depth of the route like it is in a standard PLINE machining token. 

Parameter 2 - Bulge List (Format: 0|0)

If you need to add a radius to the routing operation, you can use the bulge list parameter. Enter in a bulge value for each pair of vector routes. Each value should be separated with a semi-colon (;).

Parameter 3 - Feed Speed (Format: 0;0)

If you want to control the feed speed of the machine on a per vector basis, make a semi-colon separated list with the feed speed of each vector listed. If the entry is left blank, the feed speed in the material file will be used. If no feed speed is found in the material file, the feed speed in the tool file will be used. 

Parameter 4 - Options (Format: 0;0;0;0;0)

This parameter provides five options. Separate each value with a semi-colon. If the entry is left blank, all default option settings will be used. With the first one, enter a 1 if the token is for machine code only. Enter a 2 if the token is for drawing purposes only. Enter a 0 (the default) if the token is used for both. For the second option, enter a 1 if you want the polyline to be drawn as a region or enter a 0 (the default) if you don't (valid for closed polylines only). For the third option, enter a 1 if you want the first vector to be treated as a lead-in, meaning that it will be ignored for drawing purposes. Otherwise, enter 0 (the default). For the fourth option, enter a 1 if you want the last vector to be treated as a lead-out, meaning that it will be ignored for drawing purposes. Otherwise, enter 0 (the default). For the fifth option, enter a number that represents the sequence priority of the route. 1 is the highest priority, and 99 is the lowest priority. With a value of 0, the sequence will be determined automatically. 

Parameter 5 - Offset (Format: 0;0;0|0;0;0)

This parameter can contain two groups of points that should be separated by a pipe. For the first group of points, enter an X, Y, and/or Z offset from the values in parameter 1. A semi-colon should separate each point. For the second group of points, enter the X, and Y center, and rotation angle. A semi-colon should separate each point. All the points in parameter 1 will first be offset and then rotated about the center point by the rotation angle specified. 

Parameter 6 - File Name

If you want to assign a profile cutter to the token, enter the drawing name here. 

Parameter 7 - Tool Number

The tool number from the toolfile to assign to the machining operation if a valid number is not found in the current toolfile the machining operation will not be used when drawing or processing the product. 

Parameter 8 - Tool Compensation

Enter in which side of the polyline route to place the tool. Enter in one of the values listed below:

  1. R = Right
  2. L = Left
  3. C = Center

Parameter 9 - Route Depth

Once a panel is found from the vector locations parameter, this parameter will determine how far to route through the part. 

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