Working in the Prompts Tab

Working in the Prompts Tab

Working in the Prompts Tab

To edit a prompt (whether at the product or subassembly level), select a prompt from the list.

With the Prompt Values tab selected, you will be allowed to edit the Value, Help Text, Combo Box Value, Mirrored Value, Picture Name, Tab Index, Control Type, Use Last Value, Calculator Index, whether the value is a number or dimension, if the prompt will be hidden or visible, if the prompt can be used in reports, Validation Code, and the color of the text.

When scrolling down the list of prompts, you will come across a blank row. Any prompts above the first blank row are VISIBLE prompts (prompts that can be accessed through the Product Prompts). Prompts after the first blank row are HIDDEN prompts (these are often used for calculations).

Prompt control types affect the way a prompt is displayed and used in the Product Prompts interface. Below is the list of available control types:

  1. Text Box - Can be a numeric or text value.
  2. Radio button - A control type of 2 signifies the first radio button in a selection group. Radio buttons are used to allow only one option in a group to be active.
  3. Subsequent radio button - A control type of 3 signifies the other radio button(s) included in a selection group. Control type 3 must immediately follow a control type of 2 to be included in the group.
  4. Check box - Turns something on (1) or off (0).
  5. Combo box - Displays a drop-down menu with a list of options to select from.
  6. Hidden - Does not display the prompt. This control type is often included in a formula that can hide the prompt depending on other options that may be active or inactive.
  7. Material selection - Allows you to select a material from the sheet stock, solid stock, or buyout materials.
  8. Edgeband selection - Allows you to select an edgeband material.
  9. Hardware selection - Allows you to select a hardware item.

Any control type that is followed by a “0” becomes locked from editing (i.e., 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.).

By selecting a prompt from the list and right-clicking, the following menu will be displayed.

  1. Add Visible Prompt – Allows you to add a new visible prompt. The prompt will be placed after the last visible prompt in the list.
  2. Add Hidden Prompt – Allows you to add a new hidden prompt. The prompt will be placed after the last hidden prompt in the list.
  3. Copy Prompt to Clipboard – Allows you to copy the selected prompt to the Microvellum Prompt Clipboard.
  4. Paste Prompt from Clipboard – Allows you to paste over a prompt with a prompt from the Microvellum Prompt Clipboard.
  5. Delete Prompt – Allows you to delete the selected prompt.

The Prompts tab also contains sections for additional drawing and machining instructions. Located to the right of the prompts list are the other types of instructions available.

  1. MetaFiles – This section contains properties for Microvellum’s built-in flatshot tokens.
  2. Plan View – This section contains properties for creating supplemental drawing instructions to be included in the 2D plan view of the product.
  3. Elv View – This section contains properties for creating supplemental drawing instructions to be included with the 2D elevation of the product.
  4. Cross Section – This section contains properties for creating supplemental drawing instructions to be included when a cross-section of the product is drawn.
  5. Elv Section – This section contains properties for creating supplemental drawing instructions to be included when an elevation section of the product is drawn.
  6. Plan Section – This section contains properties for creating supplemental drawing instructions to be included when a plan section of the product is drawn.
  7. Virtual Route – This section includes properties for creating virtual machining instructions. Virtual machine tokens, in a sense, are machining instructions that are “floating” in the 3D drawing environment. When a part touches these virtual routes, they will inherit the machining. For example, routes to notch parts for a column are found in the virtual routes.
  8. Face Frame – This section includes properties for creating supplemental drawing instructions for face frame products.
  9. Activity Tokens – This section includes properties for creating activity tokens. Activity tokens are often used with ERP software solutions and are typically used to reference different operations or areas in which the product may travel. For example, an activity station for assembly, shipping, and/or installation may be used to help track labor and cost.

With the Tabs, Calculators, and Warning Messages tab is selected, you will be allowed to add/edit the Tab List, Calculator List, and Warning Messages List.

  1. Tab List – Tabs are assigned to prompts and are used to separate/group them into the separate tabs in the Product Prompts interface.
  2. Calculator List – Calculators are assigned to prompts and are used to calculate values based on the number of prompts assigned and the parameters to use for calculations.
  3. Warning Messages – Warning messages are formulas that look to anything within the product and can be used to prevent a user from leaving the product interface. Warning messages are used to alert the user of invalid or conflicting data.

Select an item from any of the lists to view the value/formula in the Formula Editor. To edit the values/formulas, type a new value or formula in the Formula Editor, and click Apply Formula.

Selecting an item from any of the lists and right-clicking will display the options menu. For the Tabs and Calculators, you will be able to add, remove, rename, or assign them to a prompt that has been selected in the prompts list. For Warning Messages, you will be able to add or remove (editing is done through the Formula Editor).

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