Working with the Global Variables via the Toolbox Interface

Working with the Global Variables via the Toolbox Interface

The purpose of this article is to provide insight of the Global Variables when interacting inside the Toolbox Interface.

How to Access the Global Variables

  1. With Toolbox open, click "Toolbox Setup > Project Specification Groups."
  2. Select the desired Specification Group in the left window. 
  3. Click the "Open Global File" button.  
  4. Upon opening the Global File, you will be presented with a user interface that contains tabs across the top. Each tab contains its own unique categories, which are structured in a tree view that can be opened to view the different variables. 


General Settings: Variables in this tab are commonly changed project to project or user to user. For example, perfect graining may be present in one project but not in another and some users may prefer their 2D Drawings to be hidden. User Preferences are also located here. You are able to disable Wizard Variables here and choose to show different options such as Advanced Options to always show up in the Product Prompts. 

Library Construction: The Library Construction tab is mainly focused on how you would construct your cabinets and other miscellaneous products. It is recommended to set these up initially when you first set up the library, so you do not have to change these settings very often. 

Machining: The Machining tab contains variables related to the production and machining of your products, including settings for tools, screws, cams, dados, and dowels. It is unlikely that you will need to make significant changes to this tab after initial setup, unless you are working with multiple clients who have different machining requirements. In this case, it is recommended to create multiple Global Files in your Library Specification Groups for each client to accommodate their specific needs.

Hardware: The Hardware tab consists of all your Hinge, Handle, and Lock settings. 

Drawers/Rollouts: The Drawer Tab contains all the settings for your Drawer Box and Drawer Drilling Settings. The Drawer Type is also viewable here, but it is meant to be changed inside of the Project Wizard.

Formulas/Legacy: This tab contains Drawer Top, Middle, and Bottom Gap. 

Expansion Settings: The Expansion Settings contain all the variables for the Staircase, Face Frame, Closet, Office Furniture, Fixtures, and Countertop expansions. The variables changed in here will be specific to the expansion category you change them under. For example, the Face Frame cabinets will function off the 2D settings under the Face Frame 2D Settings and not under the settings made in the General Settings tab.

Renaming Library

The Library Version you are running is shown as a category for quick reference. If you make any significant changes to your library, this is a good place to signify the modifications by renaming it. To rename your Library, simply right-click on the category and select "Rename Selected Category".

Category Properties

To access the Category Properties interface, right-click on any Category in one of the tabs and click "Show Properties".

The Category Properties interface allows you to customize and manage your categories to better suit your needs. You can rename a selected category, change its parent category to improve organization, or add, rename, or remove main tabs. This can help you tailor the layout of the software to your specific use case and improve your efficiency. For example, if you use the software primarily for shop drawings, you may want a different layout than someone in charge of machining. Ultimately, the most important thing is to set up the categories and variables in a way that works best for you.

Global Variable Editor

To access the editor, right-click on the desired variable and select "Show Properties". The Global Variable Editor allows you to customize variables by changing their parent category and color to better organize them to your liking. This can help you better manage your variables and improve their visual organization. You also have the ability to change the image and the control type for the variable. 

This video demonstrates the use of the Component Library. Please note that if you are using the Foundation Library, the interfaces and features may appear different. However, the underlying concepts remain the same.

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