Basic CAD Commands
World Coordinate System (WCS)
The WCS is the coordinate system for world space or the model space as a whole. A book in object space rests on a table in world space. The table uses the world coordinate system. World space is the universal coordinate system for all objects. World ...
Reset Drawing WCS and ViewCube with the UCS World Command
Using 2D Drawing Commands like PLINE while in a User Coordinate System (UCS) view can cause the World Coordinate System (WCS) and the AutoCAD ViewCube to behave unexpectedly. In the animation below, after a PLINE is drawn and the viewpoint is set to ...
About Using Object Snaps
Object snaps provide a way to specify precise locations on objects whenever you are prompted for a point within a command. For example, you can use object snaps to create a line from the center of a circle to the midpoint of another line. You can ...
About Polar Tracking and PolarSnap
Polar tracking restricts cursor movement to specified angles. PolarSnap restricts cursor movement to specified increments along a polar angle. When you create or modify objects, you can use polar tracking to display temporary alignment paths defined ...
About Adjusting the Grid and Grid Snap
To enhance drawing speed and efficiency, you can display and snap to a rectangular grid. You can also control its spacing, angle, and alignment. The grid is a rectangular pattern of lines or dots that cover the entire XY plane of the user coordinate ...
About the ViewCube
The ViewCube is a navigation tool that is displayed when you are working in 2D model space or 3D visual style. With ViewCube, you can switch between standard and isometric views. The ViewCube is a persistent, clickable and draggable interface that ...
Converts the current drawing to either named or color-dependent plot styles. A drawing can use either named or color-dependent plot styles, but not both. CONVERTPSTYLES converts a currently open drawing from color-dependent plot styles to named ...
Imports the objects in a PDF file or an attached PDF underlay from the command line. Options are provided for selecting either a PDF underlay or for specifying a file. The following prompts are displayed: File - Opens a standard file selection ...
To Work with Entering Commands
How to enter a command on the command line. Enter a Command on the Command Line Enter the command using one of the following options: In the command prompt text box, type the full command name and press Enter or Spacebar. If the automatic command ...
About Positioning the Command Window
Change the position and display of the command window to suit the way you work. Docking the Command Window A docked command window is the same width as the application window. It is displayed in a fixed location above or below the drawing area. ...
LAYISO Command
Hides or locks all layers except those of the selected objects. All layers except the layers of the selected objects are either turned off, frozen in the current layout viewport, or locked, depending on the current setting. The layers that remain ...
Turns isometric drafting settings on or off, and specifies the current 2D isometric drafting plane. The ISODRAFT command supersedes the ISOPLANE command. The primary advantage of ISODRAFT is that when it is turned on or off, all related settings are ...
PSPACE Command
In a layout, switches from model space in a layout viewport to paper space. As part of designing a layout, you can create objects in paper space. Typically, you insert a title block (see INSERT) and create layout viewports (see VPORTS), which can ...
Changes the draw order of images and other objects. Several options are available that control the order in which overlapping objects are displayed. In addition to the DRAWORDER command, the TEXTTOFRONT command brings all text, dimensions, or ...
CHANGE Command
Changes the properties of existing objects. The following prompts are displayed: Specify Objects If you select lines and other changeable objects in the same selection set, you get varying results depending on the object selection sequence. The ...
LINE Command
Create a series of contiguous line segments. Each segment is a line object that can be edited separately. The following prompts are displayed: Specify First Point Sets the starting point for the line. Click a point location. With object snaps or ...
Converts a color-dependent plot style table (CTB) to a named plot style table (STB). Displays the Select File dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box), where you can select the color-dependent plot style table file you want to convert. The ...
Inserts a base point or base point prompt in an action macro. As you record an action macro, you can use this command to insert a prompt for base point input. During playback, the macro pauses to display the prompt and does not continue until a ...
Adjusts how a texture is mapped to a face or an object. Adjust how a texture wraps around different shapes by changing the alignment, or mapping. You can specify a mapping shape that is similar to the shape that uses the texture and then use the ...
DIM Command
Creates multiple dimensions and types of dimensions with a single command. You can select objects or points on objects to dimension, and then click to place the dimension line. When you hover over an object, the DIM command automatically generates a ...
MIRROR3D Command
Creates a mirrored copy of selected 3D objects across a mirroring plane. You can specify the mirroring plane by aligning the objects with a specified plane or by specifying three points. For Example: It is recommended that you use the gizmos ...
3DSCALE Command
In a 3D view, displays the 3D Scale gizmo to aid in resizing 3D objects. With the 3D Scale gizmo, you can resize selected objects and sub-objects along an axis or plane, or resize the objects uniformly. The 3D Scale Gizmo shortcut menu offers ...
3DALIGN Command
Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D. Specify up to three points on the object to be aligned. Then specify up to three corresponding points for the destination. The following prompts are displayed: Select Objects Selects one or more ...
3DROTATE Command
In a 3D view, displays the 3D Rotate gizmo to aid in revolving 3D objects around a base point. With the 3D Rotate gizmo, you can drag to rotate selected objects and sub-objects freely or constrain the rotation to an axis. If the visual style ...
3DFACE Command
Creates a three-sided or four-sided surface in 3D space. After entering the last two points for a 3D face, the command repeats automatically using the two points as the first two points of the next 3D face. For example: The following prompts are ...
3DMOVE Command
In a 3D view, displays the 3D Move gizmo to aid in moving 3D objects a specified distance in a specified direction. With the 3D Move gizmo, you can move selected objects and sub-objects freely or constrain the movement to an axis or plane. If the ...
3DARRAY Command
Creates non-associative, 3D rectangular or polar arrays. 3DARRAY functionality has been replaced with the enhanced ARRAY command, which allows you to create associative or non-associative, 2D or 3D, rectangular, path, or polar arrays. 3DARRAY ...
3DMESH Command
Creates a free-form polygon mesh. The mesh density controls the number of facets, and is defined in terms of a matrix of M and N vertices, similar to a grid consisting of columns and rows. 3DMESH is a legacy method for creating mesh, designed ...
3DPOLY Command
Creates a 3D polyline. A 3D polyline is a connected sequence of straight line segments created as a single object. 3D polylines can be non-coplanar; however, they cannot include arc segments. The following prompts are displayed: Start Point of ...
3DORBIT Command
Provides interactive viewing in 3D with the mouse. Right-click to display viewing options. 3DORBIT activates a 3D Orbit view in the current viewport, and the 3D Orbit cursor icon appears. You cannot edit objects while 3DORBIT is active. If you drag ...
Creates a mesh between four contiguous edges or curves. Select four adjoining edges that define the mesh. The edges can be lines, arcs, splines, or open polylines. The edges must touch at their endpoints to form a single, closed loop. You can ...
Creates a mesh by revolving a profile about an axis. Select a line, arc, circle, or 2D or 3D polyline to sweep in a circular path around a selected axis. The MESHTYPE system variable sets which type of mesh is created. Mesh objects are created by ...
BLEND Command
Creates a spline in the gap between two selected lines or curves. Select each object near an endpoint. The shape of the resulting spline depends on the specified continuity. The lengths of the selected objects remain unchanged. Valid objects ...
SLICE Command
Creates a new 3D solids and surfaces by slicing, or dividing, existing objects. The cutting plane is defined with 2 or 3 points by specifying a major plane of the UCS, or by selecting a planar or a surface object (but not a mesh). One or both sides ...
UCS Command
Sets the origin and orientation of the current user coordinate system (UCS). The UCS is a moveable Cartesian coordinate system that establishes the XY work plane, horizontal and vertical directions, axes of rotation, and other useful geometric ...
Creates a rectangular polyline. Creates a closed rectangular polyline from the specified parameters such as its diagonal corner points, dimensions, area, and type of corners. The following prompts are displayed: Current settings: Rotation = 0 ...
Creates an equilateral closed polyline. You specify the number of sides of the polygon and whether it is inscribed or circumscribed. The following prompts are displayed: Number of Sides Specifies the number of sides in the polygon (3-1024). ...
ARC Command
Creates an arc. To create an arc, you can specify combination of center, endpoint, start point, radius, angle, chord length, and direction values. Arcs are drawn in a counterclockwise direction by default. Hold down the Ctrl keys as you drag to draw ...
HIDE Command
Displays a 3D model with hidden lines suppressed for the 2D Wireframe visual style. Objects that can hide other objects include circles, solids, text, regions, wide polyline segments, 3D solids, 3D surfaces, 3D meshes, and the extruded edges of ...
HATCH Command
Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill. When the ribbon is active, the Hatch Creation contextual tab is displayed. When the ribbon is off, the Hatch and Gradient dialog box is displayed. If you ...
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