Formula Reading & Writing
EQ Functions
It is sometimes convenient to design a product that contains parts with a varying quantity. An adjustable shelf is a good example of this. The problem is that no two shelves can occupy the same place in space. There are two potential solutions for ...
Selective Machining with the Part Name Filter Functionality
The case may arise where a machining token needs to be assigned to one Hardware item sub-assembly and never applied to another. For example, when a token is to be ignored for a door front but applied to a drawer front. Machine Tokens, using a Name ...
Understanding the OFFSETPOLYLINE Spreadsheet Function
The OFFSETPOLYLINE Spreadsheet Function allows for vector points to be entered, from a polyline token, for example, and the function then returns the vector coordinates offset by the desired amount. The OFFSETPOLYLINE function is formatted as such: ...
How to Create a VLOOKUP Table in Excel
Developing Parametric Polyline Machine Tokens
Using the Part Thickness Column
The purpose of the following article and video is to provide guidance on how to utilize the Part Thickness Column inside the Edit Design Data for a product. The "Toggle Part Thickness Column" button on the navigation menu in the Edit Design Data ...
Improving Product Library Performance
The purpose of this article and video is to provide guidance on how to enhance the speed and performance of your Library. When it comes to Library Performance, it refers to the speed at which products are rendered in 2D and 3D, as well as the speed ...