Processing Stations
Edgeband Premill Settings and Part Size Adjustment
In the processing station set up, there are three options for Edgeband Premill. Use Legacy Premill This setting (Figure 1) will cause the program to remove from the part edge the thickness of the edgeband material applied to that edge while adding ...
Tutorial: Processing Stations Auto Assign Rules
The "Auto Assign Rules" in the Processing Station settings are designed to save you time by automatically assigning Processing Stations to parts in the Processing Center based on the rules you select in the Processing Station Setup. This means you ...
Parts File Processing Station Associates (Overview)
Overview of Processing Station Parts File Associates Microvellum contains complete nesting optimizer and complete sawing optimizer solutions. It also supports third-party optimizers such as Ardis, BlueCell, and CutRite. Microvellum creates a “parts ...
Configuration Editor: Processing Stations Options
This article provides an overview of the options and settings available on the Processing Stations tab of the Configuration Editor (Options) Interface. For a complete list of available tabs and options visit Overview: Configuration Editor (Options) ...
Assigning a Toolfile to a Processing Station
This article explains the steps to assign a toolfile to a processing station. Hover over "Toolbox Setup" and select "Options." Select the "Processing Stations" tab and double click the processing station you would like to assign a toolfile to. In ...
Sawing Processing Station Controls and Settings
The Files & Pictures tab contains file path location settings as well as image settings for part and label images. The Saw tab contains settings for optimization and saw operation. Parameters – Allows you to set and adjust the parameters based on ...
Point-to-Point Processing Station Controls and Settings
The Parts tab allows you to control the lead-in offset and ramp, as well as to control whether parts need to be rotated if the dimensions have been transposed.
Nesting Processing Station Controls and Settings
To access the settings for a processing station, select the processing station and click the Edit icon. The Settings tab for the processing stations is the same across the different types of processing stations. Name – Allows you to set the name for ...