Microvellum Knowledge Network

Anyone else get the "You cant right click and place a cabinet" bug?

Every now and then, sometimes several times a day I get a problem where I cannot right click on the interface to place a cabinet.  Has anyone else seen this issue?  Does anyone know how to resolve it?

The only way I can fix it is if I clear my Temp Folder, Restart my computer.  Even then sometimes the bug persists so I have to restart and clear my temp folder again and again until it finally works.

I've reinstalled Microvellum, tried a new computer, installed a new Toolbox Build.  Nothing seems to work and we don't know why its only happening to my computer.

The only unique thing about me is I use the Sandbox to develop updates.  Is there a way to find out if there is a bug in the sandbox?  A folder or path error, a product not saved properly that is bugging the rest?



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